In case you somehow weren’t aware, Kanye West is a card-carrying, red hat wearing, verbal vomit-spewing member of MAGA Nation. Outside of a Russian billionaire whose investment portfolio is made up entirely of coal mines, McDonald’s franchises, and XXS glove manufacturers, it’s impossible to imagine anyone who might love Donald Trump more than Kanye does. Yeezy’s outpourings of affection for the Donald have been relentless as of late, and not surprisingly, it seems members of his inner circle are growing bored of the routine. West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, has shown herself to have the patience of a freakin’ saint in dealing with her husband’s erratic behavior, but even she draws the line at dude saying slavery was “a choice.” But Kim has clearly made the decision to ride this one out and hope the old Kanye emerges from the Sunken Place sooner rather than later. The same can’t be said for Ye’s most high-profile friends. Yes, the friendship between Kanye, Jay Z and Beyonce has always been fraught with tension, and it seems that these days the Carters have decided that West simply isn’t worth it. “They are outraged over Kanye’s recent political rants,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. The insider went on to confirm that Bey and Jay feel the same about this situation as the rest of us: “They think Kanye is a disgrace and is only doing this for attention,” the source says. “Beyonce and Jay Z know that Kanye is seeing a future in politics, but they feel that they cannot associate themselves with them from this point forward. And apparently, Kim has been lumped in with Kanye in the Carters’ eyes: “They want nothing to do with either one of them,” says the insider. We suppose we’re a little sympathetic to Kim, but not very. After all, you can’t complain about the downsides of being married to an irate d-bag when you’re benefitting from the … well, we assume there must be some upside to being married to Kanye. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Reveals What Kanye Paid Her $1 Million NOT to Do
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Jay Z & Beyonce to Kanye West: It’s Us or Trump!