Tag Archives: kristi-parrales

Keegan’s Ex: His Expensive Lawyer Got Him Off

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Exclusives A judge refused to hit Andrew Keegan with a permanent restraining order this week over allegations he abused his ex-girlfriend … and for some reason, his ex-girlfriend isn’t all that surprised.Kristi Parrales gave TMZ the following statement:”I’m … Permalink

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Keegan’s Ex: His Expensive Lawyer Got Him Off

Judge — Former Heartthrob No Threat

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Andrew Keegan is free to roam wherever he wants — a judge refused to slap a restraining order on the former heartthrob over allegations he abused a former GF. The decision must have come as a shock to Keegan’s ex, who presented a couple of photos to … Permalink

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Judge — Former Heartthrob No Threat

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Best of Celebrity Pics: August 29-September 4, 2009

Kristi Parrales Alleges Andrew Keegan Whomping, Tire Slashing, Terror Campaign

Former teen heart throb Andrew Keegan is being accused by a model named Kristi Parrales of “launching a campaign of terror against her” for more than a year.

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Kristi Parrales Alleges Andrew Keegan Whomping, Tire Slashing, Terror Campaign