We have another contender for Worst Pet Owner in the World. A couple days after a woman responded to a Craigslist ad because someone threatened to shoot his dog , and a couple weeks after a man actually blew his canine up , we have news of a four-month old kitten who is fighting for its life. After being doused in gasoline and set on fire. A $5,000 reward has been established to catch the awful people involved, as the cat continues to struggle with no whiskers and severely singed ears. Watch the sad report now and let’s all hope the little guy pulls through: Cat Gets Set on Fire
Grumpy Cat was interviewed live via satellite on Australian TV from her home in Arizona this week, and it went about how you’d expect it would. The incomparable feline Internet phenom was not what you’d call enthralled, which is pretty consistent with what we’ve come to expect at this point. This is Grumpy Cat, after all. She doesn’t impress easily. The primary takeaways from this watershed TV moment: Host Karl Stefanovic thinks it’s beyond hilarious. Grumps is not impressed in the least. Grumpy Cat TV Interview
She may not take credit for it, but the fact remains: Antoinette Tuff saved an untold number of lives Tuesday. Michael Brandon Hill , 20, took an AK-47 on to the campus of Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Ga., but surrendered to authorities without causing any real harm. All because Tuff opened up and managed to relate to the troubled young man. Antoinette Tuff Talks Down Georgia Shooter “Don’t feel bad, baby,” the front office employee is heard saying to Hill on 911 tapes that were released yesterday. “My husband just left me after 33 years … I’ve got a son that’s multiple disabled… It’s all going to be well.” Tuff went on to sympathize with Hill and convince him not to make a horrible situation worse. “We’re not going to hate you, baby. It’s a good thing that you’re giving up, so we’re not going to hate you,” she tells him. “Let’s do it before the helicopters and stuff like that come… “… it’s going to be alright, sweetie. I just want you to know that I love you, though, okay? And I’m proud of you. That’s a good thing that you’re just giving up, and don’t worry about it. We all go through something in life … You’re going to be okay.” Tuff then proceeded to give instructions from police to Hill, who put down his weapon and lay down on the ground with his hands behind his back. Once Hill is restrained by the cops, Tuff breaks down on the phone with the operator, screaming and crying: “Oh, Jesus! Oh, God!” What a tragic situation. What an incredibly brave woman. Georgia School Shooting
Some fun planking and orchestal nyan cat mashup, with higher ed facts : Check out Rock The Ivory Tower on Facebook and Twitter . Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : WILLisms.com Discovery Date : 03/08/2011 21:41 Number of articles : 2
Britney Spears combined her professional life and her personal life last night, in the most seductive of ways! The singer took to the stage in Long Island’s Nassau Coliseum and was joined there by boyfriend Jason Trawick… who was handcuffed to a pole and decked out in a boa. Britney then proceeded to belt out a version of “Leather & Lace” while gyrating for her man. And thousands of fans, of course…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hollywood Gossip Discovery Date : 03/08/2011 22:11 Number of articles : 2
Britney Spears combined her professional life and her personal life last night, in the most seductive of ways! The singer took to the stage in Long Island’s Nassau Coliseum and was joined there by boyfriend Jason Trawick… who was handcuffed to a pole and decked out in a boa. Britney then proceeded to belt out a version of “Leather & Lace” while gyrating for her man. And thousands of fans, of course…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hollywood Gossip Discovery Date : 03/08/2011 22:11 Number of articles : 2
Britney Spears combined her professional life and her personal life last night, in the most seductive of ways! The singer took to the stage in Long Island’s Nassau Coliseum and was joined there by boyfriend Jason Trawick… who was handcuffed to a pole and decked out in a boa. Britney then proceeded to belt out a version of “Leather & Lace” while gyrating for her man. And thousands of fans, of course…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hollywood Gossip Discovery Date : 03/08/2011 22:11 Number of articles : 2
Christina Aguilera, 29, then proceeded to interview her fellow singer – whose doctors believe is expecting a girl – about her pregnancy. “How are you feeling? Do you have morning sickness? How#39;s it feeling for you?” Christina Aguilera belted out a number from her new movie “Burlesque” at Sunday (Nov. 21) night#39;s American Music Awards and let#39;s just say her performance was a full-bodied one. As a result, the Internet lit up with people searching to find out if Christina might have a bun
Far-left MSNBC ranter Ed Schultz just can’t let facts get in the way of his rank partisanship and liberal propagandizing. His latest whopper, that Gen. Stanley McChrystal was “another problem [President Obama] inherited from the Bush administration,” was blatantly untrue, and just earned him a ” pants on fire ” rating from Politifact.com. Politifact, which has busted up other untruths propagated by media liberals, noted a valuable lesson for liberals and Democrats: “not everything can be blamed on President Bush.” Indeed. Not only did President Obama not “inherit” McChrystal’s command from the previous administration, he “effectively sacked the general in charge to create a vacancy that he then proceeded to fill with McChrystal as his fix-it man,” notes Politifact. We applaud the folks at Politifact for checking Schultz’s inane rantings. Welcome to our world!