Tag Archives: increases

MTV Says Kanye’s “Monster” Video Not Banned

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MTV has responded to reports that they have banned Kanye West’s “Monster” video after being pressured by a women’s rights organization. The cable channel says they are still waiting on edits to be made to the video before it will air. “MTV has not banned Kanye West’s ‘Monster’ video,” the network said in a statement. “We have been in constant communication with the label regarding this matter. However, we are still awaiting the edits we requested in order for the video to be suitable for broadcast.” “The mainstreaming of videos like this increases desensitized and callous attitudes toward violence against women,” said Melinda Tankard Reist, of Change.org, the group that led an effort to have the video banned.. “Young people are seeing images and absorbing harmful messages which glamorize misogyny and brutalize women. Women are reduced to sex-doll like playthings. So great is the level of desensitization that the barbaric treatment of women and girls is seen as normal and to be expected. We decided to run this campaign because we wanted to challenge the status quo.” Spotted @ HipHopDX RELATED: Women’s Rights Activists Prevent Release Of Kanye’s “Monster” Video RELATED: Is Kanye West Going Back To School? No, Says School Spokesperson

MTV Says Kanye’s “Monster” Video Not Banned

Afternoon Snack: A corgi on a swing. The end. [biotv.]


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Afternoon Snack: A corgi on a swing. The end. [ biotv .] Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 16/02/2011 23:05 Number of articles : 2

Afternoon Snack: A corgi on a swing. The end. [biotv.]

Gov. Christie’s Big D.C. Speech Wows, Increases Presidential Buzz


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You know there’s buzz about you when you can deliver an eloquent, and captivating, political speech, deny you have any presidential ambitions during said speech, and the only thing anyone wants to write about afterwords is the subsequent non-existent presidential buzz. That’s exactly what happened to GOP New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie today. In a speech in Washington, D.C. sponsored by the American… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 16/02/2011 23:08 Number of articles : 2

Gov. Christie’s Big D.C. Speech Wows, Increases Presidential Buzz

F1 Racing to Downsize from V8s to 4-Cylinder Engines in 2013

Photo: Flickr , CC A Smaller VRRRRRRRRRRROOOOMMMM The FIA’s World Motor Sport Council has approved new specs for Formula One, and starting in 2013, F1s will see a huge engines downsizing (more details on this below) and the addition of new fuel-saving technologies. This is welcome news not only because it should reduce the fuel consumption of F1s by about 35%, but because it will turn this the sport into a kind of R&D lab for small engines. This increases the chances that improvements will find their way into mass-market vehi… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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F1 Racing to Downsize from V8s to 4-Cylinder Engines in 2013

House approves major increase in military aid to Israel

While the entire nation is debating about taxes (complete distraction from the root of the nation's real economic problems), look who is getting even MORE cash from the feckless American debt slaves. America's foreign policy, dominated by Zionists, as stated by Helen Thomas and many others, is destroying the economy. *** The House of Representatives earlier this week approved a significant increase in the level of military aid to Israel, pushing the level to $3 billion in flat military aid, with an additional $205 million set aside for a short range rocket system. Both of the increases were already planned as part of a memorandum of understanding between the United States and Israel, but were formally approved as part of the 212-206 vote in the House on Wednesday. Rep. Steve Rothman (D – NJ) said the increase in aid to Israel “sends a strong message to both our enemies and allies,” but also comes at a time when the US has only just abandoned the Israeli peace process over its inability to convince Israel to agree to even a short term freeze. added by: maasanova