Judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj put their differences aside to send 19-year-old Papa Peachez to Hollywood. By Adam Graham Judges on “American Idol” Wednesday night Photo: Fox
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‘American Idol’ Recap: Peachez And Cream In Texas
Judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj put their differences aside to send 19-year-old Papa Peachez to Hollywood. By Adam Graham Judges on “American Idol” Wednesday night Photo: Fox
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‘American Idol’ Recap: Peachez And Cream In Texas
Judges send 35 contestants to Hollywood, including 19-year-old Burnell Taylor, whose audition got a standing ovation. By Adam Graham Judges on “American Idol” Photo: Fox
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‘American Idol’ Gets ‘Chills And Goosebumps’ In Baton Rouge
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Contestants Julio Cesar Castillo and Amanda Brown were just a few to receive overwhelming praise from the judges on Monday night. By James Dinh Bryan Keith performs on “The Voice” Photo: NBC
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‘The Voice’ Finalists Face Cutthroat Live Playoffs
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Lindsay Lohan has had a rough couple of months/years/decades. It’s no surprise that Claus Hjelmbak, who was present the night she alleges she was assaulted by Christian LaBella , says “she’s not in a good place.” However, “it’s not because of health issues,” he said. “She’s not in a good place, because people around her just keep throwing her under the bus.” According to Hjelmbak, LaBella, who Lohan hung out with at the W Hotel, didn’t know Hjelmbak or Lohan before that night. So how’d he get with their crew? “Lindsay is a sweet girl and is very open and nice when people come over and talk,” he explained. “In this case, she thought it was somebody her friends know.” All was well until LaBella started taking Lindsay Lohan photos on his cell phone. “She was visibly shaken already at that point. She was shocked. You are in a private space and realize someone has documented the entire night on the phone.” After that was when the alleged altercation happened. Hjelmbak said there were no drugs involved, and he was unsure if Lohan had even had “a drink or two.” LaBella was arrested for assault, but quickly released due to lack of evidence that a crime was actually committed, drawing a rebuke from Lindsay’s rep. Whatever happened that night, how will LiLo bounce back? “Look at her art,” Hjelmbak urged fans. “And stop focusing so much on her private life. That would be a big help to her getting back to a really good place.” If only she didn’t make that near-impossible.
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Lindsay Lohan "Not in a Good Place," Pal Says
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Without taking sides, and with an eye toward quieting the critics, American Idol producers have released a statement in regard to this week’s simmering Nicki Minaj vs. Mariah Carey feud. “This is one of the best, most passionate, dynamic and invested judging panels we’ve ever had,” the producers said in response to Minaj going off on Carey during a taping in Charlotte. “We love and support all of the judges and the fantastic work they are doing, and we can’t imagine a better group to find the next American Idol .” If reports are true, Carey and Minaj don’t agree. The former alleges that the latter threatened her life and has supposedly hired extra security in response. Claiming a lot of the chatter going around is “inaccurate,” Idol executives added: “Production is going extremely well today and the judges are focused on finding the best talent here in Baton Rouge.”
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American Idol Producers Address Nicki/Mariah Feud
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Forget the Presidential Debate ?!? There was something far more combative on television last night: The X Factor Boot Camp, as 60 contestant sang once again for the judges, who will soon whittle this group down to 24. Who stood out from this group of hopefuls? It was hard not to be taken with 13-year old Diamond White , who impressed last week with “It’s a Man’s World” and sparkles here with “I Have Nothing.” Yes, she went with Whitney. How do you think Diamond did? Diamond White – “I Have Nothing”
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Diamond White Sparkles Again on The X Factor
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‘My fears of doing the show came a lot from what I thought people would say,’ Nicki tells MTV News of her decision to join the judges’ panel. By Nadeska Alexis Nicki Minaj Photo: MTV News
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Nicki Minaj Admits She Had ‘Fears’ About Joining ‘American Idol’
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She’s no Jeffrey Gutt , but Julia Bullock, an 18-year-old from Charlotte, N.C., made a good enough impression on the judges to make it through to Boot Camp too. Her version of Foster the People’s “Pumped Up Kicks” was one of the highlights last night on The X Factor, which clearly used up most of its talent Wednesday. Julia ditched her bandmates, which included her ex-boyfriend, in trying out for the Fox show. Think she’s got a chance to make it far? You be the judge below: Julia Bullock X Factor Audition
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Julia Bullock on The X Factor: Pumped Up, Kicking A$$
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The second time was the charm for CeCe Frey on The X Factor last night. Having not exactly blown away the judges are “Unchained Melody,” the panel asks Frey to select a different single if she wanted a chance to remain in the competition. Enter Christina Aguilera’s “Ain’t No Other Man,” some serious attitude on stage and a booming voice that brought the crowd to its feet. It’s safe to say we’ll see more of CeCe in the future. Watch her winning audition now:
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All the rumors about Nicki Minaj joining the American Idol Judge’s panel were true. Ryan Seacrest tweeted the news along with a photo and a…
Mariah Carey, Keith Urban, Randy Jackson and NICKI MINAJ Are Your Official American Idol Judges
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