Tag Archives: fridge

Submit a 10-Word Review, Win a Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy Set

Another week, another chance to play guest critic at Movieline and win a great prize. This time, our giveaway is Jurassic Park -themed in honor of the dinosaur trilogy’s Blu-ray release this week. Click ahead to begin the fun!

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Submit a 10-Word Review, Win a Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy Set

VIDEO: Johnny Depp Promotes Rum Diary by Jamming with ZZ Top Frontman

While at the Austin Film Festival to pimp this week’s Hunter S. Thompson adaptation The Rum Diary , star Johnny Depp grabbed his guitar and took to the stage with Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top for a surprise rock show. Because that’s how you get the kids to come to your new period movie, folks! Viral marketing meets rock ‘n’ roll! Johnny Depp can do no wrong! Watch the video and stick around for more Buzz Break.

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VIDEO: Johnny Depp Promotes Rum Diary by Jamming with ZZ Top Frontman

Steven Spielberg Blames George Lucas for Indiana Jones Aliens, But Takes Credit for Nuking the Fridge

Steven Spielberg may have hated George Lucas ‘s addition of aliens into Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls , but the much-loathed refrigerator scene? All him. “What people really jumped at was Indy climbing into a refrigerator and getting blown into the sky by an atom-bomb blast. Blame me. Don’t blame George. That was my silly idea. People stopped saying ‘jump the shark.’ They now say, ‘nuked the fridge.’ I’m proud of that. I’m glad I was able to bring that into popular culture.” See here, fellas: No one gets away clean. [ Empire ]

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Steven Spielberg Blames George Lucas for Indiana Jones Aliens, But Takes Credit for Nuking the Fridge

The Seven Deadly Sins Of Dating

Maintaining relationships can be difficult business, and it only grows more complicated as the time and emotion you invest into a partner increases. As expected, you won’t always get along. There will be plenty of arguments over finances, the clashing personalities of friends and family as well as over little things like how he always leaves the quart of milk in the fridge with not even enough for a bowl of Special K. If your relationship is strong enough, it will breeze right past the small stuff, but sometimes even the strongest relationships will find themselves at a point of no return. Read More At Madamenoire.com

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The Seven Deadly Sins Of Dating

The Seven Deadly Sins Of Dating

Maintaining relationships can be difficult business, and it only grows more complicated as the time and emotion you invest into a partner increases. As expected, you won’t always get along. There will be plenty of arguments over finances, the clashing personalities of friends and family as well as over little things like how he always leaves the quart of milk in the fridge with not even enough for a bowl of Special K. If your relationship is strong enough, it will breeze right past the small stuff, but sometimes even the strongest relationships will find themselves at a point of no return. Read More At Madamenoire.com

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The Seven Deadly Sins Of Dating

Jessica Simpson is a Big Lady in Red of the Day

I think I realize why Jessica Simpson is so crazy in bed. It’s not because her ex-husband was a queer who could only get off if she fucked him like a dude, but more to do with a fat chick with a dream of getting married and having a family of her own. If you ever go home with that dolled up fat chick, only to learn she’s got 4 cats and a subscription to wedding magazines and baby name books on her coffee table, you can be pretty fucking sure you’re in for a good ride because all the bitch really wants from you is your cum inside her, as her desperation has got to that point where she’d actually bang you in the first place… So when I see Jessica Simpson, I see hope. I just need another 20 pounds, a few more failed relationships and bad dates, and access to be within 10 feet of her because when that happens, her pussy will be so craving, even homeless dick is dick that can give her what she wants, and hell the homeless dick may be crazy, but at least it will stick around for the bed and food in the fridge… Pics via Bauer

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Jessica Simpson is a Big Lady in Red of the Day

More Jennifer Aniston 41 Year Old Ass of the Day

Here are the leftovers of John Mayer, Brad Pitt and pretty much half of Hollywood’s ass they used to fuck but left to die. I know shit is called sloppy seconds when you’re talking about a college chick you pass around, but Jennifer Aniston is what you’d probably call the chinese you bought a month ago that got lost in the back of your fridge that you contemplate eating when you are wasted even though you know it will make you sick, but I still think she’s got a hot body and the fact that she’s Greek and has natural self lubricating in her asshole, almost makes her expiry date irrelevant…. Pics via Bauer

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More Jennifer Aniston 41 Year Old Ass of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Weight Watching Plan

Ghost Whisperer star Jennifer Love Hewitt said she keeps only enough food for two days in her home to help her stay slim. The 30-year-old actress was criticized when she previously put on weight and after having lost a few pounds, she said she has her own ways of resisting the treats.

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Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Weight Watching Plan

Kim Kardashian’s Ass on Letter Man of the Day

Remember when Kim Kardashian’s ass was a celebrity and starred in a “black on half Armenia, full spoiled brat useless cunt” sex tape, well shit is starting to look like shit, you know after a night of drinking, when you come home and eat the only food you have in your fridge that happens to be rotting, but not all that bad considering you’re drunk, until you wake up the next day and see clumps of what may be your liver and parts of your stomach in the fuckin’ toilet, but you still wanna fuck it and I wanna piss on it, cuz I know she’s into getting peed on, and I guess there’s something hot about treating a bitch like a public toilet, especially if her pussy smells like one or is as clean as one.

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Kim Kardashian’s Ass on Letter Man of the Day

Indie Rock Coloring Book

Here's a nice coloring book (for charity!) to decorate your fridge with. I saw Sofia Coppola and Thomas Mars on the street this morning, so I'm feeling qualified to post this. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment