Tag Archives: richard-nixon

Congressional Black Caucus May Call For Trump Impeachment

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T he Congressional Black Caucus  could vote to call for the impeachment of President  Donald Trump  Wednesday during a scheduled meeting, according to  Newsweek . CBC Chairman, Louisiana U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond , scheduled the vote after Trump failed to denounce White supremacy following last month’s deadly domestic terror attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, blaming violence on “ all sides .” Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore , who is also CBC Caucus Whip, was one of the first Black congressional voices to call for the “removal” of Trump  in the wake of his Charlottesville comments “ For the sake of the soul of our country, we must come together to restore our national dignity that has been robbed by Donald Trump’s presence in the White House, ” Moore wrote in a brief statement released just three days after the Charlottesville rallies ended. “ My Republican friends, I implore you to work with us within our capacity as elected officials to remove this man as our commander-in-chief and help us move forward from this dark period in our nation’s history .” The CBC is scheduled to look at “a variety of issues” in making a case for or against Trump’s impeachment during Wednesday’s meeting. If the body of Black legislators decides to officially call for impeaching a sitting president, it wouldn’t be the first time. In 1973, the CBC was one of the first congressional parties to call for then-President Richard Nixon ‘s impeachment. He resigned a year later. Wednesday’s discussion will likely include Nixon as a “guiding comparison,” Newsweek wrote. However, the country may not be get the same result as Nixon this time around. There’s “little chance” that the CBC’s call for impeachment could lead to Trump’s remove from office, according to Newsweek. It would require a majority vote in the House and a two-thirds majority in the Senate, both of which are controlled by Republicans. While there could be a transfer of powers after the 2018 mid-term elections, it should be noted that Newsweek also predicted little chance that Trump would be elected. SOURCE: Newsweek , U.S Rep. Gwen Moore SEE ALSO: Congressional Black Caucus Declines Follow-Up Meeting With Trump Congressional Black Caucus Presses Trump Administration On Hate Crimes   [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”2726303″ overlay=”true”]

Congressional Black Caucus May Call For Trump Impeachment

Rick Sanchez: Some ‘Far-Right’ Tea Partiers Wouldn’t Vote for Reagan, Too Liberal

CNN’s Rick Sanchez thinks that Ronald Reagan wouldn’t even be conservative enough for certain members of the Tea Party. In lieu of tomorrow’s Republican Senate Primary in Delaware, Sanchez gave his take on the prospect of the state’s Tea Party voters ousting another moderate Republican establishment candidate in favor of a more conservative choice. “But you know what’s interesting about this,” Sanchez remarked, “I mean if you put this in perspective, Ronald Reagan would be taken out of the mix by some of these more far-Right Tea Party folks. Richard Nixon would never have become the President of the United States.” “I mean, there’s really a move that comes not even right-of-center, really far Right, pushing out the guys that are closer to the middle,” Sanchez stated. He asked if it wouldn’t be harder for Republicans to win an election with a fringe candidate rather than with an establishment candidate. Meanwhile, CNN correspondent Jessica Yellin disagreed with him over his assessment of Tea Party voters and Reagan. “One, I suspect many Tea Party activists would disagree with you on Ronald Reagan, because Reagan is a hero to many of them,” Yellin responded. But Sanchez wouldn’t budge. “We would quibble back with immigration, for example. Ronald Reagan would say – Ronald Reagan would be called by anyone in the Tea Party today a “pro-amnesty Republican. That’s what he would be called.” “Well, everybody reads history the way they want,” Yellin answered. Sanchez described the establishment candidate in the primary, Congressman Mike Castle, as “respectable” and “conservative enough” for the region. Castle has a lifetime ACU rating of 52. A transcript of the segment, which aired on September 13, at 3:21 p.m. EDT, is as follows: RICK SANCHEZ, CNN anchor: Not finding Congressman Mike Castle, Republican, conservative enough, the Tea Party is now pushing candidate Christine O’Donnell in the Republican primary. And Jessica Yellin’s all over this primary for us. I mean, this is interesting. Because, you know, once again, you got a guy like Mike Castle, most people think Mike is a, you know, respectable, Republican, conservative enough, especially considered for his region. I mean, we’re talking about a Republican from the Northeast, we’re not talking about an Arizona Republican for example. And yet, they want to crush this guy. What’s going on? JESSICA YELLIN: Well he’s a middle-of-the-road Republican in a state that’s pretty middle-of-the-road, and he’s very well-known and popular statewide, Rick. But he – but tomorrow when the primary is held, only Republicans can vote. Democrats and Independents cannot vote in it. So it’s a close primary, and this year you know what has happened to moderate, middle-of-the-road Republicans. They’ve largely been targeted by these Tea Party candidates, and the latest development is that Sarah Palin has now recorded a robo-call for Castle’s opponent, Christine O’Donnell, which she’s broadcasting on the radio here. And it essentially accuses “establishment Republicans” of being desperate in trying to smear O’Donnell with “vicious” personal attacks. So it’s become very personal, very mean, in a state that really is not used to this kind of harsh campaigning. It’s very new to Delaware voters. SANCHEZ: But you know what’s interesting about this, I mean if you put this in perspective, Ronald Reagan would be taken out of the mix by some of these more far-Right Tea Party folks. Richard Nixon would never have become the President of the United States. I mean, there’s really a move that comes not even right-of-center, really far Right, pushing out the guys that are closer to the middle, which means when they do have a general election, they probably will get the support; or I imagine they’re thinking about this, and I don’t know if we’ve done any reporting on this – would it be harder for them to win some of these elections, in Delaware, for example, if you’ve got somebody who’s on the far right as opposed to the middle or even right-of-center?” YELLIN: Two points. One, I suspect many Tea Party activists would disagree with you on Ronald Reagan, because Reagan is a hero to many of them. And you can quibble about whether his policies actually square with what they say now, which is – SANCHEZ: Well, you can start – well, you could, you could – I mean, we would quibble back with immigration, for example. Ronald Reagan would say – Ronald Reagan would be called by anyone in the Tea Party today a “pro-amnesty Republican.” That’s what he would be called. YELLIN: And I’m sure they’d be – I’m sure they’d be happy to quibble with you over it, Rick. But – SANCHEZ: Well they couldn’t, it’s the policy! He’s the guy who – I mean they couldn’t. He’s the guy who actually did that – YELLIN: Well, everybody reads history the way they want. SANCHEZ: Alright, go on. YELLIN: Um, the, uh – the point that you’re making, which is that are some of these candidates unelectable – is actually a point that some Tea Party groups are concerned with. You know Dick Armey who runs FreedomWorks, that very active national umbrella group that supported a lot of Tea Party candidates, his group says no, they’re staying out of this race and they’re not going to back Christine O’Donnell, this Tea Party candidate because they don’t think she’s electable. There’s just too much, and too many reasons why they don’t think she’ll win. So that’s an unusual wrinkle this election season. And there are a lot of Democrats that are excited about the prospect of O’Donnell winning, because they actually think that means Democrats would hold the seat statewide. Democrats agree she is not electable statewide. So she’s a risky gamble for the Republican Party.

Continued here:
Rick Sanchez: Some ‘Far-Right’ Tea Partiers Wouldn’t Vote for Reagan, Too Liberal

Schultz Guest: Beck & Koch Brothers Plotting To Provoke Race Riots

I was going to say the left has now officially hit rock bottom.  But it’s still a long way to Election Day for the desperate Dems . . . On this evening’s Ed Show, trial-lawyer guest Mike Papantonio accused Glenn Beck and the Koch brothers of consciously plotting, via Beck’s DC rally, to provoke race riots. In Papantonio’s fevered mind, the Beck-Koch axis is attempting to recreate the race riots of 1968 . . MIKE PAPANTONIO:  There’s no difference. If you even look at the money that’s behind the tea-bagger movement, it’s the same money that was behind the Richard Nixon movement, the fear movement, that took place back then. ED SCHULTZ: So you would say, and I don’t want to put words in your mouth, is this about self-promotion for the guy who’s organizing this, or is it really about restoring honor? PAPANTONIO:   Well it has nothing about restoring honor. It’s a bunch of inheritance–here, if you follow the money, Ed, it’s about inheritance babies, the Koch brothers, inheritance babies, who don’t want to pay taxes, they want conservatives in power. The way you get conservatives in power is to scare the hell out of Americans.  I’ll tell you what Glenn Beck is hoping. He’s hoping that two blocks away from the Lincoln Memorial, that African-Americans are going to be so angry about what he’s done on that important day, when Martin–Martin Luther King stood up and gave the most important speech of his career.  And here you have this buffoon, this demagogue, that’s going to be preaching hate.  What does that do to the African-Americans that are two blocks away, listening to this hate speech? Any way you dress it up, Sarah Palin can’t help herself. Glenn Beck can’t help himself. But you know what? They’re not the money behind all this.  The money behind this are the Koch brothers who put $100 million into spreading hate in this country.  And they want the same divisiveness, they the same ugliness that we saw in the Watts riots to emerge , so the next conservative movement can come into power.  It’s the same blueprint, Ed. I promise you: it’s the same blueprint. Mike seems awfully interested in “money,” mentioning it four times in his rant. Not surprising from a trial-lawyer promoting big class action lawsuits stemming from the BP spill.  As for the “self-promotion” that Schultz decries,  Papantonio’s incessant Ed Show appearances are little less than infomercials for his legal services.   All of that didn’t stop Papantonio from slurring Beck, the Koch brothers, and by extension the Tea Party movement [that he twice called “tea-baggers”] as attempting to provoke race riots. This is what the Dems, and their backers in the trial bar, have been reduced to, facing electoral disaster down the line. Note: the Koch brothers, libertarian-oriented conservatives, have become a favorite whipping boy of the left.  Have a look at P.J. Gladnick’s piece for a description of the way The New Yorker slimed them.

See the original post:
Schultz Guest: Beck & Koch Brothers Plotting To Provoke Race Riots

Conservative Commentator James J. Kilpatrick Dies at 89

James J. Kilpatrick, best known as the conservative-curmudgeon commentator on “60 Minutes” in its “Point-Counterpoint” segment in the 1970s, has died at the age of 89. Washingtonians also remember his years as a panelist on the local weekly political talk show “Agronsky & Company.” His column “A Conservative View” was syndicated in hundreds of newspapers. The Washington Post obituary on Tuesday focused heavily on his role in promoting segregationism in the 1960s at the Richmond News-Leader and concluded with his story that he was asked to “take the side of ‘The Conservative’s View of Watergate.’ And I asked myself, ‘Just what is a conservative’s view of burglary?'” Kilpatrick’s “Point-Counterpoint” commentaries were satirized by “Saturday Night Live” in which Dan Aykroyd began his rebuttal of Jane Curtin with the phrase “Jane, you ignorant slut.” Kilpatrick was also parodied in the movie “Airplane” where a balding, crusty conservative claims that people knew what they were getting into when they bought their plane tickets: “I say let ’em crash.” In his book Tell Me A Story, Don Hewitt wrote that Saturday Night Live only prolonged the segment’s tenure. He added that liberal Shana Alexander was preceded by the left-wing columnist Nicholas von Hoffman, “who I reluctantly had to let go when he insisted on referring to the president of the United States, Richard Nixon, as ‘a dead mouse on the kitchen floor that everyone was afraid to touch and throw in the garbage.’ Granted, it was a difficult time and the description was not that far off target, but it wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted someone to say about the president of the United States on 60 Minutes.” In his book on “60 Minutes” titled “Tick…Tick…Tick,” author David Blum wrote that it was Shana Alexander asking for a big raise from their $600 a week salary that prompted the segment’s end in 1979. The dueling politicos were replaced by Andy Rooney, who’s still on the air at 91.

Continued here:
Conservative Commentator James J. Kilpatrick Dies at 89

Krauthammer: Classified Leaks in Bush and Nixon Years Got You a Pulitzer Prize, With a Dem President You’re Condemned

Charles Krauthammer on Friday made a truly wonderful observation about how differently the media handle leaks of classified information depending on whether there’s a Democrat or a Republican in the White House. As the discussion on PBS’s “Inside Washington” moved to the Wikileaks affair, the Washington Post’s Colby King said, “I don’t see it as such a difficult issue at all for the Pentagon. It’s, you know, it’s our material, it’s not [Wikileaks’].” This led Krauthammer to ask, “How come in the Bush years and the Nixon years, when you leaked stuff that’s our material, classified material, you end up with a Pulitzer Prize, and now if you have a Democratic administration, you end up being condemned from left and right?” He continued, “I’m not sure I understand” (video follows with transcript and commentary): GORDON PETERSON, HOST: Let me touch on something in terms of we talked about last week, and that’s the Wikileaks issue. The Pentagon now wants to get its hands on all of these papers. What are the odds of that? We don’t know if this guy will give them up, I mean he’s publishing them everywhere. JOSH GERSTEIN, POLITICO: Right, well and there this fascinating bid  by Wikileaks, I think a pretty interesting play by them. They’ve actually gone to the Pentagon and said, “Well, yeah, we would love to discuss with you what’s exactly sensitive in here. Why don’t you come to the table and talk about it?” I think the Pentagon is saying they have not really been asked that, but that is what Wikileaks is saying, which would put the Pentagon in a very awkward position because they, you know, there’s talk of prosecuting these folks. They do not want to be sitting at the same table with them going through page by page… PETERSON: Well, Admiral Mullen says they’re putting lives at risk. COLBY KING, WASHINGTON POST: I don’t see it as such a difficult issue at all for the Pentagon. It’s, you know, it’s our material, it’s not yours. We’re not going to negotiate with… GERSTEIN: Well, but their materials may be in your newsroom as well. KING: That’s okay. GERSTEIN: Should they come over and pick those up? KING: They can ask us for it. We won’t give it to them, but they have every right to demand it. CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: But if it’s such a simple issue… KING: But you don’t negotiate it. KRAUTHAMMER: If it’s such a simple issue, how come in the Bush years and the Nixon years, when you leaked stuff that’s our material, classified material, you end up with a Pulitzer Prize, and now if you have a Democratic administration, you end up being condemned from left and right? I’m not sure I understand. I’m not sure I do either. After all, just how many Pulitzers were passed out to so-called journalists during the Bush and Nixon years for leaking classified information? And how many went to members of the Washington Post? Yet there’s the Post’s King for the second week in a row taking a position that he likely didn’t take in the previous decade or under Nixon, and probably wouldn’t if McCain was in the White House. As such, why the double standard?

Read the original:
Krauthammer: Classified Leaks in Bush and Nixon Years Got You a Pulitzer Prize, With a Dem President You’re Condemned

Paul Janka: ‘I Pounced On Her But She Didn’t Like It’

Paul Janka ! Remember him? “Pickup” “artist” extraordinaire, of the most skeevy, nasty sort. He’s still alive, in the world, and writing sexy things about “dating” methods! This recent email blast tells of his romantic trip to bone skanks, in Paris

Read more from the original source:
Paul Janka: ‘I Pounced On Her But She Didn’t Like It’

Will We Get a Frost/Bush?

Tonight, New York’s channel 21 will broadcast the Watergate portion of the David Frost interviews of Richard Nixon . This seems as good a time as any to ask if we’ll ever get the equivalent from George W

See more here:
Will We Get a Frost/Bush?

Poll Says That People Think Sarah Palin Should Stay In The Kitchen

From Fox News : Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s personal ratings have slipped and most people think the best job for her now that she has resigned as governor is away from the world of politics. About a third of Americans think the best job for Palin is homemaker (32 percent), while nearly one in five see her as a television talk show host (17 percent).

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Poll Says That People Think Sarah Palin Should Stay In The Kitchen

Howard Kurtz Discusses the Media and Press Coverage of the News – Washington Post

Howard Kurtz Discusses the Media and Press Coverage of the News – Washington Post Howard Kurtz Discusses the Media and Press Coverage of the News Washington Post Maybe I am on the Palin , I can’t believe it fence — whereby I think the more she is on TV the better, but I want solid questions and direct engagement with … and more

The 27th Sexiest Woman Over 50: Mary Steenburgen

Steenburgen at the 60th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards on September 21, 2008. Getty Images. 27. Mary Steenburgen Born February 8, 1953 Why She Sizzles: She’s probably played the sexiest character in any Will Ferrell movie we’ve ever seen (Will’s mom in Stepbrothers ). Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen at the Step Brothers premiere.