Here’s a little unwanted Nicole Richie, all grown up and winning the lottery that is life, unlike other unwanted kids of crackhead groupies….who are put up for adoption and sent to group homes, you know who normally end up whoring in the gutter…she’s gone Hollywood…thanks to a little Easy Like Sunday Morning money… And she’s looking amazing… Trust me….it pains me to say that, because she’s the fucking worst, but I guess the fact that she’s had some work done…from gastric bypass, to implants, to a new face, thanks to adoptive dad giving her everything she wants, to help her get over her drug addiction and feel better about herself, and now she’s out there making her own money…. To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE Wanting to fuck Nicole Richie fucks with my head….and makes me feel like this guy:
Enough with the laziness already! When you have to help your students cheat on tests, maybe it’s time for you to find another career! Atlanta math teacher Shayla Smith allegedly thought students were so “dumb” that they needed her help during testing. The former 5th-grade teacher at southwest Atlanta’s Dobbs Elementary School denied it, but a tribunal apparently believed that allegation and others and recommended her termination Monday. Data on test erasures likely undermined Smith. The testimony of a student who claimed to witness her cheating and of a fellow teacher who said she overheard Smith admit to cheating couldn’t have helped her either. The teacher, Schajuan Jones, taught 4th grade across the hall from Smith, and said she overheared Smith talking in the hallway with a teacher whose students she had overseen during testing. “The words were, ‘I had to give your kids, or your students, the answers because they’re dumb as hell,’” Jones said. Smith was one of roughly 180 Atlanta Public Schools educators who were accused of cheating after a state investigation triggered by reports in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Source Images via Twitter/Shutterstock
Guess the fact checkers were busy last night. Paul ‘Who Needs Medicare’ Ryan was spittin’ lies left and right during his speech on Wednesday night. He did uphold one promise tonight though…Ryan said before tonight’s show that “they wouldn’t let fact checkers get in the way.” The Wisconsin congressman and GOP vice presidential candidate repeatedly chided President Barack Obama for blaming the jobs and housing crises on his predecessor, saying that his habit of “forever shifting blame to the last administration, is getting old. The man assumed office almost four years ago -– isn’t it about time he assumed responsibility?” Ryan then noted that Obama, while campaigning for president, promised that a GM plant in Wisconsin would not shut down. “That plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight,” Ryan said. Except Obama didn’t promise that. And the plant closed in December 2008 — while George W. Bush was president. It was just one of several striking and demonstrably misleading elements of Ryan’s much-anticipated acceptance speech. And it comes just days after Romney pollster Neil Newhouse warned, defending the campaign’s demonstrably false ads claiming Obama removed work requirements from welfare, “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.” Ryan, for his part, slammed the president for not supporting a deficit commission report without mentioning that he himself had voted against it, helping to kill it. He also made a cornerstone of his argument the claim that Obama “funneled” $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. But he didn’t mention that his own budget plan relies on those very same savings. Sit your fake azz down Paul. Come November you’ll see how far all of this lying gets you. Source Images via WENN/Twitter
See if you can guess who these sexy long legs belong to. I guess the fact that the title to this post is ‘ Miley Cyrus flashes her long legs’ kind of gives the whole thing away. That’s why I don’t like playing games. Anyway, nice long tanned lady legs stretched out in front of a fire sounds like a whole lot of fun. Sign me up.
I’m having trouble with these pictures of Halle Berry , I mean she looks hot, but really she’s just wearing a workout get up that I see everyday from my illegal webcam I’ve got hidden at the all female gym near my house. I guess the fact that she’s a celebrity makes it a little more exciting, and it doesn’t hurt that she’s got a sweet pair of mocha boobs and a hint of camel toe. I may have just convinced myself that these pictures are awesome. Enjoy. more pictures of Halle Berry here
I am assuming that the paparazzi were called by Victoria’s Secret to get some “behind the scenes”, seemingly leaked, pictures of Ambrosio in her bikini photoshoot, because that’s just how sneaky marketing people who know there is a big televised fashion show to promote before Christmas tend to be, so that explains all the Victoria’s Secret shit released the last few days and it is really possible that these are photoshopped to ensure no imperfections make it out to the public prior to pretending the pictures were “leaked”, but I have a feeling that this is really what we’re dealing with in terms of Ambrosio’s recent pregnancy body and it is pretty spectacular, but in defense to my theories on how babies destroy women and their bodies, the real bulk of the damage is probably hidden in those bikini bottoms and the second she undresses the motherfuckin’ thing looks like a mutated, devastated, cancerous fleshy mess like Chernobyl after the nuclear meldown…but try not to think about that when lookin’ at these pics, it kinda kills the mood and takes away to the goodness that is this Brazilian ass…. Pics via Fame
Here are some pictures of an unfortunate case of being too clever for the paparazzi to snap off shots of your panties or pussy because we live in a generation where everyone, even everyday girls know that if they get out of a car in a short skirt casually, without their guard up, after a few too many drinks, the people around them are going to get a flash, and they don’t have pervert camera guys all up on them, meaning Ginger Spice isn’t really that clever at all and I guess the fact that the shot was missed is good news because I don’t really care to see what meat she’s packin, not that I turn down any vagina or look away when faced with any vagina but there are just some vaginas probably better left underwraps that I tend to not think about unless it is pretty much force fed to me….and here are the boring pics cuz I have nothing better to do than write about a fucking Spice Girl ten years after the Spice Girls…. Pics via PacificCoastNews