Tag Archives: incredibly-nice

Oxford and Sacramento

As election day draws near, I have had the distinct privilege of branching off and campaigning for my dad with Shannon and Heather, while continuing my book tour. At first I was extremely nervous, but this is such a fun little tour to be on and I am having a blast meeting all of the incredibly dedicated volunteers at McCain-Palin offices around the country. I am so grateful to be having such an enjoyable, free-spirited, positive experience meeting such amazing volunteers and supporters; signing books for some of the cutest kids I have ever seen; and working every day with my favorite people in the world. Shannon, Heather, Frank, Melissa and Josh – You rock my world! I am a lucky girl to have such supportive, beautiful friends at my side, helping to elect my dad as the next President of the United States! We’ve been in Oxford and Sacramento and are headed to more cities in California before spending a few days in Ohio. We’ll have a big suprise for all of our readers in Ohio… trust me, I couldn’t be more excited for our trip to Ohio! Song of the Day: “Good Souls” by Starsailor

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Oxford and Sacramento

Ohio and Pennsylvania

The Straight Talk Express “Blogette Edition” continued to roll through Ohio and Pennsylvania over the weekend, from book signings to thanking volunteers to squeezing in some time at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  We have been going nonstop, being powered by the enthusiasm of those we meet.  You guys have been phenomenal!  It was very cool campaigning with two U.S. Olympians – Larsen Jensen, a member of the U.S. Olympic Swimming team and Jason Read, a member of the U.S. 0lympic Rowing team.  They’re incredibly nice guys and it was great to have their support on the trail.  More to come from tonight’s debate in Nashville! Song of the Day: “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf

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Ohio and Pennsylvania