Tag Archives: freshly-dumped

Lindsay Lohan’s Dangerous Cleavage

I don’t know what these pictures of Lindsay Lohan are for, but the fact that she’s holding a machine gun in a leotard and her boobs are hanging out makes it alright. They’re probably for another movie she’s planning on starring in but has no financing or producers or even a script. I like the way this chick thinks, pose for some sexy promo photos and then figure out what the hell she’s going to do with them. Well done.

Scarlett Fay Pornstar Bikini Pictures

For those of you like me who haven’t got a clue who the hell this Scarlett Fay chick is, she’s the pornstar who played Lindsay Lohan in some Hustler videos a little while back. Here she is on the beach with her fake SCRAM bracelet and smokes tucked into her bikini bottoms trying to get a little more attention. Not surprisingly she looks absolutely nothing like Lindsay, but she’s a pornstar in a bikini so that’s good enough.

Lindsay Lohan Does A Body Good

I’m not sure what these pictures are all about, I’ve never really understood fashion photography, but they feature Lindsay Lohan gyrating on the floor in a sexy little outfit so I’m keeping them. Really, how often are we going to get to see her moving around on the floor like a stripper? I know, give it time and we’ll see it when she’s an actual stripper, but I can’t wait that long. Anyhow, these are for something called a 6126 Lookbook Fall 2010 . Anyone? Just a heads up guys, if you know what the hell that is you might want to think about how you’re going to come out to your family and friends. Just a thought.

Lindsay Lohan’s Breasts Exposed

In case any of you were wondering how Lindsay Lohan’s boobs were coping with being associated with this whole I’m drunk and I don’t care who knows it attitude…. They’re doing just fine. Here they are looking clean and sober on the cover of GQ Germany. I know, what the hell do the Germans know about Lindsay Lohan’s boobies?…… Apparently enough to get them into a position I like…. Exposed.

Lindsay Lohan Is Going To Jail… Still Hot

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating probation or being an all around self righteous lady douche or something along those lines, but did you also know that she had the words F@#k U written on her fingernail the whole sentencing. Me neither, but the folks over at

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Lindsay Lohan Is Going To Jail… Still Hot

Lindsay Lohan Attempts Some Decent Cleavage

Here’s Lindsay Lohan doing her best to stay on my radar by attempting to drop some decent cleavage for me. She was doing a pretty good job of it until her annoying hair decided to ruin it for the rest of us. Stupid hair. You’re supposed to highlight the boobs with some pigtails or something, not block it out completely. Get it together, It’s the boobs turn to get some attention. Poor things.

Lindsay Lohan’s Sexy Ankle Cover Up

Here’s Lindsay Lohan out the other night in her sexy weird outfit on her way to do something, who knows, probably nothing very exciting now that she’s clean and sober (wink). Whatever it is she’s up to she’s looking pretty good doing it. I kinda like that she always has to wear sexy boots to cover up her anti-booze ankle bracelet, now if the judge could somehow force her to show me her boobs justice would be served.

Lindsay Lohan’s Breasts Are Awesome

I’ve always loved Lindsay Lohan , even when she gets drunk and disorderly, and I especially love a chick who looks amazing in jeans and a t-shirt. Here she is casually walking the streets with her awesome big breasts. This is how breasts are supposed to look in a t-shirt, someone should tell Britney Spears and her messed up nipples . Lindsay and I would look pretty good walking together hand in hand, her and her massive boobs and me with an awkward boner. Call me.

Lindsay Lohan’s Shirt Is On Backwards

I get the feeling that Lindsay Lohan is drinking again because she seems to be wearing her shirt incorrectly. I’m not up to date on the latest fashions, unless beer stained Vuarnet t-shirts are considered haute couture, but I believe it’s on backwards. I’m 99% sure that it’s supposed to be the other way around so that perverts like me can see that juicy front meat of hers. Who’s with me?

Lindsay Lohan’s boobs Make A Run For It

Lindsay Lohan’s boobs have really been making the rounds lately, here they are trying to break free from her restricting dress. Just let them out already. Why hasn’t Lindsay been in Playboy ? What is she waiting for? Anyhow, this is the perfect kind of dress for a hottie like Lindsay, she can show off her sweet chesticles and still manage to wear her slutty tights and hooker boots. It’s a win win situation for everyone. Enjoy.