Tag Archives: posing-slutty

Bella Thorne Slutty of the Day

Look – it’s a Bella Thorne photoshoot of Bella Thorne in slutty outfits posing slutty like some kind of sex worker, which makes sense considering most sex workers were molested as children, and Bella Thorne, not officially a sex worker, at least not in the traditional sense of the term…she doesn’t do porn, she doesn’t do hookering, but a sex worker by my standards because Instagram titty hustling is porn to me, as is being a Disney star of a Disney show, it’s fucking perverted as fuck and the reason wy this girl sexualizes the fuck out of herself…when she’s not showing off her gross acne, or hanging with her muppet boyfriend mooching off her celebrity to get himself ahead, the K-Fed no one notices because Bella Thorne doesn’t matter, despite thinking she does…. Here’s her young fit body. The post Bella Thorne Slutty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne Slutty of the Day

Emilia Clarke in VOGUE for Game of Thrones Premiere of the DAy

Emilia Clarke has sacrificed herself by posing slutty for Vogue to promote Next Week’s Game of Thrones premiere…even though she’s got countless sex scenes on the show…and you’ve already seen her naked, part of the reason she’s famous, you like her, and get a boner from her… I don’t watch the show, I can’t participate in that world, I will never watch the show, but it seems like every motherfucker is on the show…even though DRAGONS DON’T EXIST AND ARE FOR NERDY WEIRDOS…making people who buy into the story and huge production just typical followers who eat what they are told to…but then again, maybe I just haven’t joined the cult because I haven’t watched an episode and been brainwashed, I generally instinctively stay away from what everyone likes…not because I am some hipster pretending I’m so different, but because I’m an anti social with borderline personality disorder and would prefer having zero in common with anyone…especially anything with dragons… You are being marketed to fools… The point is that Emilia Clarke is lookin’ good in this shoot…and I’ll just leave it at that…instead of going into why you Game of Throne Fans are such typical basic cunts… The post Emilia Clarke in VOGUE for Game of Thrones Premiere of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emilia Clarke in VOGUE for Game of Thrones Premiere of the DAy

Lindsay Lohan in a New R.E.M. Video of the Day

I guess R.E.M. hasn’t died of AIDS yet, because they just released a video OVER 1 MONTHER AGO – that no one gave a fuck about until they realized that Lindsay Lohan was in it earlier today….. Her cameo is all of 30 seconds and she’s rockin’ her fake porn lips, posing slutty half naked, while people take pics of her….all set to a horrible fuckinbg song that makes me want to get sodomized like I was Michael Stipe and die of AIDS so that I either get where he’s coming from in this pile of shit before not being stuck in a world where this kind of shit exists. Maybe I’m being Dramatic….but I guess that’s just what Lohan’s awesome tits do to me…cuz seeing her star in garbage like this…when she should be staring in Oscar Winning porn movies with me….is a bigger tragedy than her life is….

Excerpt from:
Lindsay Lohan in a New R.E.M. Video of the Day

Kaley Cuoco Does Maxim of the Day

I haven’t seen Kayley Cuoco on the scene since she killed John Ritter on set of 8 Simple Rules. I guess she’s making a comeback in the form of posing slutty for Maxim while it slowly sinks into the sea of failed magazine, while trying to latch onto any almost celebrity they can to grace their pages before they fully close-up shop….

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Kaley Cuoco Does Maxim of the Day