Tag Archives: hope-the-little

Little Boy Reacts with Epic Tears to Twins Announcement

Be still my heart. One dad in Brazil recorded his young son watching an ultrasound from his mother's check-up.   According to Mashable , the boy was captivated by the video , until his dad told him that there were two siblings in mom's tummy. “I can see the baby's face,” the kid siad, clearly having no idea what he was looking at. “Can you?” the dad asked. “Yes, I'm seeing it.” Dad called his bluff. “Do you know what it is?” “No.” “Your sibling.” “Is it?” “And they're two.” “Really?” “Really!” “Holy cow, dude,” the boy said before slowly starting to tear up. “What's happening, boy?” the dad asked. Wait for it, because this is friggin' adorably. “I'm touched,” the little guy said through tears. ALL.  THE.  FEELS. Recording reactions to moments like these are the antidote to the Hot Mess Express train humanity is forced to ride on these days.   For every video of Donald Trump either threatening assassination against his opponent or making fun of a disabled journalist, there are little moments like this one that make us smile. The smiles don't stop there.  Remember the little girl who didn't want her brother to grow up, so she bawled her eyes out in protest? And then there was “Charlie Bit My Finger,” which instantly became a viral hit. I hope the little Brazilian boy gets everything in life his little heart hopes for, because he reaction to having not one, but two younger siblings was nothing sort of beautiful. What a lovely way to respond to becoming a big brother.  He's psyched about his growing family, and there is no way you can fake those kind of tears. Good luck to you, little boy, and your growing family. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to have ourselves a good cry.

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Little Boy Reacts with Epic Tears to Twins Announcement

Camilla Belle Needs A Brush

I’m a fan of Camilla Belle , even though for whatever reason we don’t see her as often as we used to. But I have to call it like I see it, and the girl could stand to clean up a bit better at the Jurassic World premiere. And while we’re at it, she could also stand to lose a few more layers of clothing, but one problem at a time, I guess. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Camilla Belle Needs A Brush

Ant Vs. Vodka

I hope the little guy made it home alright.

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Ant Vs. Vodka

Kitten Doused in Gasoline and Set on Fire, Struggling to Survive

We have another contender for Worst Pet Owner in the World. A couple days after a woman responded to a Craigslist ad because someone threatened to shoot his dog , and a couple weeks after a man actually blew his canine up , we have news of a four-month old kitten who is fighting for its life. After being doused in gasoline and set on fire. A $5,000 reward has been established to catch the awful people involved, as the cat continues to struggle with no whiskers and severely singed ears. Watch the sad report now and let’s all hope the little guy pulls through: Cat Gets Set on Fire

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Kitten Doused in Gasoline and Set on Fire, Struggling to Survive