Tag Archives: house-minority

Hold The Mayo: KKKongressman Steve KKKing Removed From 3 House KKKommittee Seats After Racist Comments

Source: Bill Clark / Getty Rep. Steve King Stripped Of House Committee Seats After Racist Remarks You GOTTA be a flaming racist if even the Republicans are kicking you out of their lil’ conservative clubhouse. According to The Washington Post , Rep. Steve King of Iowa was unanimously voted out of his three seats on prestigious House committees Monday afternoon after making yet another extremely racist remark. King has a long history of making comments that earned him the title of bigot, we reported on his most recent racist rhetoric last week when he questioned why white supremacy was such a bad thing. Yes, a man who white people voted into office to govern the United States of America doesn’t see why people are so offended by a lil’ white supremacy. Doesn’t everyone like a lil’ white supremacy in their coffee? No? Just Steve King and 53% of white women? Got it. Sure, maybe some of the GOPers aren’t cool with King’s comments, but he’s literally been saying these things for YEARS. This smells more like damage control for the 2020 election more than righteous indignation toward the fellow red state racist. “That is not the party of Lincoln,” he said of King’s comments. “It is definitely not American. All people are created equal in America, and we want to take a very strong stance about that.” Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California offered this rebuke: “That is not the party of Lincoln,” he said of King’s comments. “It is definitely not American. All people are created equal in America, and we want to take a very strong stance about that.” Oh, are they now? That’s news to us… Continue reading

Allen West to Obama, Reid, Pelosi: ‘Get the Hell Out of the United States of America’


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Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) had a strong message Saturday for President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 29/01/2012 06:48 Number of articles : 3

Allen West to Obama, Reid, Pelosi: ‘Get the Hell Out of the United States of America’

Nancy Pelosi Agrees: Obama Doesn‘t Need Congress’ Approval


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Yesterday, The Blaze covered the intensifying debate between the Obama administration and Congress surrounding U.S. operations in Libya. Now, following the president’s controversial assessment that he does not need Congress’ approval to continue the mission, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is coming to his defense. Earlier today, she told the press : “I believe the limited nature of this limited… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 16/06/2011 22:38 Number of articles : 2

Nancy Pelosi Agrees: Obama Doesn‘t Need Congress’ Approval

MRC’s Bozell Addresses Anti-Tax Cut Bias, ‘Islamophobia’ on ‘Hannity,’ Anti-Tea Party Bias on ‘Fox & Friends’

Closing out the “Media Mash” segment on the September 16 edition of his eponymous “Hannity” program, the Fox News host asked for NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell’s reaction to NBC’s Meredith Vieira telling House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) that the Bush tax cuts “didn’t succeed” and asking him “what’s so good about them?”: Memo to Meredith [Vieira]: You can have a debate about what future tax cuts might or might not result in but a record is a record. Under George Bush, 8 million jobs were created with his tax cuts. With Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts there were 20 million jobs created. We’ve done nothing but lose jobs with Barack Obama with the stimulus package. Truth is truth, facts are facts. Don’t go on television saying it didn’t work. It did work! The economy-boosting, jobs-creating benefits of across-the-board tax cuts are not all the media are not telling the truth about. The Media Research Center founder and president also addressed how the media, particularly ABC’s Christiane Amanpour are smearing everyday Americans as “Islamophobic” [Listen to MP3 audio here or download WMV video here ]: There comes a point where the American people should say to Christiane Amanpour, “Please shut up!” I am sick and tired of this. Just like Arizona, Sean.  If you raise a policy question, you’re a bigot for saying it….We did a study on soundbites I think it was the last month, did you know that 93 percent of the soundbites talk about Islamophobia in the news media. They can’t stop talking about it. And when they talk about a handful of people that that pastor [Terry Jones] caused an international incident. No! He did not cause that incident, they caused the incident with the non-stop coverage.  This morning Bozell appeared via satellite on “Fox & Friends” to discuss the media’s anti-Tea Party bias, particularly their recent obsession with bashing Christine O’Donnell [download MP3 audio of segment here or WMV video here] : What was the great story on Tuesday night. It was not just that Christine O’Donnell won, it was that 60,000 votes were cast when it’s normally 30,000 [and] for a candidate who had no money to campaign on. That was the [real] story, but all you got instead was ad hominem attacks.

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MRC’s Bozell Addresses Anti-Tax Cut Bias, ‘Islamophobia’ on ‘Hannity,’ Anti-Tea Party Bias on ‘Fox & Friends’

Fox Poll: IRS beats Tea Party in popularity

After months upon months of enthusiastic, cheer-leading coverage of any rally that involved tea, tea bagging or tea partying, the Fox News network has miraculously disproved itself by producing a new poll that finds Americans think more highly of the Internal Revenue Service than they do the vocal conservative minority. Atop the fourth page of a Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll released April 8, the questioner explains that respondents would be read a series of names and asked whether their opinion is positive or not. The most popular among the names is Barack Obama, who scored a 50 percent approval rating. Second was the Internal Revenue Service, at 49 percent. Down below Democrats and even below Republicans is the “Tea Party,” at 36 percent approval. This particular poll's questions reference the “Tea Party” as though it were a unified group, akin to a third party actor, instead of what it really is: a disparate collection of middle to fringe right wing groups that originally came together as an organizing platform for Congressman Ron Paul, but were popularly coopted and briefly organized by old guard Republicans into a series of loud and angry demonstrations against the health reform laws. Naturally, ratings for individual political leaders were lower than ratings given to entire political parties, but when asked about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, respondents were especially harsh, giving them 16 and 29 percent favorability, respectively. The only single politician who scored lower than Democratic leadership was House Minority Leader John Boehner, one of the GOP's top men and a key public face for the party, with just 12 percent approval. Naturally, Fox News went on to ask poll respondents questions like how in-line they think their values are with the “Tea Party” and whether they were less likely to vote for their congressperson if they cast a yes ballot on health reform. They also asked people to rate how health reform made them “feel,” set to a scale of “good” or “bad,” and if they “feel” like the United States' economy will suffer because of the new laws. The placement of the IRS in double-digits over the “Tea Party” in favorability is startling, especially considering how vocal most of the group's loudest activists are concerning taxes. Though virtually all lower and middle class Americans received a tax cut by President Obama, 90 percent of tea party respondents to a February CBS poll were oblivious to this fact. “Fox’s poll finding is particularly humorous considering that a recent conservative attack on health care reform has been to falsely claim that it would lead to the hiring of 16,500 IRS agents to enforce the law,” noted Matt Corley, writing for Think Progress. “'I suspect every Republican candidate will campaign on a promise to cut off all funding in January for the 16,000 IRS agents,' said Newt Gingrich recently. 'You don’t need a health Gestapo in the United States.'” Continued… added by: SleepDirt

Boehner: ‘Rebellion’ occurring in U.S.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that the day’s tea party rally outside the Capitol is a sign that a “rebellion” is occurring in the United States. Boehner, who spoke at the rally, made the comment during an online town hall being put on by the Republican National Committee.

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Boehner: ‘Rebellion’ occurring in U.S.