Tag Archives: global warming effects

First Hourglass Dolphin in 150 Years Found on New Zealand Shores

Image credit: Massey University When Dr. Karen Stockin, a marine ecologist at Massey University in New Zealand, was called in to perform an autopsy , she was expecting to find a carcass of the relatively common dusky dolphin. Instead, she was surprised to see that it was, in fact, an hourglass dolphin—the first to wash up on the shores of New Zealand in more than 150 years…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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First Hourglass Dolphin in 150 Years Found on New Zealand Shores

Rate of Ice Cap Loss May be Slower than Feared: New Study

Photo via the Tehran Times A new study published in the scientific journal Nature Geoscience suggests that the estimates for the rate of ice loss in Greenland and West Antarctica from global climate change should be significantly reduced — by as much as half. The study posits that current ice loss estimates fail to take into account a process called glacial isostatic adjustment, which involves the rebounding movement of the Earth’s crust after the last ice age. Here’s what’s happening, according… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Rate of Ice Cap Loss May be Slower than Feared: New Study

1/3 of Freshwater Turtle Species Now Face Extinction

Photo via Pandiyan, Flickr Conservation International has released a new report that spells out a bleak future for the world’s freshwater turtles: A full 1/3 of the 280 known species currently face extinction . Evidently, a lucrative pet trade, hunting of turtles for food, and habitat loss are the key contributors to turtles’ “catastrophic decline”. The good news –what little there is, anyway — is that the rapi… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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1/3 of Freshwater Turtle Species Now Face Extinction

Recent African Civil War Not Linked to Climate Change

photo: Humanitarian and Development Partnership Team in the Central African Republic via flickr About ten months ago a report came out claiming to link recent upsurges in African civil war to changes in climate change, and predicting that there would be 50% more conflict in the coming decades. Well, a new article in Proc… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Recent African Civil War Not Linked to Climate Change

Koch Industries Backs Formaldehyde Council, Fighting Regulation of Carcinogen

The poor Koch family just can’t get a break these days. First Brian wrote Billlionaire David Koch: 25 Years of Disinformation Campaigns and Polluter Front Groups? , then Matt followed with ‘Financial Kingpin’ of Climate Change Denial Exposed: Koch Industries Outspends Exxon 3-to-1 . The New Yorker piled on with Jane Meyer’s article about the

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Koch Industries Backs Formaldehyde Council, Fighting Regulation of Carcinogen

Arctic Sea Ice At Lower Levels Than At Any Point in Past 100,000+ Years

The Arctic Ocean one year ago to this date. Photo: US Geological Survey via flickr Perhaps you don’t need more convincing that whether a given year sets a new record or not Arctic sea ice is on the decline, but maybe you do: Climate Progress highlights a study in

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Arctic Sea Ice At Lower Levels Than At Any Point in Past 100,000+ Years

Irrigation May Reduce Climate Change. Not Good News.

Image credit: GenBug (Creative Commons) With all the evidence of human-induced global warming , you’d think it would be good news that some of our activities, like releasing aerosols for example, are also helping to cool the atmosphere. Unfortunately, often the opposite is true. This is starkly illustrated by a new study showing the regional cooling effects of mass irri… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Irrigation May Reduce Climate Change. Not Good News.

Seasonal Shifts Could Be Confusing Bees

Image credit: ruurmo /Flickr Everything from fungus to parasites, pesticides to disease, pollution to habitat loss, has been blamed for the startling—often sudden— declines in bee populations worldwide… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Seasonal Shifts Could Be Confusing Bees

Vintage Year for Archaeology Follows Hot, Dry Weather

Image credit: National Heritage Unless the very worst predictions come true (which is perfectly possible), then it is fair to assume there will be winners and losers from climate change. We’ve already heard about Greenlander’s celebrating increased access to natural resources , and even exploring the idea of bottled iceberg water . Now another segment of the global population… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Vintage Year for Archaeology Follows Hot, Dry Weather

New Research Shows Bleak Future for Life in Acidic Oceans By Century’s End

Photo via Science Daily, Credit University of Plymouth There’s little good news about the ocean these days, unfortunately. We’ve taken it past the point of any sort of speedy recovery, from rising shorelines to over-fished species, from plastic pollution to acidification . And for this last problem, it looks like dire consequences are inevitable within this century, according to new research from the University of Plymouth and the University of Santa Catarina, Braz… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New Research Shows Bleak Future for Life in Acidic Oceans By Century’s End