Tag Archives: harpercollins

Tell Google: Don’t be evil.

“Google's motto is 'Don't be evil,' but Google is about to cut a deal with Verizon that would end the Internet as we know it. According to a front-page New York Times story, the deal would allow 'Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content's creators are willing to pay for the privilege.' It would create fast Internet lanes for the largest corporations and slow lanes for the rest of us.” Please, sign the petition and don't let these corporations monopolize the information. Most news media are already biased and controlled by big corporations (link below). Internet is the only door left open to everyone, rich and poor, to voice a story, without discrimination, offering freedom of expression, diversity, and at times, the opportunity to leak important truths. http://www.change.org/credoaction/petitions/view/tell_google_dont_be_evil Here is a great link showing who owns the media: http://www.freepress.net/ownership/chart/main “Select a chart: The Big Six – Cable – TV – Print – Telecom – Radio ” “GENERAL ELECTRIC: 2009 revenues: $157 billion General Electric media-related holdings include television networks NBC and Telemundo, Universal Pictures, Focus Features, 26 television stations in the United States and cable networks MSNBC, Bravo and the Sci Fi Channel. GE also owns 80 percent of NBC Universal.” “WALT DISNEY: 2009 revenues: $36.1 billion The Walt Disney Company owns the ABC Television Network, cable networks including ESPN, the Disney Channel, SOAPnet, A&E and Lifetime, 277 radio stations, music and book publishing companies, production companies Touchstone, Miramax and Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios, the cellular service Disney Mobile, and theme parks around the world.” “NEWS CORP: 2009 revenues: $30.4 billion News Corporation’s media holdings include: the Fox Broadcasting Company; television and cable networks such as Fox, Fox Business Channel, National Geographic and FX; print publications including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and TVGuide; the magazines Barron’s and SmartMoney; book publisher HarperCollins; film production companies 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight Pictures and Blue Sky Studios; numerous websites including MarketWatch.com; and non-media holdings including the National Rugby League.” and much more at the link. WE, THE PEOPLE, HAVE A SAY IN SHAPING THE INFORMATION! Join the Organic Movement: http://current.com/groups/organicgreen/ added by: lookatmypix

Sarah Palin to write a new book.

Publisher HarperCollins announced Wednesday that the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is working on a “celebration of American virtues and strengths.” The book is currently untitled and no release date has been set. Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue,” released last fall by HarperCollins, has sold more than 2 million copies. Her new work will “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her, as well as portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family,” the publisher’s statement reads. “She will also draw from her personal experience to amplify these timely — and timeless— themes.” In an e-mail Wednesday, HarperCollins publisher Jonathan Burnham said that “a number of ideas and concepts” were explored with Palin. “This is the idea which appealed the most to her,” he said, adding that she is currently “gathering ideas and identifying favorite texts and examples.” How could anybody publish a book about “virtues and strengths” with Sarah freaking Palin’s name on it? Is it supposed to be ironic? So this will be a who’s who of famous people that Palin will have to google to even identify? Perhaps she can finally name ALL of those founding fathers she is so impressed with. You know like George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Abraham Lincoln, Samuel L. Clemens, Ronald Reagan, Ronald McDonald, and Christopher Columbus. Doesn’t Harper Collins have any shame?

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Sarah Palin to write a new book.

Six Child Media Prodigies You Should Fear

That 16-year-old TechCrunch writer with 120,000 Twitter followers, who we wrote about yesterday , is part of a burgeoning child punditocracy.

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Six Child Media Prodigies You Should Fear

Palin paid $1.25M for book by time she left office

Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin reported that she has received at least $1.25 million for her hugely anticipated upcoming memoir “Going Rogue.” A disclosure statement released Tuesday discusses Palin's finances from Jan.

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Palin paid $1.25M for book by time she left office

Howard Kurtz Discusses the Media and Press Coverage of the News – Washington Post

Howard Kurtz Discusses the Media and Press Coverage of the News – Washington Post Howard Kurtz Discusses the Media and Press Coverage of the News Washington Post Maybe I am on the Palin , I can’t believe it fence — whereby I think the more she is on TV the better, but I want solid questions and direct engagement with … and more

Levi Johnston Cannot Stop Talking Palin

Getty Images. Don't Miss: Johnston Says Palin Quit for Cash Bristol's Dad Really Wanted Her to Break Up with Levi Johnston Levi Johnston Shares Intimate Details with Tyra Banks Last week, Levi Johnston called his own news conference to share his opinions on why Alaska Governor Sarah Palin chose to resign earlier this month. Johnston, who fathered the son of Palin's daughter Bristol, considered himself an authority after having lived in the Palin household for less than a month last year

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Levi Johnston Cannot Stop Talking Palin