Tag Archives: global-warming

Google News separates Science from Technology section, badges introduced


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Google finally separates Science news (panda bears, space flights) and Technology News (iPhone, Android and Steve Ballmer). And yes, a new Google News section was born. Google finally separates Science news from Technology news. Apparently, Science news section indexes articles about food chain, space flights, global warming and other NASA-related notes from popular Science websites like Nat Geo, Space.com… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Latest entertainment & tech news from the Pop Herald |… Discovery Date : 15/07/2011 06:26 Number of articles : 2

Google News separates Science from Technology section, badges introduced

Rep. Fred Upton On Global Warming: ‘I Do Not Accept That It Is Man-Made’



At a public forum today, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), the new head of the House energy committee, denied that climate change is manmade. Upton, who received $20,000 from Koch Industries in his most recent campaign, had called for a reduction in greenhouse emissions as recently as June 2009. Upton has now introduced legislation with Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) to overturn the scientific finding by the Environmental… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 08/02/2011 23:26 Number of articles : 2

Rep. Fred Upton On Global Warming: ‘I Do Not Accept That It Is Man-Made’

Page 2: Star Trek, Guillermo del Toro, Ghostbusters, James Cameron, Elysium, David Fincher, Paul, Aliens and More


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What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn’t make the front page of /Film. After the jump we’ve included 31 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It’s like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might’ve missed that you think should go in /Film’s… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : /Film Discovery Date : 05/02/2011 04:00 Number of articles : 2

Page 2: Star Trek, Guillermo del Toro, Ghostbusters, James Cameron, Elysium, David Fincher, Paul, Aliens and More

Gore, Godzilla & The Religion of Global Warming


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And just to correct the record, according to IPCC scientist Roger Pielke, Sr., responding to a similar claim made in the NYT: “[T]he oceans have not been warming in recent years (e.g. see the 2010 paper by Know and Douglas ).” As I said a month ago, making the same point as Krauthammer : Thus do we need to be forcing the warmies to answer, at every turn, the simple question, what evidence would be… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Wolf Howling Discovery Date : 06/02/2011 02:01 Number of articles : 2

Gore, Godzilla & The Religion of Global Warming

Obama’s Science Czar Congress is Too Stupid To Understand Climate Change



John Holdren, the President’s Science Czar has an unusual explanation for why there is no cap and trade legislation coming from congress. It has nothing to do with the fact that the latest research casts grave doubt over the Global Warming theory, nor does it have anything to do with the fact that now many believers in global warming say that man has very little to do with the trend, nope like most… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : YID With LID Discovery Date : 31/01/2011 06:11 Number of articles : 2

Obama’s Science Czar Congress is Too Stupid To Understand Climate Change

Santa Better Get a Bike: Reindeer Numbers in Decline

Photo via CardCow That plump and jolly man has had it good for centuries, relying on his trusty team of reindeer to carry him across the world to deliver presents for all the good boy and girls — but soon Santa Claus may find getting around a bit more difficult. According to one conservation scientist, reindeer (or caribou, as they’re known in North America) are in a precarious state of decline due to the habitat loss driven by global warming and development. Sorry Rudolph, you might not be able t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Santa Better Get a Bike: Reindeer Numbers in Decline

Santa Better Get a Bike: Reindeer Numbers in Decline

Photo via CardCow That plump and jolly man has had it good for centuries, relying on his trusty team of reindeer to carry him across the world to deliver presents for all the good boy and girls — but soon Santa Claus may find getting around a bit more difficult. According to one conservation scientist, reindeer (or caribou, as they’re known in North America) are in a precarious state of decline due to the habitat loss driven by global warming and development. Sorry Rudolph, you might not be able t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Santa Better Get a Bike: Reindeer Numbers in Decline

Mega-Icebergs go to South Georgia Island to Die

Photo: NASA, Public domain R.I.P. Some things are so massive that they can only be appreciated from the vantage point of space. Many of the giant icebergs that are breaking off Antarctica are drifting Northward (is there any other direction that you can go to from the South pole?) and getting stuck on the shallow continental shelf that surrounds South Georgia Island. These icebergs are so large, that when they melt, the fresh water that they release in the ocean is enough to alter the local marine ecosystems…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Mega-Icebergs go to South Georgia Island to Die

Spraying the Skies: 1975 U.S. Patent for Powder Contrail Generation

Posted in this story is a very interesting PDF available for download here for a 1975 U.S. Patent issued to Donald K. Werle, Romas Kasparas, Sidney Katz, assigned through the U.S. Navy, that describes a dispersion method for a “powder contrail.” As other researchers have also pointed out, the Powder Contrail Generation patent document could be a useful clue into the true agenda and purpose of the “chemtrail” phenomenon, which is clearly tied to almost a century of man-made weather manipulation. Already, it is admitted that the government has experimented with geo-engineering, which is says would help reflect heat and combat phony global warming / climate change. It also references 5 other patents that deal with aviation fuel dispersants that go back to the 1920s. It further references the “chaff” application, as to create a radar jamming reflective screen, and other potential applications, including the use of numerous other powder formulas. • March 1, 1927 Patent #1619183 by Bradner and Olgesby for the Process of Producing Smoke Clouds from Moving Aircraft • June 30, 1936 Patent# 2045865 by Glen H. Morey and assigned by Phillips Petroleum for Skywriting Apparatus • April 8, 1952 Patent# 2591988 by Oswin B. Willcox and assigned to “Pont DU” (a.k.a. DuPont?) for Process for producing improved tio2 titanium pigments •See Also: April 8, 1969 Patent# 3437502 by Alfred J. Werner and assigned to “Pont DU” for TITANIUM DIOXIDE PIGMENT COATED WITH SILICA AND ALUMINA • September 29, 1970 Patent# 3531310 by Neil C. Goodspeed, Russell R. May Jr. and Joseph Ross assigned to PPG Industries for PRODUCTION OF IMPROVED METAL OXIDE PIGMENT • February 1924 Patent# R15771 by Savage • March 1966 Patent# 1022621 in United Kingdom FULL STORY and LIST OF RELATED PATENTS HERE: http://www.infowars.com/spraying-the-skies-1975-u-s-patent-for-powder-contrail-g… added by: im1mjrpain

The Belo Monte Dam- Destroying the Amazon

How unconscienable is this! The Brazilian government is now moving ahead on a project that will result in the construction of the third largest dam in the world in one of the most diverse and ecologically rich areas of the world: the Amazon. It is to be constructed on the Xingu River which is home to the Paquacamba and Arara indigenous peoples. It will divert 80% of the river from its original course, thus leaving swaths of indigenous land in drought while flooding over 100,000 acres of rainforest and displacing 20- 40,000 people. Once again we see shortsightedness at a time when we need to see the big picture. Hydroelectricity in areas such as this in an age of global warming and drought is a short term solution that will only bring long term consequences to environment, economy, culture, and also the climate balance of the planet. Solar energy is the one renewable energy source that is most viable here that will also preserve the environment, water resources and culture of the indigenous peoples who call this area their home. This action will then in turn spawn multiple dam projects all the way up the Amazon that will only displace more people when it is not necessary. It is heartbreaking to see what is being done to the last vestiges of ecological richness that we must preserve for the future. There is still time however to tell the Brazilian government you oppose this. I will post a link below where you can do this. Thanks. added by: JanforGore