Woman Flashing Ass Gets Panties Pulled Down by a Creep Truck VS Idiot Who Dropped Groceries My Kind of Tits Port-O-Potty LOLZ Woman Confuses Building Entrance with Garage TRUCK VS TRAIN Body Cam Footage of a Cop Taking an 18 Foot Fall The post Topless Chick Falls Off the Bar and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Since the first report about the Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal that got production shut down, everyone’s been wondering exactly what’s happened. Warner Bros is apparently conducting their own investigation into what is indisputably an extremely complicated situation that involves accusations of sexual assault. And, according to a report, they’re uncovering more videos that might be related to the case. Finally breaking her silence, Corinne Olympios stated that she is a victim , though she’s said very little else except that she’s retained legal counsel. Controversial events happening on a show where people signed contracts can put people in complex legal situations where public statements are concerned. We’ve known from the get-go that Warner Bros is looking into what happened with the alleged drunken sexual hookup in the pool. Well, RadarOnline reports that the Bachelor in Paradise investigation has now expanded to video recordings not directly related to the incident itself. ” Bachelor producers are combing through hours and hours of tape to find everything they ever shot of Corinne,” reports their source. “They have hours of unaired tape from her audition to being in the Bachelor house and now on the Paradise show.” That’s not surprising. That’s how reality show works — they just film and film and film, and then edit things down for time and to tell a story. “They have lost interviews and footage that never aired.” That makes sense … though we’re not sure why that would be needed, as RadarOnline claims, since the actual events in the pool and beforehand were surely caught on multiple cameras. But if any any of this spills over into any kind of court, which is seeming more and more likely, everybody involved will need every piece of evidence. Recovering lost footage makes sense. Warner Bros and their investigators aren’t the only ones who want to know exactly what happened. For one thing, Corinne herself doesn’t remember, so we’re sure that she wants the details of what happened during her missing time. Though, of course, we can’t imagine that she’s eager . We’ve already heard that their hook-up left no body part untouched — and some licked — and reached the level of softcore pornography. This situation must be traumatic enough without knowing even more details. We assume that Warner Bros’ highest priority is determining if any producers or members of the crew caused or encouraged the situation in some misguided attempt to land ratings. If that was their intention, obviously, then they pushed it way too far and it backfired. Unfortunately, we just don’t know. The source also says something a little alarming: “They want to be prepared in case legal action follows,” referring to finding all recordings of Corinne herself. We don’t know exactly what Warner Bros is hoping to find in these hours of unseen footage taken earlier. Like … short of Corinne and DeMario sitting down and planning to, at some point, get inhumanly drunk and hook up in a pool, what could investigators be looking for? Unless maybe one of the producers who’s under the microscope at the moment alleges that something along those lines took place. Because … on some level, it sounds like Warner Bros is expecting Corinne to sue them … and like they could be preparing footage of her previous antics to, what? Victim-blame her? But, even if this report from this source is true, that might not be what they’re doing at all. The optics alone on that would be terrible for any company. DeMario Jackson wants his name cleared , so we’re sure that he’s eager for the investigation to bring everything to light. But as far as we know, Corinne Olympios hasn’t singled him out. In fact, “guy takes advantage of wasted girl in pool” would be a much simpler (and tragically, all-too-common) story. But every report that we’ve seen says that they were both absolutely wasted. It’s understandable that he would be on the defensive, though — considering racism in America today and how some vile people might portray him as some sort of predator. Hopefully, when everyone is able to speak about this, we’ll know who really did it. And we’re still not sure how all of this bonus footage that the producers are supposed to be digging up could help. Sure, people on that show have been pretty wild, but how does that relate to the case? Maybe we’ll find out. View Slideshow: 11 Most Naked Moments in Bachelor History
Image via WENN Footage From Kendrick And Rihanna’s “LOYALTY.” Leaks Online Kendrick Lamar’s latest album DAMN. is still in rotation for the summer with mirror-shakin’ bangers like “HUMBLE.”, rapper-chewing records like “ELEMENT.” and tenderly touched jams like “LOVE.”, but it appears that another fan favorite is getting the video treatment for the next single. Twitter is abuzz with excitement after someone (probably a coffee-fetching intern) let loose this footage that appears to be the filming of Kung Fu Kenny and Rihanna’s trappy allegiance anthem “LOYALTY.” #INFO : Le clip #LOYALTY (Kendrick Lamar feat. Rihanna) a été filmé hier. pic.twitter.com/k32pk8RgGU — RIHANNA NOW (@RihannaNowFR) June 10, 2017 No sign of Robyn in this clip, but that appears to be Kendrick sitting in a throne while being serenaded by a harem of subservient strumpets. Guess we’ll have to wait for the video’s release before we know for sure. What do you think? Hate it or love it?
While at a concert Saturday night in Baltimore with The Lox, 50 Cent was pulled off stage by an aggressive fan causing him to punch her square in the chest. After realizing the fan was a female, 50 invited her on stage to dance. Check out the footage below: Lalaa Shepard @lalaashep
It sounds like Kim Zolciak and Brielle Biermann wouldn’t shake hands with Angela Merkel, either. In one of our favorite Twitter rants of 2017, the famous mother and her nearly-equally famous daughter WENT OFF on Monday. Their target? Employees at Frankfurt Airport in Germany, claiming these individuals went ahead and actually stole some of their belongings. The reality stars were on their way back from a European vacation when the alleged craziness went down. “Crazy ass airport n [sic] Germany!” Tweeted Zolciak at the outset of her social media meltdown, adding: “So extra Told me its my government thats why they r searching all my stuff! Throwing my wigs around & s—.” Whoa there. Everyone should know better than to mess with a woman’s wigs. We’re not even making a joke there. Which is good because neither Kim nor Brielle was in a laughing mood on Twitter anyway, as they alleged they were treated unfairly due to their U.S. citizenship. “I went through security they searched my carry on, squeezing all my nutri grain bars, throwing my stuff around,” Zolciak whined at one point. Claiming she made it to her gate and was then told she had to RETURN to security again, Kim continued her tirade against the Germans. “I said this was crazy,” she wrote, to which she added that an airport official replied: “It’s because of YOUR government.” That seems a little hard to believe. Yes, U.S.-German relations are not at an all-time high right now, following Donald Trump’s trainwreck of a meeting last week with Merkel. But still, even at times of heightened global tensions worldwide, we still doubt Kim and Brielle were singled out for their nationality. Try telling that to the distraught stars, however. “SERIOUSLY @Airport_FRA all your employees need to get F–ked,” Brielle Tweeted, explaining: “They stole ALL MY s— and are harassing a bunch of people! SO F–king RUDE.” In a series of expletive-ridden messages, the 20-year old also wrote that “every single person who works here can go f— themselves” and concluded: “Don’t ever f—ing come to Germany. I hate this place.” Zolciak’s Twitter storm comes amidst rumors that she may return to The Real Housewives of Atlanta . That would at least explain the outrage to some extent; perhaps she’s trying to remind producers that she’s an expert at stirring up drama. Between co-stars. Between allied countries. Whatever. Bring them on! Kim also may have been hoping to distract the public from the fact that her four-year old recently handled an actual gun . Showing far more patience than we ever would in this kind of situation, the airport actually responses to Brielle’s Tweets, asking her to file a complaint to their customer service department. “@BrielleZolciak Dear Brielle, sorry to hear,” reads a message from the airport’s official Twitter account. “Those are serious accusations. Please tell me what happened.” We really hope this incident doesn’t further harm relations between Germany and the United States. That is so not what we need right now. View Slideshow: Brielle Biermann: Photos of Instagram’s Hottest New Star!
If Kim Kardashian was given the option of erasing one video from all of history, you think she'd choose the Kim Kardashian sex tape . But we think you'd be mistaken. That Ray J-directed amateur porn has earned millions of dollars for the reality star, while the footage below has earned her nothing but derision and embarrassment. As Dancing with the Stars Season 24 gets set to premiere on ABC, we thought it would be fun to flashback for a few minutes and remember when Kim was actually a contestant back on Season 7. We understand if you forgot. She only lasted longer than two other competitors. And we knew Kim was in trouble when she told partner Mark Ballas that she wasn't even confident in the Mambo, a dance that mostly just asked Kardashian to shake her world famous rear end around the stage. “Everyone's gonna expect this, like, sexy thing and I'm really not,” Kim confessed during a pre-taped interview package with Ballas, adding at the time: “My biggest challenge with the mambo is just shaking my butt. Everyone thinks I know how and I just really don't. I think I need, like, Booty 101.” Alas, Kim would not have time to study up. She was thrust into the spotlight and asked to work that butt in front of the judges and millions of viewers watching at home. How did she fare? Click PLAY and see for yourself:
I posted this video that was shot in an African village. It is of a farmer or farm hadn trying to cultivate more milk out of the cow. Apparently the primitive, or brilliant method they use is Blowing in the cow’s ass. It’s a fascinating feat of man, especially when he wipes the cow’s asshole off with its tail and goes back in for more. Now I am not surprised, I have been deleted and blocked off instagram over and over and over again, and part of the reason I don’t use social media is because I have been deleted off every platform, over and over again making it impossible to build out… But when your video is national geographic quality – anthropology – sociology – culturally rich….while EVERYONE from the kardashians to local whores are posting nudes…it becomes a bigger issue… I should sue…..but it was a stolen video anyway….I just figured I’d post it. The post The Cultural Video Instagram Deleted Off My Account of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .