Tag Archives: gaffes

Oops: Lib Columnist Bemoans Non-existent ‘All-white’ Senate

On Thursday, National Newspaper Publishers Association columnist Julianne Malveaux wrote that Marco Rubio, along with two Asian-American Senators, one Hispanic Senator, and two black Senate candidates are all in fact white men. Malveaux, also the president of Bennett College, decried the travails of Kendrick Meek, the black Democrat vying for his party’s nomination for US Senate in Florida. “If Meek can’t pull this one off,” Malveaux wrote, “the United States Senate will become, again, a segregated body.” She also used the terms “lily-white” and “all-white” to describe the racial makeup of a Meek-less Senate. Readers must be forgiven for their confusion, given that another candidate for Senate in Florida, Marco Rubio, is not white, but Hispanic. In fact, excluding Roland Burriss, Illinois’s lame duck Senator, the Senate has three non-white members: Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka of Hawaii are both of Asian descent, and Robert Menendez is of Hispanic descent. There are also black Senate candidates beyond Meek: Alvin Greene in South Carolina, and the less-known but infinitely more qualified Georgia Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond. How to explain Malveaux’s bizarre contention? Your guess is as good as ours.

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Oops: Lib Columnist Bemoans Non-existent ‘All-white’ Senate

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Complains About Blogs Pointing Out Her On-Air Gaffes

In part two of her interview with TVNewser editor Kevin Allocca on MediaBistro.com’s Media Beat , MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer discussed a incident last year in which she mistakenly introduced Reverend Jess Jackson as Al Sharpton: “…those things make me crazy…. I really hate that something like that can paint your whole career.” Brewer specifically called out blogs for reporting the gaffe: “…when I was younger in my career, if I had made a mistake like that, there were no blogs to keep it perpetuity.” Allocca replied: “Are you looking at me? I do have a blog that keeps things in perpetuity.” Brewer responded: “Whether you do or not, there will be someone else to pick up that slack, so I won’t hold it against you in particular.” The TVNewser blog did indeed report the incident on October 21, 2009, as did NewsBusters .                          Brewer explained: “…the best thing I can do at the point is just to apologize and the Reverend has been very gracious and accepted my apology.” She then added how the gaffe “turned into a great opportunity to develop a relationship with someone that I admire,” referring to a subsequent meeting with Jackson. While discussing the issue with Allocca, Brewer declared: “I’m the final gate keeper, I’m the last person to try and make sure that the facts are right, that what we’re moving forward and we’re putting out there is, most importantly, factually correct.” That has not always been the case with Brewer. In August of 2009 she fretted over “racial overtones” of “white people showing up with guns” at anti-ObamaCare protests but failed to mention one such man she cited was actually black. During the first part of the Media Beat interview, Brewer described her MSNBC audition as “like a Marine Corps obstacle course” and criticized “difficult” guests that “come on with an agenda.” Here is a transcript of the second part of the Media Beat interview:   KEVIN ALLOCCA: And speaking of spending a lot of time on air, when you’re on air a lot, it’s live television, there are mishaps and – that happen. CONTESSA BREWER: Really? ALLOCCA: Yeah. And there have been some that have happened with you and I’m wondering – you know, I’m speaking, for example, you know, recently, not that recently, but the Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton incident that happened. [BEGIN CLIP] CONTESSA BREWER: Joining me now to talk about this and the nation’s real problem of joblessness, the Reverend Al Sharpton. What’s your reaction to hearing someone say, ‘you know, when it comes to income inequality, all’s well, the rising tide floats all boats?’ JESSE JACKSON: I’m Reverend Jesse Jackson. BREWER: Right, I don’t – you know, I’m so sorry, the – the script in front of me said Reverend Al Sharpton. I’m looking at your face, I know who you are, Reverend Jackson, we all do. I’m sorry.         [END OF CLIP] ALLOCCA: Do you feel like those kind of gaffes get – get more attention from you than other people or do you feel like it’s sort of standard for the industry? BREWER: I don’t know, because I don’t Google everybody else, but I do Google myself, and yes, I think that I get a lot of attention for that. And the reason why those things make me crazy is because, you know, this is what I was saying about juggling, this job is really about how many balls do you have in the air at once. And when something shows up in the Teleprompter that’s wrong, I’m the final gate keeper, I’m the last person to try and make sure that the facts are right, that what we’re moving forward and we’re putting out there is, most importantly, factually correct. And in that case, I missed it, I didn’t see it, didn’t catch it, didn’t realize I’d said it. And once it became very obvious that I had said it, the best thing I can do at the point is just to apologize and the Reverend has been very gracious and accepted my apology. And actually, his – it’s turned into a great opportunity to develop a relationship with someone that I admire and I think he’s – he always brings an interesting perspective on current events. The part that is still a bitter pill to swallow, I really hate that something like that can paint your whole career with ‘you don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know who you’re talking to.’ I hate that. And you know, when I was younger in my career, if I had made a mistake like that, there were no blogs to keep it perpetuity. ALLOCCA: Are you looking at me? BREWER: Well, I’m just- ALLOCCA: I do have a blog that keeps things in perpetuity, but- BREWER: I’m just – whether you do or not, there will be someone else to pick up that slack, so I won’t hold it against you in particular. ALLOCCA: Well, thank you for that. BREWER: You’re welcome. 

See the rest here:
MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Complains About Blogs Pointing Out Her On-Air Gaffes

NBC’s Todd Defends Obama ‘Twitters’ Gaffe: ‘Written Incorrectly in His Prepared Remarks’

On NBC’s Today on Friday, White House correspondent Chuck Todd preemptively dismissed any criticism of President Obama referring to “Twitters” during a joint press conference with Russian President Dimitri Medvedev on Thursday: “It turns out he didn’t misstate it. It was written incorrectly in his prepared remarks.” During Todd’s report, a clip was played of Obama noting how in a visit to California’s Silicon Valley, Medvedev went to “visit the headquarter of Twitters.” Obama simply placed an ‘s’ after the wrong word. Rather than let the minor gaffe stand, at the conclusion of the report, Todd made to sure to explain the typographical error to viewers: “You did not mishear. The President did say the word ‘Twitters,’ plural.” Despite Obama’s inability to correct the remarks off the cuff, Todd solely blamed a White House staffer for the mistake: “A speechwriter falling on his sword on that one.”                              Todd quickly changed the subject to a similar gaffe made by President Bush: “…it did bring back memories of President Bush one time referring to those ‘internets.'” The media was certainly never quick to come to Bush’s defense after a verbal misstep.   In his report, Todd observed how Obama got a “diplomatic head-start” on the upcoming G-20 economic summit in Canada by meeting with Medvedev and how “…the President treated Medvedev to cheeseburgers at one of the President’s favorite burger spots in northern Virginia.” Here is a full transcript of Todd’s June 25 report: 7:07AM MATT LAUER: President Obama will be keeping an eye on what’s happening in the Gulf today from Toronto. He’s heading there this morning to join a host of world leaders at the G-20 summit. NBC’s chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd is there as well. Chuck, good morning to you. CHUCK TODD: Well, good morning, Matt. The President is scheduled to arrive here later this morning. He’s going to have a new Wall Street reform deal in his back pocket. It’s something he’s going to try to use to convince these other nations from around the world to do similar action. On Thursday he met with an important G-20 ally, the Russian president. Believe it or not, it’s the seventh time these two have met face-to-face. Security here at the G-20 meeting is tight. The Canadian government has spent more than any other host country ever to try to make sure world leaders are safe. Heading into the important economic summit, the President got a diplomatic head-start by meeting with one of America’s most touchy allies, Russia, and its president, Dimitri Medvedev. BARACK OBAMA: America’s most significant national security interests and priorities could be advanced most effectively through cooperation, not an adversarial relationship, with Russia. TODD: And yet, despite the global economic concerns and the presence of the Russian president- UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Does the change in command in Afghanistan- TODD: A reporter’s first question brought the President back to the issue that’s dogged him all week, Afghanistan. OBAMA: I am confident we’ve got a team in place that can execute it. TODD: The President promised no more personnel changes after Wednesday’s dramatic firing of General Stanley McChrystal and the President made sure to leave himself wiggle room on the question of whether the U.S. will actually go through with its plans to draw down troops in July, 2011. OBAMA: We didn’t say we’d be switching off the lights and closing the door behind us. We said as we begin a transition phase in which the Afghan government is taking on more and more responsibility. TODD: Medvedev was asked if he had any advice for the President, given Russia’s long and costly war in Afghanistan. DIMITRI MEDVEDEV: But I try not to give pieces of advice that can’t be fulfilled. TODD: But Defense Secretary Robert Gates did have words of advice. ROBERT GATES: No one, be they adversaries or friends, or especially our troops, should misinterpret these personnel changes as a slackening of this government’s commitment to the mission in Afghanistan. OBAMA: Visit the headquarter of Twitters. TODD: On a lighter note, President Obama noted President Medvedev opened a Twitter account and joked it was a 21st sentry substitute for the old Cold War hotline. OBAMA: I have one as well, so we may be able to finally throw away those red phones that have been sitting around for so long. TODD: Earlier in the day, the President treated Medvedev to cheeseburgers at one of the President’s favorite burger spots in northern Virginia. MEDVEDEV: Probably it’s not quite healthy but it’s very tasty and you can feel the spirit of America. TODD: Alright. You did not mishear. The President did say the word ‘Twitters,’ plural. It turns out he didn’t misstate it. It was written incorrectly in his prepared remarks. A speechwriter falling on his sword on that one. But it did bring back memories of President Bush one time referring to those ‘internets.’ Matt. LAUER: Alright, Chuck Todd, thank you very much. He’s in Toronto this morning.

More here:
NBC’s Todd Defends Obama ‘Twitters’ Gaffe: ‘Written Incorrectly in His Prepared Remarks’

Sir Paul Compares Global Warming Skeptics to Holocaust Deniers – Says of Obama, "I Really Love Him"

Seems the only thing gushing more than the BP oil spill these days is the disaster brewing in Paul McCartney’s mouth.  In an exclusive interview with The Sun , McCartney takes a major swipe at global warming realists, er, deniers, by stating (emphasis mine): “Sadly we need disasters like this to show people. Some people don’t believe in climate warming – like those who don’t believe there was a Holocaust.” Well that’s putting things in perspective.  I’m not sure global warming has been proven to have caused the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion.  Missed that report.  Regardless, it remains unclear how the theory of global warming is in any way similar to the reality of the Holocaust. McCartney goes on to defend President Obama from any and all criticism concerning the Gulf disaster, culminating with the revelation that he “really love(s) him.” Because nobody was really sure where your allegiances lied after the ‘library’ swipe at former President Bush, Paul. McCartney starts with a blanket dismissal of the Obama critics: “I don’t accept the criticism of Barack over the oil spill.” He continues, “If the President of the country you spilled oil in tells you off then you’ve just got to take it or say, ‘I’m really sorry, we’ll clean it up and pay for it all by next week.” Now I ask, why didn’t BP think of that in the first place?  All of these failed attempts and confusion in trying to ‘plug the damn hole’, and all Tony Hayward had to do to make things right was say, “I’m really sorry, we’ll clean it up and pay for it all by next week.” Of his recent visit to the White House, McCartney recalls, “It was such an honour. I’d heard of the prize – it’s the biggest for popular music in the US. When the President gave it to me, I was so touched. I’m a huge Obama supporter. I really love him.” He also gushes, “I think Obama’s doing great. He’s a smart guy.” I’m not sure what it is, but McCartney is clearly smitten with our ‘smart guy’ President.  Perhaps it was his spelling of the University of ‘Sycacuse’ .  Perhaps it was his over-estimation of a tornado death toll by roughly 9,988.  Maybe it was his firm grasp of geography .  Or his love of Sioux City . No word on whether it was true that Sir Paul went on to say, “He had me at 57 states .” Based on these comments it is clear that, as The Sun interview states, McCartney has been spending too much time sitting in “a darkened room lit only by scented candles … to gather his thoughts.” Clearly the gathering isn’t working.  To be fair though, even the Dutch skimmers would have a tough time reigning in those thoughts. – Send comments or tips to rustyweiss@verizon.net . Please join me on Facebook.   Photo Credit:  AFP/Getty

The rest is here:
Sir Paul Compares Global Warming Skeptics to Holocaust Deniers – Says of Obama, "I Really Love Him"

Really? The NY Times Passes on Obama’s ‘Buck-Stops-Here Philosophy’

President Obama provided some conservative belly laughs telling an audience of high school graduates in Kalamazoo, Michigan: “Don’t make excuses. Take responsibility not just for your successes.” This from a president who has blamed the last administration (and the Republican Party in general) for various economic and regulatory failures under his watch. This should have been an easy target for New York Times White House reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg, but she whiffed, even signing on to Obama’s “buck-stops-here philosophy” in Tuesday’s ” Obama Gives Students a Principle to Guide Them .” President Obama has been telling the nation that he takes responsibility for cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On Monday, he imparted his buck-stops-here philosophy to an audience of high school graduates , telling them: “Don’t make excuses. Take responsibility not just for your successes. Take responsibility where you fall short as well.” Here are just a few of Obama’s blame-shifts, courtesy of Senate Republicans : “When I Showed Up After Inauguration, They Had Left A Big Mess On The Floor.  So I Got A Mop, And I Started Cleaning Up Their Mess.” (President Obama, Remarks, Norfolk, VA, 10/27/09) “By Any Measure, My Administration Inherited A Fiscal Disaster.” (President Obama, Remarks, 3/4/09) “Now, If We Had Taken Office In Ordinary Times, I Would Have Liked Nothing More Than To Start Bringing Down The Deficit. But We Took Office Amid A Crisis.” (President Obama, State Of The Union Address, 1/27/10)

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Really? The NY Times Passes on Obama’s ‘Buck-Stops-Here Philosophy’