Britney Spears’ new message: Just Say No to Pants Eating Healthy Sanity Airbrushing! The 28-year-old singer has refused to allow her latest ad campaign, for the Candie’s fashion line, to be airbrushed or in any way digitally enhanced. She’s all natural in the new ads, baby, and more power to her for making sure the only fake message disseminated by Candie’s is Bristol Palin’s PSA . Highlighting the pressure on girls to look perfect, the campaign will release the retouched Britney Spears pictures simultaneously to prove a point… In the “raw” Britney pictures, bruises are visible on her calf, her thighs are larger and dimpled with cellulite, and dry skin is evident on Spears’ feet. In the airbrushed images her waist is slimmer and her legs absolutely flawless. A source said: “Britney is proud of her body – imperfections and all.” Good for her. But how do you prefer Britney Spears?
See the article here:
Britney Spears Pictures: Unaltered!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged airbrushed, bennyhollywood, britney, Britney Spears, eating-healthy, fake-message, fashion-line, Gossip, Pictures, pressure, spears, sure-the-only, the-pressure, the-retouched