Tag Archives: like-the-youth

Kendall Jenner Sister Incest of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian with their wet asses in the hot tub. I asked a friend and pop culture expert….because I am confused by the subject and it always comes up in my mind….which is why no Christian fundamentalist crazy person, or really any crazy person has tried to kill the Kardashians. They are the biggest threat on the future of America…. He said they are too famous, not actual important enough to kill, and have too much security….to which I said “rocket launcher”….to which he said that they are pretty much untouchable…like Trump….who is also a masterful media manipulator who managed some amazing things with Social Media marketing tactics…..to which I said at least trump is entertaining…..to which he agreed… There is nothing good about the Kardashians, their egos, their narcissism, their knowledge and expertise of social media manipulation to benefit themselves, their money grubbing, their celebrity, their marketing, their muppet faces and lipsuctioned stomachs…they are not hot, interesting or entertaining…and even when they get half naked, I’m like…there are so many hot chicks half naked…I don’t care for some overyhype, daughter of a tranny….or her hairy brown sister who is the daughter of OJs lawyer….no matter how much money they’ve managed to squeeze out of the idiots…they are still bootleg garbage to me…. Yet the exist, they continue to exist, despite being the biggest threat on America…and that makes no sense…..but I guess the world makes no sense. Heres a throwback of her getting wet JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Kendall Jenner Sister Incest of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kendall Jenner Sister Incest of the Day

Bebe Rexha Bikini of the Day

Bebe Rexha is old….and has been in the industry for over a decade…writing songs for actual celebs… She has been famous in her own skin, with her own name, making her own music for about 45 fucking minutes now….but she’s hopped on the shameless self promotion, tits out in a fancy bikini, riding that celebrity wave even though there’s not much substance to celebrity anymore, it’s all very flimsy and bullshit….posting the slutty selfies she probably used to hate seeing the people who used to sing her songs post…thinking the entire time that they were getting fame and money off her songs…and that she was best suited to perform her own music because she was the talent….pretty much the same story Lady Gaga has…songwriter turned popstar cuz their ugly asses couldn’t get a record deal despite being good enough to write songs for the hot talent of the time… Well, here she is doing bikini selfies, like the youth, riding fame she carved out for herself, but still compelled to post bikini selfies cuz bitches like being jerked off to. Especially when they have fat tits. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bebe Rexha Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

The rest is here:
Bebe Rexha Bikini of the Day

Nicki Minaj Performed with Drake in Latex of the Day

Apparently doughty Nicki Minaj performed in Paris with Drake because they have a song or two together, as she’s the manipulative female rapper who either fucks her way into the hip hop world, or pretends she’s edgy and black to compensate for her being a manufactured bullshit act, that rappers eat up because they all like that mainstream stamp of approval…because the world is filled with groupies looking for shout outs… Well, her weirdly shaped, plastic surgery ridden body wore latex looking shit, something that contained her pussy smells….while escalating her pussy smells…thanks to not being breathable and the whole thing wasn’t very erotic, unless you’re into coddled white as fuck black girls playing black girls showing off their fat tits and cameltoe….exciting…right..fat tits though… The post Nicki Minaj Performed with Drake in Latex of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicki Minaj Performed with Drake in Latex of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Hotel Erotica in Socks of the Day

I find pretty much everything Bella Thorne does erotic…because I know that she’s making it erotic…as it gets her view and audience…and despite being all playful and cute about it..while looking like a 40 year old thanks to her jacked up face…she’s still using tactics like her tits to lure us in…. She’s pretty fucking good at this, it’s like her family trained her to be prepared to use her tits for attention because attention leads to jobs in this superficial, lack of substance world.. I am a fan, she sends a strong message to the youth…and to old guys who like the youth…even though she’s 19 and perfectly legal to jerk off to when she flashes her tits.s.. Some highlights… TO SEE HER TIT FLASH CLICK HERE TO SEE HER TIT FLASH VIDEO CLICK HERE Voyeurism…. The post Bella Thorne’s Hotel Erotica in Socks of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the rest here:
Bella Thorne’s Hotel Erotica in Socks of the Day