Tag Archives: her-metabolism

Kate Upton Huge Monster at FNO of the Day

Kate Upton at Fashion Night Out is like watching National Geographic Channel…because she’s a monster of a woman who people have accidentally confused for a hot woman…cuz she has big tits and takes a decent picture…but who when you see out amongst real humans you can tell she’s just big as fuck and hiding a belly that was bound to happen the day she put on her 36 DD bra….it was just a matter of time before her metabolism slowed down and she morphed into Anna Nicole Smith…..a future that’s not too far away….but that isn’t amongst us yet…so staring at her tits, ignoring her stomach, is the best strategy to enjoy her…. Here’s the video of the beast…..shot from the gut up…for obvious reasons….

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Kate Upton Huge Monster at FNO of the Day

Miley Cyrus in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

I don’t know what this Miley Cyrus shoot is from and I don’t even really care because it is boring, I don’t find it all that hot, I’d rather see her getting fucked or naked as she takes her career to the next level….but I bet this guy cares….I bet he knows exactly when it was shot, what she was wearing, what panties she had on that day, and whether or not she was on her period…and for some weird reason…that givs me hope….. Here are the rest of the pics

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Miley Cyrus in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

Miley Cyrus in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

I don’t know what this Miley Cyrus shoot is from and I don’t even really care because it is boring, I don’t find it all that hot, I’d rather see her getting fucked or naked as she takes her career to the next level….but I bet this guy cares….I bet he knows exactly when it was shot, what she was wearing, what panties she had on that day, and whether or not she was on her period…and for some weird reason…that givs me hope….. Here are the rest of the pics

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Miley Cyrus in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

Kelly Brook’s Huge Tits of the Day

I wonder if Kelly Brook is pregnant again, or if she’s just getting fat, because this bitch fluxuates in weight so much, it is hard to tell, not that it matters, she is pushing 40, her metabolism has slowed down, heer biological clock is counting down fast, but her titties are still going strong…. She managed to milk them properly for all they had o offer and it worked…it got to this level of success, this low level of fame, where she’s an actual millionaire off her shit, when so many busty girls like her just get office jobs and fat….. But I’m thinking, it’s time to throw in the towel and let her belly catch up to the tits it has been trying to catch up to all these years…..She’s done all she has to do and all she’s really talened enough to do… It’s over, but I’ll still look down her shirt. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kelly Brook’s Huge Tits of the Day

Kelly Brook’s Huge Tits of the Day

I wonder if Kelly Brook is pregnant again, or if she’s just getting fat, because this bitch fluxuates in weight so much, it is hard to tell, not that it matters, she is pushing 40, her metabolism has slowed down, heer biological clock is counting down fast, but her titties are still going strong…. She managed to milk them properly for all they had o offer and it worked…it got to this level of success, this low level of fame, where she’s an actual millionaire off her shit, when so many busty girls like her just get office jobs and fat….. But I’m thinking, it’s time to throw in the towel and let her belly catch up to the tits it has been trying to catch up to all these years…..She’s done all she has to do and all she’s really talened enough to do… It’s over, but I’ll still look down her shirt. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kelly Brook’s Huge Tits of the Day

Ali Larter in Smelly Pussy Pants of the Day

I used to fuck this chick from Holland named Bregje and she used to wear stupid clown pants like this…I just figured it was our cultural differences in our fashions….but people in Holland love riding bikes harder than they love legal prostitution…leading to me figuring out that some fabrics don’t breathe and that makes for a serious pussy smell similar to death…something you’d probably already assume of Ali Larter, even without her crazy pants, you know all filled up with afterbirth and shit, thanks to pregnancy, a prolapsed anus and ruptured intestine, you know baby making injuries….here are the pics…..who the fuck is Ali Larter ?

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Ali Larter in Smelly Pussy Pants of the Day

Jessica Biel Ass in a Dress of a Day

Jessica Biel is everyone’s favorite rock solid body….and I use the word everyone pretty loosely since I don’t think I’ve ever really heard anyone say anything about her….maybe cuz I don’t listen to people when they talk, but probably because she’s only brought up when trying to prove Justin Timberlake’s homosexuality….it’s evidence just like the fact he was in an all boys band created by a convicted pedophile… But this isn’t about TImberlake, it’s about Jessica Biel and her ass, all round and gently covered by a piece of fabric…all romantic like a romance novel that leads to fat lonely women having a one night stand with a jar of peanut butter and their dogs…you know how it is…

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Jessica Biel Ass in a Dress of a Day

Kate Beckinsale is a Hot Mom of the Day

Here’s hot mom Kate Beckinsale not crawling around on all fours…not bending over…not naked…not fingering herself…not showing cleavage…not rocking hard nipples….and not even rocking a cameltoe with ease thanks to her looser than average vagina…which may be more of a testament to her work ethic cuz it takes work and sometimes inanimate object insertion because getting famous isn’t easy…even when you are hot…that it has to do with her baby making….you know how it is….or maybe you don’t….

Kate Beckinsale is a Hot Mom of the Day

Kate Upton’s Nun in a Bikini for the Three Stooges of the Day

Here’s another genius move by Hollywood….recrating the Three Stooges which may be the best example of how Hollywood has officially lost any original thought….the idea pool is officiall as dried up as the old lady pussy at the old folks home I used to work at….They are seriously bottom feeding…but like all bad ideas comes some stroke of genius…and in this case they have made the movie worth watching by throwing in some Kate Upton in a bikini, dressed like a nun, instant comedic genius, cuz nun’s aren’t supposed to be hot bitches in bikinis, unless they are in shitty fucking movies seeking some attention by showing off her big old tits and rocking body that I am sure is fleeting when her metabolism slows down and she turns 25….when the rest of her catches up to her tits…but until then…she’s worth lookin at….and that’s all I have to say abou that.. Here’s the trailer… Here’s the pics…

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Kate Upton’s Nun in a Bikini for the Three Stooges of the Day