Tag Archives: federal

The Tax Man Cometh: IRS Threatens To Seize NeNe Leakes’ Assets Unless She Coughs Up $824,000

NeNe Leakes Owes IRS $824,000 It’s a good thing that NeNe Leakes still has some checks coming in …because the IRS says they’re missing a substantial amount of their cut and they’re looking for a payout . Via MailOnline : Former Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes has been threatened by the federal government that says her assets will be seized unless she pays $830,000 in back taxes. Leakes, whose real name is Linnethia Monique Leakes, was hit with a Federal Tax Lien on July 22 in Georgia court. The IRS accuses the 48-year-old reality star of refusing to pay a total of $824,366.01 in back taxes for the year 2014, according to court documents. And if she doesn’t pay, the IRS says it will begin the process of seizing her assets and property to collect on her debt. Last year, Leakes dropped $2million on a brand new six-bedroom, six-bathroom, 9,511square-foot home in Deluth, Georgia. The home is in a gated community that features a country club, golf course and several other amenities. Well…NeNe says she’s VERY RICH, so writing out a Trump check to the tax man shouldn’t be an issue, right? Bravo

Read more from the original source:
The Tax Man Cometh: IRS Threatens To Seize NeNe Leakes’ Assets Unless She Coughs Up $824,000

A Very Pregnant And Full Chested Tameka “Tiny” Harris On Steve Harvey “Beyonce Or Rihanna” [Video]

Before taking part in Steve Harvey’s all-star Stepmom Summit, musician and reality TV star Tameka “Tiny” Harris answers our Questions to the Stage!

See the original post:
A Very Pregnant And Full Chested Tameka “Tiny” Harris On Steve Harvey “Beyonce Or Rihanna” [Video]

Poor Yandy: Mendeecees Turns Himself In To A Pennsylvania Penitentiary To Begin His 8 Year Prison Sentence

Mendeecees Harris Turns Himself In To Prison Mendeecees Harris’ time as a free man is over. Yandy Smith’s husband took to Instagram today, January 19, to post a final message to fans outside of the federal prison where he’ll spend 8 years behind bars. According to Mendeecees he’s “heartbroken but good” and the drug trafficking he previously did was due to he previously being “young, hungry and close minded.” He also sent a message to dads; “ It truly is FAMILY OVER EVERYTHING! Fathers, go raise men! Men to lead their family. Men to do the right thing. No matter what you had to do or may still be doing raise them babies right! Poor thang. Just before turning himself in, Mendeecees had a going away dinner with family and friends. He’s now at Pennsylvania’s FCI Allenwood federal penitentiary despite asking a judge if he could serve his time in New York to be closer to his kids.  What do YOU think about Mendeeces turning himself in???

See original here:
Poor Yandy: Mendeecees Turns Himself In To A Pennsylvania Penitentiary To Begin His 8 Year Prison Sentence

That ‘Force Awakens’ Stormtrooper Who Calls Finn ‘Traitor’ Is The Best Character

The Internet has elevated a minor character in “Star Wars” to straight up super stardom.

That ‘Force Awakens’ Stormtrooper Who Calls Finn ‘Traitor’ Is The Best Character

That ‘Force Awakens’ Stormtrooper Who Calls Finn ‘Traitor’ Is The Best Character

The Internet has elevated a minor character in “Star Wars” to straight up super stardom.

That ‘Force Awakens’ Stormtrooper Who Calls Finn ‘Traitor’ Is The Best Character

Thousands Of People Are About To Lose Access To Food Stamps In 2016

Over 46 million Americans rely on the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for food. But on the first day of 2016, 31,000 of them in the state of Louisiana will likely go hungry thanks to Gov. Bobby Jindal.

Original post:
Thousands Of People Are About To Lose Access To Food Stamps In 2016

Thousands Of People Are About To Lose Access To Food Stamps In 2016

Over 46 million Americans rely on the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for food. But on the first day of 2016, 31,000 of them in the state of Louisiana will likely go hungry thanks to Gov. Bobby Jindal.

Original post:
Thousands Of People Are About To Lose Access To Food Stamps In 2016

Perverts: FBI Knew Subway Sicko Jared Fogle Was A Pedophile But Allowed Him To Molest Kids For Years

FBI Knew Subway Sicko Jared Fogle Was A Pedophile But Allowed Him To Molest Former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle pleaded guilty to having sex with two minors and possessing homemade child ssex tapes, although there were many more victims. He agreed to a plea deal where he will serve 5 to 12.5 years in prison and pay $1.4 million in restitution to his victims but could the FBI had arrested the pervert sooner? According to Raw Story the answer is yes… “I would fly us clear across the world if we need to. To Thailand or wherever we want to go. If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us it would be a lot easier,” said 38-year-old Fogle, married father of two, in the tapes. “I had a little boy. It was amazing. It just felt so good. I mean, it felt — it felt so good.” The recordings were made by Rochelle Herman-Walrond, a former Florida journalist who took it upon herself to stop Fogle after hearing him profess his sexual taste for children. Masking her own disgust, she befriended Fogle so she could record and expose him. She contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who asked her to wear a wire. Glossed over in the mainstream media, however, is the fact that the entire process took ten years, according to an interview Herman-Walrond gave to ABC News. She wore a wire for four-and-a-half years before the FBI took action and arrested Fogle. “That was my biggest question, ‘Why was it taking so long?’” journalist Rochelle Herman-Walrond told ABC affiliate WWSB. “A case of this size just happens to take that long, and that’s what I was told.” For at least four years, the FBI had evidence of Fogle’s criminal behavior and chose to let the abuse continue. As Herman-Walrond asked, why did it take so long to stop him? The casual excuse is the bureaucracy itself, but we know that when the government wants to act quickly, it does. It does not hesitate in killing, disappearing, or jailing those it deems are a threat to government, and it sets aside constitutional protections to do so. However, when the threat is in the form of sexual predation on children, government takes its time because “it just happens to take that long.” Eff this sicko!!!!!!!

Read this article:
Perverts: FBI Knew Subway Sicko Jared Fogle Was A Pedophile But Allowed Him To Molest Kids For Years

Here We Go Again: Anthony Mackie Says Marvel’s “Black Panther” Doesn’t Need To Be Directed By A Black Person

“They Didn’t Need A Horse To Direct Seabiscuit”: Anthony Mackie Explains Why Black Directors Shouldn’t Expect To Direct Black Super Hero Movie Bruh, why are you still talking for us? Anthony Mackie is still spitting his nonsensical opinions about blackness into the press. The black actor spoke to The Daily Beast and they asked him his stance on Marvel hiring an African America to direct the Black Panther movie, which is a franchise based around a black super hero. The question is relevant because a director has not yet been chosen for the film although they’ve already planed on it’s 2018 release. He is what he had to say about it: “I don’t think it’s important at all,” he says. “As a director your job is to tell a story. You know, they didn’t get a horse to direct  Seabiscuit ! The thing is I don’t think the race of the director has to do with their ability to tell a story. I think it’s all about the director’s ability to be able to relate to that story and do it justice. I think men can direct women, and two of my greatest work experiences were with female directors. So I think it all depends. May the best man—or  wo man —win.” Comparing black people to horses seems problematic when there’s already a lack of  black film makers and directors in Hollywood. Just keep your comments to yourself next time, dawg.

Here We Go Again: Anthony Mackie Says Marvel’s “Black Panther” Doesn’t Need To Be Directed By A Black Person

Feeling The Bern? Hillary Clinton Vows To Stop Cashing Checks From Private Prison Lobbyists And PACs

While presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders been relying solely on the people to fund his campaign, Hillary Clinton been filling up her massive war chest with millions of dollars donated by lobbyists and political action committees aka PACs. Well, no more. Sorta. The former Secretary of State has promised to quit collecting checks from private prison lobbyists and their PACs after receiving mounting pressure from Black Lives Matters and immigration groups. Hillary even plans to donate monies already received to charities. From Buzzfeed : Black Lives Matter and immigration groups have increasingly called for Hillary Clinton to stop taking campaign donations from private-prison lobbyists, a demand highlighted by a recent protest of a Clinton speech from a DREAMer activist in October. On Thursday, a spokeswoman for Clinton said she will no longer accept donations from PACs and lobbyists working on behalf of private prisons. The spokeswoman said in a statement that Clinton believes that this aspect of the criminal justice system is the responsibility of the federal government, and that there is no need for “private industry incentives that may contribute — or have the appearance of contributing — to over-incarceration” in the United States. “That is why the campaign will not accept contributions from federally registered lobbyists or PACs for private prison companies, and will donate any previous direct contributions to charity,” the statement read. “This is only one of many ways that she believes we need to rebalance our criminal justice and immigration systems.” Good move after hubby Bill Clinton admitted he made the nation’s criminal justice system worse by signing a bill that made it mandatory for all felonious criminals to receive life sentences under the federal “three strikes” provision. Image via WENN

Here is the original post:
Feeling The Bern? Hillary Clinton Vows To Stop Cashing Checks From Private Prison Lobbyists And PACs