Tag Archives: insecure-girls

Olivia Wilde’s Campaign No One Cared About for Bobo of the Day

People…mainly creepy perverts like you…love Olivia Wilde …even though she’s weak…and got herself a stupid fake name from an obvious character in literature…that is a sign of her insecurities…cuz she wasn’t confident enough to stand by her actual last name COCKBURN ..but then again…insecure girls are the only reason I get laid….and really who wanted to be named COCKBURN…especially when you have a vagina…cuz the imagery is just fucking evil on any cock that wants to climb up inside her… Well it turns out she did this campaign in September and no one gave a shit…so I’m posting it 2 months later….for all you fairweather fans…cuz I think she looks alright in it…sure she’s not in her bra for a movie role in it…but looks good none the less ….

Excerpt from:
Olivia Wilde’s Campaign No One Cared About for Bobo of the Day

Olivia Wilde’s Campaign No One Cared About for Bobo of the Day

People…mainly creepy perverts like you…love Olivia Wilde …even though she’s weak…and got herself a stupid fake name from an obvious character in literature…that is a sign of her insecurities…cuz she wasn’t confident enough to stand by her actual last name COCKBURN ..but then again…insecure girls are the only reason I get laid….and really who wanted to be named COCKBURN…especially when you have a vagina…cuz the imagery is just fucking evil on any cock that wants to climb up inside her… Well it turns out she did this campaign in September and no one gave a shit…so I’m posting it 2 months later….for all you fairweather fans…cuz I think she looks alright in it…sure she’s not in her bra for a movie role in it…but looks good none the less ….

Excerpt from:
Olivia Wilde’s Campaign No One Cared About for Bobo of the Day

Christina Ricci Hot and Skinny at Some Event of the Day

This is one thing in life that I actually like….and that is skinny chicks. Everything else is just garbage, pollution, irritants….offensive as fuck….and Christina Ricci probably feels the same way, you see she was a pudgy little thing with D cup titties, who went anorexic like all pudgy little things should do, only to chop off her titties, something disappointing to most, but fantastic to me, cuz it meant she could really pull off that skinny body proper….I mean big natural tits fuck it all up….as rib cages are exposed, you don’t want big nippled sloppy sand bag tits hanging their like shit’s a fucking National Geographic….at least I don’t…..all this to say….2 decades into her career….she’s still got it goin’ on. Good Hustle. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Christina Ricci Hot and Skinny at Some Event of the Day

Enya Bakunova Vintage Erotic Lookin’ For Elle Russia of the Day

There is nipple behind all that communist propoganda! Her name is Enya, she’s a model I want to fuck, but that’s not saying much, cuz I only want to fuck models, and the fact she has a modeling contract, makes her a prime candidate for me wanting to fuck her….but it’s still saying something…and that something is that these pictures are hot….but I may just be saying that cuz they remind me of 60s erotica I once found in the wall of a house when doing construction….it was in a little tin box and contained a bunch of these faded polaroid pics and bunch of seedy love letters and even some tufts of pubic hair wrapped in yellow kleenex….a tin box that I spent a better part of a month jerking off to….I’m a romantic like that.

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Enya Bakunova Vintage Erotic Lookin’ For Elle Russia of the Day

Some Ciara Ass Crack in Soiled Sweatpants of the Day

There are rumors that Ciara was a man….and here she is showing the top of her ass crack in soiled sweatpants like a fucking homeless guy who has given up on life…or who is like me and can’t fit into a pair of non-elastic pants…..or like a drug dealer who doesn’t need to wear jeans…because he’s gangster and shit’s comfortable…. I’m not sure if this is something that could be perceived as hot…I mean unless you’re into trannies…or the unknown of whether there’s a set of balls behind this shit….cuz over-sized sweat pants are kinda making me think there are….real girls wear leggings. Who cares.. her and I have that soiled sweat pants connection….so I’d fuck her adam’s apple or not… To See The Rest of the Pics if you Care….. FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the article here:
Some Ciara Ass Crack in Soiled Sweatpants of the Day

Nikki Cox Scary as Fuck Monster in a See Through Shirt of the Day

I always knew that NIKKI COX HAD A JACKED UP FACE ….but it was never this bad….she went fucking nuts But I never hate on insecure girls who feel the need to get plastic surgery so fucking hard that it fucks up their faces, making them look like fucking clowns….the sick thing is not how bad it looks but that they probably think it looks good everytime they look in the mirror….like that their doc is an artist….maybe cuz they spent all that money on it but probably cuz they aren’t fucking normal to go this extreme….. I know…how can they leave the house looking like this….it makes no sense….how can they feel hot or act hot looking like this….but I still feel like it is an important part of our culture, cuz it makes absolutely no sense, yet all these fucking women do it every fucking day, and I even see it in my daily life, and I’m not surrounded by hollywood pussy…it just looks so fucking stupid…like a cartoon character….a cartoon character I want to cum all over….just because I know the bitches can’t close their eyes…. Either way, the good news is that I think she’s rocking a see through shirt… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

See original here:
Nikki Cox Scary as Fuck Monster in a See Through Shirt of the Day

Jessica Jane Clement Shows Off Her Body of the Day

This is some UK bitch who was on some reality show, who claims she’s a Glamour Model, a profession they should re-named “insecure girls with fake tits and shitty tattoos who are willing to show off their bodies in cheesy pictures some shitty photographer takes of them in hopes they’ll get noticed and shit will take them to the top cuz it’s all they have going for them”, but I guess it doesn’t have the same ring to it….here she is in some shoot…and I wouldn’t mind cumming inside her in exchange for false promises of giving her a big break…

See the rest here:
Jessica Jane Clement Shows Off Her Body of the Day