Tag Archives: kissing-some

Irina Shayk Tongues her Russian Friend and Wears a Bikini of the Day

Irina Shayk is kissing some girl who I assume is Russian on the lips, because apparently that’s how Russian Women make extra cash to pay for their hair, nails and designer clothes…. Sure I am basing my entire opinion on Russian babes on the cam sites and porn sites and mail order bride sites that I frequent…but I like to think that is culturally representative of girls who grew up poor but who are now thrown into the elite, top echelon, 1%, world of fame and fortune – strictly because of the way they look… We call those escorts…and sure they can disguise as models, or even be models…but the foundation of who they are…their core offering to the world…is still the fuckng same..and when they look like Irina…I am so into that, I wish I had budget for that…or at least one as good as her… She also wore a bikini on instagram in some luxurious place…because that’s the life she lives…looking the way she does… Surprisingly, no one asked where her John Ronaldo was…it’s just assumed he’s off on his own gay cruise or something…being rubbed down by men to loosen up after the world cup…he’s a homosexual like that…a homosexual who “dates” this..

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Irina Shayk Tongues her Russian Friend and Wears a Bikini of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Whores Out at Vegas Pool Party of the Day

Aubrey O’Day was finally invited somewhere other than the local donut shop…..fat bitch was hired to do some kind of guest host at some Vegas pool party….cuz Vegas pool parties will hire anyone to host their bullshit if they have been on TV at least once…I’m talking anyone….. I know Aubrey O’Day was excited abou this shit, cuz she posted as many fucking pics of herself on twitter like she fucking matters…all up on her black boyfriend…kissing some girlfriend…in what you call crying for attention as loud as possible…hoping someone like me….will post about it….and since she’s got fat tits to go along with her fat ass and fat belly black dudes love….I’m gonna endorse….even if I kinda hate the bitch cuz everything that comes out of her mouth is fucking annoying and everything that goes into her mouth is high calorie of of African decent…. She’s the fucking worst TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Aubrey O’Day Whores Out at Vegas Pool Party of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Whores Out at Vegas Pool Party of the Day

Aubrey O’Day was finally invited somewhere other than the local donut shop…..fat bitch was hired to do some kind of guest host at some Vegas pool party….cuz Vegas pool parties will hire anyone to host their bullshit if they have been on TV at least once…I’m talking anyone….. I know Aubrey O’Day was excited abou this shit, cuz she posted as many fucking pics of herself on twitter like she fucking matters…all up on her black boyfriend…kissing some girlfriend…in what you call crying for attention as loud as possible…hoping someone like me….will post about it….and since she’s got fat tits to go along with her fat ass and fat belly black dudes love….I’m gonna endorse….even if I kinda hate the bitch cuz everything that comes out of her mouth is fucking annoying and everything that goes into her mouth is high calorie of of African decent…. She’s the fucking worst TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Aubrey O’Day Whores Out at Vegas Pool Party of the Day

Scarlett Johansson Boring as Fuck in Vogue of the Day

I dont’ understand how someone like pudgy, uninteresing, but marketed as hot as fuck, even though she looks more like someone swelling up from a food allergy, like Scarlett Johansson can go from producing nude pics for her “husband” and not the media….you know that she took so seriously that the mother fucking who “stole” them is going to be getting 30 years in prison for…according to the fake court system they set up on a sound stage to make her look like she’s not an attention seeking slut promoting some shit to keep her getting work and making money as her body that was wrongfully a lottery winner in terms of careeer, fame and fortune….goes south……..to this boring as fuck photoshoot in Vogue that I am posting for the die hard fans who have obsessive compulsive order that blinds that fact that they’vee all been lied to.

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Scarlett Johansson Boring as Fuck in Vogue of the Day

Maggie Q Ass in May’s Inked Magazine of the Day

Maggie Q is some old as far as I’m concerned….at 32….bitch from Hawaii……Who is half asian…but more interestingly…half Vietnamese, cuz her white daddy worked for the government and fell in love with a local bitch during the Vietnam war…and saved her by bringing her to Hawaii where they produced this bitch a few years later…a fate far more exciting that living in communism as a hooker….or getting blown the fuck up by left over land mines and angry north vietnamese who hate you can you allied with America and killed their family and villages before they took everyong out……. She’s been in one or two American movies, the rest of her career has been the Asian American in Asian movies….where she probably has a huge fan base…cuz she’s got white in her and that makes her exotic to them…. Now she’s in Inked magazine showing a lot of ass…..but not as much skin as I’d expect from someone with her level of fame….you can’t please everyone….not even me…unless you get naked…no matter who you are.e…cuz I have low standards

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Maggie Q Ass in May’s Inked Magazine of the Day

Lisa Edelstein Nude for PETA of the Day

Lisa Edelstein is some 44 year old jewish lady who is in the show House who decided to strip down for PETA despite being 44 years old…because I guess she feels that PETA is a good cause cuz killing animals is mean….so mean a motherfucker needs to get naked for the shit…. This is something that was probably barely hard for her to do because in the 1990s, she was a club kid named Lisa E, and if you know anything about New York club kids, they were try hard freaks who paved the way for hipsters today, doing tons of drugs all night, having lots of sex…getting aids…..and Lisa E was a key player… Here’s a clip of her in her halter top leaving a club with some dude…kissing some gay dude on he lips…..singing….showing off titty all backstage and exclusive….back when we all woulda fucked her… I hate club kids…but I like my old ass with FONT on it. To See Some Screenshots of a VIdeo I Didn’t Look For… FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lisa Edelstein Nude for PETA of the Day

Sofia Vergara’s Sweet Latina MILF Booty

Super latina MILF Sofia Vergara just seems to get better with age. Look at thar awesome ass in those tight jeans. Perfect. Unfortunately for all of us she’s kissing some lucky son of a bitch. I’m so jealous of this a-hole, I wish I had a sweet blue golf shirt that I could tuck into my dad jeans so I could get a piece of ass like this. Damn it!