Tag Archives: know-the-nature

Ric Flair Doubles Down On His Claim That He Smashed Halle Berry – “The Nature Boy Ain’t A Liar!”

Ric Flair Insists He’s Telling The Truth About Halle Berry Hookup Wrestling legend Ric Flair shocked a lot of people yesterday when he claimed that he and Halle Berry had a secret smash session shortly after her divorce from Braves baller David Justice back in the 90’s. Halle Berry INSTANTLY clapped back claiming it was all a bucket of misogynistic lies . But Ric Flair is doubling down on his claims that he had a piece of Halle’s highly coveted cakes during the peak of her career. Ric first posted a meme talking about Space Mountain — apparently the name he calls his peen — and how long the line is to ride it, despite his advanced age: Then he indirectly addressed Halle’s clapback by showcasing a video he took in Atlanta — the place he allegedly chopped her down — over the weekend and captioning it with “ I was right on Sunday, so I think we all know the Nature Boy ain’t a liar! ” Hmmm…someone is clearly lying here. We all know The Nature Boy loves to embellish and speak about his wheelin’ and dealin’ ways in a grandiose fashion. Do YOU believe him?? WENN/Splash

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Ric Flair Doubles Down On His Claim That He Smashed Halle Berry – “The Nature Boy Ain’t A Liar!”

Kim Zolciak: Stroke Revealed That She Had Major Underlying Heart Condition

Kim Zolciak’s Stroke Reveals Major Heart Issue It looks like Kim Zolciak’s stroke might have actually been a life-saver. The reality star lost feeling on one side of her body and was hospitalized just hours after appearing on “Dancing With The Stars.” Though the condition seemed minor — a closer look by docs revealed that she was already suffering a much more serious heart condition. Via TMZ : Kim Zolciak’s mini-stroke was far more serious than anyone thought … we’ve learned she had a heart procedure following the TIA and could have died. As we reported, Kim had the mini-stroke in Atlanta, hours after appearing on “Dancing with the Stars.” She had lost feeling on one side and her ability to speak, but it was only temporary. Kim has told friends that doctors thought she could be released almost immediately, but a test revealed there was a more serious, underlying heart issue. Doctors kept her in the hospital and she told friends the docs performed a procedure Friday. We do not know the nature of the problem or what doctors did to correct it. We’re told Kim would never have known about the heart issue had she not gone into the hospital for the TIA. And doctors told Kim if the heart problem were left untreated, it could have become life-threatening. Wow. Whatever she’s going through sounds very serious. We really hope she’ll be alright! Instagram

Kim Zolciak: Stroke Revealed That She Had Major Underlying Heart Condition

The Struggle: Lauryn Hill Sentenced To 3 Months By Uncle Sam For Tax Invasion

Lauryn, Uncle Sam plays no games. Lauryn Hill Sentenced To 3 Months In Jail According to TMZ Lauryn Hill has been sentenced to spend 3 months in FEDERAL PRISON for tax evasion … even though she claims she paid off her nearly $1 million bill to Uncle Sam before sentencing. A judge in Newark, New Jersey dished out the sentence moments ago … and told Hill that after she completes her stint behind bars, she’ll spend 3 more months on house arrest … followed by 9 months of supervised release. Before the hearing, Hill’s attorney told the media the singer scraped together more than $970,000 to repay her debt to the government. The 37-year-old former Fugee pled guilty last year to three counts of tax evasion for failing to file returns on $1.8 million she earned from 2005 to 2007. Lauryn’s attorney asked for mercy because of her charity work and 6 kids … but the judge wasn’t buying it. During the hearing, the judge ordered Hill to report to prison by July 8. It’s unclear where Hill will serve her time. Hill was present during the hearing, and delivered a statement to the judge in which she compared her situation to slavery. “I was put into a system I didn’t know the nature of. … I’m a child of former slaves. I got into an economic paradigm and had that imposed on me,” Hill said. She continued, “I sold 50 million units … now I’m up here paying a tax debt. If that’s not likened to slavery, I don’t know what is.” Like we said before, that smooth chocolate skin and soulful voice makes her a target in jail. Hopefully, she can figure out a master plan to keep the savages off of her. Wenn

See the article here:
The Struggle: Lauryn Hill Sentenced To 3 Months By Uncle Sam For Tax Invasion

Children Services Visits ‘Teen Mom’ Victim

Filed under: Amber Portwood , Gary Shirley , Celebrity Justice , Teen Mom Child Protective Services has just arrived at the home of Gary Shirley , the alleged ” Teen Mom ” beating victim. We do not know the nature of the visit, however, sources say CPS has serious concerns about the welfare of baby Leah , whose mom, Amber… Read more

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Children Services Visits ‘Teen Mom’ Victim