Tag Archives: james-madison

Freaky Lesbian Teachers Claim There Was No Licky Licky Going On…

These broads stay in the news: The lusty ladies of Horndog High are both in on the action now – with a second ex-teacher suing to get her job back after she was canned over a sizzling lesbian classroom romp. Former French teacher Cindy Mauro, who was fired last week thanks to the infamous November 2009 incident, contends no “inappropriate sexual behavior” took place between her and fellow romance language teacher Alini Brito in room 337 at James Madison High School. The teachers’ alleged sexual shenanigans made national headlines when a janitor squealed to a school administrator that he had seen them in a naked classroom tryst. A lawyer for the teachers said the claims are the product of an “over-active imagination” that could be shot down by a now-destroyed surveillance tape. “Not one witness who testified said they SAW Ms. Mauro in any state of undress or committing a sexual act,” said Michael Valentine of Altman Schochet. “Nobody saw anything.” Mauro, the suit says, was simply tending to Brito’s needs by giving her candy and sugar while students sang and danced at a school performance. But a state arbitrator’s report said Brito was topless and on her back while a partially undressed Mauro kneeled between her legs. “Ms. Brito wasn’t feeling well,” Valentine said. Mauro’s suit comes two weeks after Brito sued the Department of Education, seeking to have her firing overturned. SMH. Source

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Freaky Lesbian Teachers Claim There Was No Licky Licky Going On…

President John F Kennedy To Barack Obama Reguarding Wikileaks

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. — Benjamin Franklin The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home. – James Madison The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders…tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. – Herman Goering I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. – James Baldwin Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. – Voltaire The cry has been that when war is declared, all opposition should be hushed. A sentiment more unworthy of a free country could hardly be propagated. – William Ellery Channing “if there be one principle more deeply written than any other in the mind of every American, it is that we should have nothing to do with conquest.” — Thomas Jefferson Criticism in a time of war is essential to the maintenance of any kind of democratic government. – Sen. Robert Taft, (R) Ohio Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible. ~ Sinclair Lewis 1935 “patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” – Samuel Johnson “If the American people ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied.” -Thomas Jefferson “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell added by: toyotabedzrock

Restrepo, or How I learned to Love War

This film is overflowing with camaraderie, buddy love, friendship, honor, glory, patriotism and all those heartwarming, good feelings we’re supposed to have about our country. There is no better subtle propaganda tool than a film like Restrepo to prop up this useless futile extravagant waste of a war. We feel for these soldiers and what they have to go through. But why the fuck do they have to go through it in the first place? That question is never asked. added by: JonRaymond

Bill Press Mocks Southern Senator with Banjo Music; Suggests ‘Taking Citizenship Away from People Born in Alabama’

Ah yes – liberalism, or as its recent branding has labeled it, progressivism, is the most open-minded and culturally sensitive place to be on the ideological spectrum. Those who subscribe to those beliefs are far more enlightened and far more able to respect those from all over the globe, or least all over the United States, right? Not the case with liberal talk show host Bill Press. On his Aug. 4 program, Press launched into a long-winded rant about a handful of U.S. Senators who question the interpretation of the 14 th Amendment , which allows for so-called “anchor babies” to provide a way for some illegal immigrants to achieve legal status, despite having broken the law by entering the United States. Press took issue with Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who suggested the 14 th Amendment is being abused and wasn’t what was intended by the original authors of it. But he didn’t just disagree with him for his stance. Instead, he took to mocking his southern accent, playing to a stereotype of people from the South. “You know the only thing we’re missing with that are the banjos, you know,” Press said. “I mean – yeah, Jeff Sessions. I mean give me a freaking break. [ In faux southern accent with banjo music playing ] You know our founding fathers didn’t know them jet skis – they got them jet skis in Tijuana. They do, they just zip up the coast and have their baby on the beach in La Hoya, La Joya, La Jolla and then they back to Tijuana with a little baby American. God darn if Thomas Jefferson had only know’d that we would have been different.” Press went on to show his audacity was boundless and called critics of the way the 14 th Amendment has been used as “mean-spirited.” Press framed the entire debate in a manner that made it seem like legislators were taking their concerns over illegal immigration out on children. “Where do we get these people from?” Press continued. “You know, unfreaking believable. Look this is such a stupid thing. Number one, it’s just – look, it’s so mean-spirited, right? Yeah, OK – we’re going to take it out on the kids. Yeah, we’re going to get even with those illegal immigrants. We’re going to get even with anybody that came here to try to improve their life and do better for their family. Yeah, we’re going to take it out on their kids and throw those little buggers back across the boarder.” But he didn’t stop there with the mocking Sessions. Later in his broadcast, Press launched into another anti-Sessions screed with the same theatrics. [ With faux southern accent with banjo music playing ] “Ah yeah, did Thomas Jefferson know ‘bout dem UFOs?” Press said. “Man, those aliens coming here from outer space, popping out a baby and then hopping in their spaceship and goin’ home. What’s this world coming to? I’m tellin’ ya, if James Madison know’d that he would’ve done different.” And to end his bizarre high-minded, left-of-center condescending anti-Alabama rant, this wizard of smart suggested maybe we should revoke citizenship from Alabamians. “You know, how about we just take citizenship away from people born in Alabama ?” Press said. “That’d be a good start. Just kidding, Alabamans – well, yeah maybe [laughter]. Alright, there we go, yes indeed.” One can only ask what is next for Press. Will he mock someone of another ethnicity which he disagrees with a stereotype? It is hard to imagine a conservative talker pulling such a feat off without some sort of pushback from Press and his ilk.

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Bill Press Mocks Southern Senator with Banjo Music; Suggests ‘Taking Citizenship Away from People Born in Alabama’

Dear Timbaland, Please Make Me Popular

Valentine is from the Ukraine, and he wants to be as popular as Britney Spears. That chorus will certainly help him. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

NYT Wedding Announcement Photobomb

Oh hey, that's Will Ferrell.

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NYT Wedding Announcement Photobomb