Tag Archives: gossip-girls

Taylor Momsen Lowers The Tone Of Justin Bieber Movie Premier

Justin Bieber showing his trademark toothage 17-year-old “Gossip Girls” actress, Taylor Momsen, who is an admitted drug addict, alcoholic and chain smoker, showed up to the premier of the Justin Bieber documentary, “Never Say Never” dressed like a prostitute. Bieber’s girlfriend Selena Gomez wore matching purple While other guests, many of them children, kept it decent and appropriate in the attire department, for the movie on the 16-year-old singer’s life, over the top and distasteful Momsen, wore underwear, garter and a corset. Taylor Momsen (photo redacted by the site) Would it have been that difficult for her to wear proper clothing at an event many preteens and fellow teens would be attending. Why was she even invited, given her poor track record in this regard. Momsen is a terrible example for Bieber’s audience of how a young woman should conduct herself. RELATED ARTICLES Justin Bieber’s Bodyguard Arrested For Assault Justin Bieber Booed In New York Due To Overexposure Someone Is Trying To Feminize Justin Bieber Justin Bieber’s Mom Suing Mad Who Will Protect Justin Bieber From Self-Destructing

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Taylor Momsen Lowers The Tone Of Justin Bieber Movie Premier

Diddy Takes the Stage for GMA’s Summer Concert Series

Thank you for using rssforward.com ! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we’ve chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today . Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you! Always up for entertaining a crowd, Sean “Diddy” Combs performed on Good Morning America’s Summer Concert Series in Central Park on Friday (June 4). The hip hop mogul took the gig as he’s hot on the promotional trail – with a new film, “Get Him to the Greek,” and album, Last Train to Paris, both to be released this month. As for the GMA gig, Diddy was in high spirits as he told the amassed onlookers, “I wanna thank y’all for coming out, New York. I know you got work [to go to].” After churning out his latest single, “Hello, Good Morning,” Combs then busted into a medley of his past hits including “Last Night,” “All About the Benjamins” and “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems.” The Gossip Girls at (c) gossipgirls.com 04 Jun, 2010 — Source: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/sean-diddy-combs/diddy-takes-stage-gmas-summer-concert-series-371440 ~ Manage subscription | Powered by rssforward.com

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Diddy Takes the Stage for GMA’s Summer Concert Series

Diddy Takes the Stage for GMA’s Summer Concert Series

Thank you for using rssforward.com ! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we’ve chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today . Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you! Always up for entertaining a crowd, Sean “Diddy” Combs performed on Good Morning America’s Summer Concert Series in Central Park on Friday (June 4). The hip hop mogul took the gig as he’s hot on the promotional trail – with a new film, “Get Him to the Greek,” and album, Last Train to Paris, both to be released this month. As for the GMA gig, Diddy was in high spirits as he told the amassed onlookers, “I wanna thank y’all for coming out, New York. I know you got work [to go to].” After churning out his latest single, “Hello, Good Morning,” Combs then busted into a medley of his past hits including “Last Night,” “All About the Benjamins” and “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems.” The Gossip Girls at (c) gossipgirls.com 04 Jun, 2010 — Source: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/sean-diddy-combs/diddy-takes-stage-gmas-summer-concert-series-371440 ~ Manage subscription | Powered by rssforward.com

Diddy Takes the Stage for GMA’s Summer Concert Series

Blake Lively Bikini Body Does Vogue of the Day

Gossip Girls may have trained teenage girls to fuck, but I don’t watch it even if teaching teenagers to fuck is a good thing, except maybe for a the teenager I saw today pushing her baby in a stroller who had juice stains all over her welfare bought t-shirt, but I have a feeling gossip girl had nothing to do with her pregnancy, she looked too poor for TV and teenagers have been fucking long before the smut show Blake Lively is on has been on the air…but I am down with looking at these photoshopped pictures of awkward looking Blake Lively turned hot thanks to Vogue in her bikini, but mainly because it reminds me that summer is pretty much here. The shorts are shorter. Bitches are in bikini tops on the street. I’ve seen 3 nipples in the last 2 days and it’s not even that hot yet. Good things are to come…now all i need is a serious heat wave cuz I hear heat waves kill fat people and since my wife is fat, I figure, this may be my summer of freedom…and I can’t be sad cuz it’s what nature wanted…it was her destiny…but I’m rarely lucky enough to have things go my way but I’ll keep you posted…

Continued here:
Blake Lively Bikini Body Does Vogue of the Day

"Pop Stars Should Not Eat": The 10 Strangest Lady Gaga Quotes from That New … – Vanity Fair

MTV UK “Pop Stars Should Not Eat”: The 10 Strangest Lady Gaga Quotes from That New … Vanity Fair Vanity Fair contributing editor Vanessa Grigoriadis has a giant profile of Lady Gaga in this week’s New York magazine. In the spirit of the Internet, though, we’ve condensed the piece into a series of infinitely Tweet-able and away … How Lady Gaga Became Lady Gaga New York Magazine Lady Gaga — Let Her Eat Birthday Cake TMZ.com (blog) Lady GaGa Goes Topless For 24th Birthday MTV UK California Chronicle Continue reading

Leggy Leighton Meester

While we’re not digging Leighton Meester’s acid-washed denim looking dress, we like the that it shows off a whole lot of the Gossip Girl’s legs.

Excerpt from:
Leggy Leighton Meester

Hilary Duff: 20’s Hooker Chic

Here’s Hilary Duff on the set of ‘Gossip Girls’ dressed in some sort of 1920’s hooker/flapper outfit that unfortunately highlight the bad case of the Oprah Winfrey’s she’s got going on with those arms of hers. I feel like it’s my duty to draw attention to this horrible affliction that many women start to suffer from in their mid twenties and that stays with them throughout their lives. Oprah Horribilis , more commonly known as Oprah Winfrey Arms is not a laughing matter, it’s a serious issue and until we start to address it more and more formerly attractive women are going to be left at the bar when the lights come on or left off the pool side volleyball team for fear of injury and nausea to others.

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Hilary Duff: 20’s Hooker Chic

Miley Cyrus in Some Jean Shorts of the Day

Miley Cyrus has a face that reminds me of my friend who had some disorder and they had to put the motherfucker on some sort of steroid treatment that turned the motherfucker into some kind of walking marshmallow lookin’ piece of shit and it always shocks me when dudes I meet say she’s hot. I get it, the Disney guys in the office when she was 14 who had parental consent from Billy Ray did what they had to do, because they knew they weren’t going to jail, and when else do you get to fuck with a 14 year old. It’s like the time a stripper asked me to fuck her or the time that girl we never met asked my friend to piss in her face, you just gotta take the opportunity when it strikes, but for the average viewer who looks at this wonky faced slut and think it is awesome, I just will never grasp…

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Miley Cyrus in Some Jean Shorts of the Day

Hilary Duff in a Tight Dress on Set of the Day

Hilary Duff made the genius career move of guest starring on Gossip Girls and she did it wearing a tight dress. I guess when nothing else is really going on in your career as you slowly age and slowly get fat you have that constant fear of becoming a Jonathan Taylor Thomas where the fuck is he now situation, so you get on the hottest show and let the world know that despite your boyish good looks slowly disappearing like shit was David Copperfield, you aren’t dead yet and I’m really not complaining, whatever harnesses are in this dress are doing her some good

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Hilary Duff in a Tight Dress on Set of the Day

Some 90210 Trash on the Beach Almost in Bikinis of the Day

The aspiring actors who are doing their training on the set of 90210 in some kind of paid internship were shooting on the beach, because they aren’t real actors yet, but they sure as hell are trying to be.

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Some 90210 Trash on the Beach Almost in Bikinis of the Day