Authorities have arrested America’s “Most Wanted” deadbeat dad, according to reports. Robert Sand, 50, of New York, was arrested upon his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday after being deported from the Philippines. He is believed to owe more than $1.2 million in child support. Over the last 10 years, Sand has underreported his income and moved from New York to Florida to Thailand to evade child support payments. Surprisingly, he has “only” three children from two previous marriages. Sand was taken into custody in the Philippines earlier this week. The Office of the Inspector General maintains a list of the most wanted deadbeat parents with info about their possible whereabouts and the sum of money they owe. Until Tuesday, Sand and his seven-figure debts topped the federal list. They have since updated Sand’s mugshot with a “captured” banner. Thank goodness.
See the article here:
Most Wanted Deadbeat Dad: Robert Sand Arrested!