Tag Archives: kicker

Snooki on Leno: So Dumb She Must Be Acting

We are not buying for a second that a living human can be as dumb as Snooki was on Leno tonight. Granted, the other two Jersey Shore cast members were dumb, too

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Snooki on Leno: So Dumb She Must Be Acting

Sarah Palin’s Washington Post Op-Ed Debunked

The Washington Post has run another Sarah Palin op-ed. And this time it’s worse than ever — it’s about the myth of global warming and how she is the true defender of science because she kills polar bears. The piece essentially says that because man-made global warming is clearly non-existent, based on leaked emails from climate change scientists, Obama should boycott Copenhagen.

Continued here:
Sarah Palin’s Washington Post Op-Ed Debunked

Distinguished Novelist Engages in Dignified Page Six Pissing Match With Ex

Weep for literary culture. After Salman Rushdie ‘s ex-girlfriend accused him of still pining for his ex-wife Padma Lakshmi in Page Six yesterday, Rushdie has responded in kind today

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Distinguished Novelist Engages in Dignified Page Six Pissing Match With Ex

Glee: Big Dreams for Destiny’s Children

Is this show called A Gay Guy, Two Pregnant Chicks, and a Pizza Place That Sponsors a Football Team , because last night, that’s what it was. What it lacked in music it made up for in soul—and Beyoncé

Glee: Big Dreams for Destiny’s Children

The NYT Magazine’s "$400,000" Hurricane Katrina Story: Expensive, Epic

The NYT Magazine ‘s cover story about a euthanizing, beleaguered hospital during and after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans dropped today.

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The NYT Magazine’s "$400,000" Hurricane Katrina Story: Expensive, Epic