Tina Brown, the founder and editor of the online publication the “Daily Beast,” said Sunday that conservative talk show host Glenn Beck “has become sort of the white Malcolm X.” Chatting with Howard Kurtz on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Brown said of Beck, “I think that he’s a fascinating demagogue, actually.” She continued, “It’s white racial politics, in a sense, because he’s really saying — a lot of his message is, you know, that Obama is a racist.” And continued, “[Beck] talks about God, but when you drill down to what he’s actually saying, he calls [Obama] a Nazi and socialist who’s taking over the country. I mean, his language is extremely inflammatory” (video follows with transcript and commentary): HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: On this same topic, Glenn Beck has become an influential and certainly divisive figure after that Lincoln Memorial rally, that huge rally. Do you see him as something of a cultural phenomenon? What’s your take? TINA BROWN, CO-FOUNDER, “THE DAILY BEAST: Well, I do. I think that he’s a fascinating demagogue, actually. He really is a demagogue. And he has become sort of the white Malcolm X in a strange way. I mean, the way he goes out there with this kind of very — he’s very much kind of — it’s white racial politics, in a sense, because he’s really saying — a lot of his message is, you know, that Obama is a racist. You know, I mean, all the stuff that we keep hearing about “Hussein Obama” and the references to Obama being undoubtedly kind of racist, really, in all the terminology. KURTZ: He’s backed off that a little bit, and now he seems to be talking a lot about God and America — BROWN: Yes, he talks about God, but when you drill down to what he’s actually saying, he calls him a Nazi and socialist who’s taking over the country. I mean, his language is extremely inflammatory. And he likes to play it now revivalists, religious bring it together. But he’s playing a double game, because actually he’s a hypocrite. And he’s a Tea Party hypocrite. He’s preaching one thing and he’s actually being another. Notice how Kurtz laughed when Brown called Beck a hypocrite and a Tea Party hypocrite. Not very professional, Howie. As for Brown, given her absurd comments, you wonder if she’s actually ever spent any time listening to Beck or if she’s relied on far-left leaning websites and MSNBC to form her opinion. I opt for the latter – how ’bout you?
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Tina Brown: Glenn Beck Is ‘The White Malcolm X…It’s White Racial Politics’