Tag Archives: harper-collins

Publishers to Casey Anthony: Hit the Bricks, Tot Mom!

Amid reports that NBC is trying to secure a book deal for Casey Anthony in exchange for an interview… not a lot of publishers are showing interest in such a deal. The biggest names in publishing want nothing to do with “Tot Mom” (copyright Nancy Grace), with one even calling this hypothetical book deal “blood money.” Check out the statements of three prominent publishing houses: “We are 100% not interested. We are NOT NOT NOT interested. Simon & Schuster is not publishing, and has never intended to publish, any book by Casey Anthony, her family, attorneys or any member of her team.” – Simon & Schuster “We are still planning on publishing the prosecutor’s book who was involved in the Casey Anthony case, so we have no plans in releasing a Casey Anthony book. We’re sticking with the prosecutor.” – Harper Collins “We have no plans on doing a book deal with Casey Anthony.” – Penguin Another publisher that asked not to be named had this to say when asked if they would be interested in such a project: “Hell no … it’s blood money.” Tough break, Case. You could always start a blog.

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Publishers to Casey Anthony: Hit the Bricks, Tot Mom!

Why Yes, Sigourney Weaver Would Like to Do Another Aliens Movie

Here at Movieline HQ we clearly worship at the altar of Ellen Ripley . Who doesn’t? Partly because Sigourney Weaver ‘s sci-fi heroine rocked our socks in (most of) the Alien films — hey, Alien Resurrection wasn’t her fault — and also thanks to the fact that no woman has come close to achieving her level of badass in the movies since, another Ripley-centric Aliens sequel sounds like a plum idea. And Weaver herself agrees.

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Why Yes, Sigourney Weaver Would Like to Do Another Aliens Movie

Frank Langella to Name Drop Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, and More in Memoirs

Stage and film vet Frank Langella has been in the business for nearly five decades, working with everyone from Arthur Miller to Laurence Olivier, and in his upcoming memoirs Dropped Names — just acquired by Harper Collins — the actor will regale readers with his experiences rubbing elbows with some of Hollywood’s most iconic personalities. Fingers crossed he gets to talking about his Whoopi Goldberg years somewhere between his Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor chapters. [ NYT ]

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Frank Langella to Name Drop Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, and More in Memoirs

Sarah Palin to write a new book.

Publisher HarperCollins announced Wednesday that the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is working on a “celebration of American virtues and strengths.” The book is currently untitled and no release date has been set. Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue,” released last fall by HarperCollins, has sold more than 2 million copies. Her new work will “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her, as well as portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family,” the publisher’s statement reads. “She will also draw from her personal experience to amplify these timely — and timeless— themes.” In an e-mail Wednesday, HarperCollins publisher Jonathan Burnham said that “a number of ideas and concepts” were explored with Palin. “This is the idea which appealed the most to her,” he said, adding that she is currently “gathering ideas and identifying favorite texts and examples.” How could anybody publish a book about “virtues and strengths” with Sarah freaking Palin’s name on it? Is it supposed to be ironic? So this will be a who’s who of famous people that Palin will have to google to even identify? Perhaps she can finally name ALL of those founding fathers she is so impressed with. You know like George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Abraham Lincoln, Samuel L. Clemens, Ronald Reagan, Ronald McDonald, and Christopher Columbus. Doesn’t Harper Collins have any shame?

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Sarah Palin to write a new book.

Coming Soon: A Lauren Conrad Guide to Fashion!

Having posted an impressive 15-1 record in fashion face-offs on The Hollywood Gossip so far in 2009, Lauren Conrad’s style sense is seldom questioned. That said, it’s little surprise the ex- Hills star is unveiling some style tips in a new book, Lauren Conrad Style , to be published by Harper Collins next fall. She’s a successful reality TV star, designer and fiction writer, and now we’ll be treated to new fashion advice and Lauren Conrad pictures straight from LC

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Coming Soon: A Lauren Conrad Guide to Fashion!

Stacy Parker Aab

POLITICS BUZZ : Yet another aide to Bill Clinton is dishing on his lecherous ways (for money, in a book, because it's 2009 and why not cash in). The stories are incredibly lame, but in the Obama Date Night era, this is the best you will get. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment