Tag Archives: lindsay-shookus

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: It’s Over! Again!

Folks, it’s our regrettable duty to inform you that love is well and truly dead. The concept of mutual romantic affection had a good run of about 200,000 years or so, but it left this mortal coil at exactly 2:54 on Thursday afternoon. That’s when People magazine reported that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up . Again. Yes, it’s only been two months since Ben and Lindsay got back together, but it seems their love was simply too pure for this world. Either that or Ben started banging a 20-something Playboy model again. Tough to say, as details are pretty scarce at the moment. An insider says it was mostly distance that drove the lovebirds apart, which seems like BS, since Ben has unlimited resources for travel, and these two had already been doing the bicoastal thing for almost two years. “She has a kid and an ex-husband and a job in New York and Ben has his family and a job in L.A. and while they love and respect each other they just realized it wasn’t going to work,” a source tells People . “They really gave it another solid try.” We’re sure being separated by a few thousand miles wasn’t easy, but in all likelihood, it was a combination of factors that led Ben and Lindsay to call it quits. Affleck checked into rehab for the third time back in August, and he may have wisely decided that his focus needs to be on his family and his sobriety at this time. Then there’s Lindsay’s demanding work as an SNL producer. After all, it can’t be easy, week after week, to position Alec Baldwin’s Trump wig or ensure that Pete Davidson’s garish outfits won’t cause any seizures in Des Moines. And then there’s the issue of upbringing. Ben’s from Boston, and Lindsay as from Buffalo. Can any relationship endure such a heated — albeit one-sided — AFC East rivalry for very long? We think not. Anyway, we’ve poked occasional fun at Ben and Lindsay’s relationship, but that’s mainly just because SNL producer and retired Batman are hilarious job titles to us. At the end of the day, they both seem like decent folk, and we wish them both all the best going forward. Although, Ben, your football team can go ahead and start sucking any day now. This sh-t is getting ridiculous. View Slideshow: Shauna Sexton: Get to Know the Playmate Banging Ben Affleck!

See the original post here:
Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: It’s Over! Again!

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: It’s Over! Again!

Folks, it’s our regrettable duty to inform you that love is well and truly dead. The concept of mutual romantic affection had a good run of about 200,000 years or so, but it left this mortal coil at exactly 2:54 on Thursday afternoon. That’s when People magazine reported that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up . Again. Yes, it’s only been two months since Ben and Lindsay got back together, but it seems their love was simply too pure for this world. Either that or Ben started banging a 20-something Playboy model again. Tough to say, as details are pretty scarce at the moment. An insider says it was mostly distance that drove the lovebirds apart, which seems like BS, since Ben has unlimited resources for travel, and these two had already been doing the bicoastal thing for almost two years. “She has a kid and an ex-husband and a job in New York and Ben has his family and a job in L.A. and while they love and respect each other they just realized it wasn’t going to work,” a source tells People . “They really gave it another solid try.” We’re sure being separated by a few thousand miles wasn’t easy, but in all likelihood, it was a combination of factors that led Ben and Lindsay to call it quits. Affleck checked into rehab for the third time back in August, and he may have wisely decided that his focus needs to be on his family and his sobriety at this time. Then there’s Lindsay’s demanding work as an SNL producer. After all, it can’t be easy, week after week, to position Alec Baldwin’s Trump wig or ensure that Pete Davidson’s garish outfits won’t cause any seizures in Des Moines. And then there’s the issue of upbringing. Ben’s from Boston, and Lindsay as from Buffalo. Can any relationship endure such a heated — albeit one-sided — AFC East rivalry for very long? We think not. Anyway, we’ve poked occasional fun at Ben and Lindsay’s relationship, but that’s mainly just because SNL producer and retired Batman are hilarious job titles to us. At the end of the day, they both seem like decent folk, and we wish them both all the best going forward. Although, Ben, your football team can go ahead and start sucking any day now. This sh-t is getting ridiculous. View Slideshow: Shauna Sexton: Get to Know the Playmate Banging Ben Affleck!

See the rest here:
Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: It’s Over! Again!

Sarah Hyland Nude Photos: Hacked AGAIN!

This is just awful. Sarah Hyland, the beautiful Modern Family actress, has had her personal photos hacked, which means that there are once again nude photos of her circulating on the internet. The worst thing about this is that it’s happened before . … Sarah Hyland’s shown serious sideboob before to show off a tattoo, but that was her choice. This is different. This happened to Sarah Hyland once before, in 2014. This time, the pictures appear to show Sarah Hyland topless (and bottomless) while wearing a robe that covers basically nothing. Some celebrity nude hacks reveal celebs in some serious sex acts, but this isn’t a case of Sarah Hyland “getting off easy” — this is a violation. We don’t yet know the origins of the hack or who might be behind it, but we hope that investigators are able to get to the bottom of things. Sarah Hyland deserves that much. And she wasn’t the only one in these photos. … At least one of the photos is said to feature a topless Sarah Hyland kissing her ex-boyfriend, Matt Prokop. You might remember that she was granted a  three-year restraining order against Matt Prokop  after revealing that he had  choked her , threatened to burn down her home and also threatened her dog. It was reportedly part of abusive behavior that had gone on for years. Monstrous but sadly not surprising. Abuse is no rare thing. (At least Matt Prokop isn’t as popular as Johnny Depp, or maybe he’d still have hordes of people trying to defend him) These days, Sarah Hyland is dating hottie Dominic Sherwood, known for his role in Taylor Swift’s “Style” music video and best known for his role as Jace Wayland (or, arguably, Jace Herondale — it’s complicated) on the Freeform supernatural drama series, Shadowhunters . Things seem so, so much better for Sarah Hyland these days. Sarah Hyland is 26, an adult by any standard. (Arguably not a grown-up , since that really begins around 30 … or so … but that’s not a knock on her) For this hack, which appears to have happened yesterday, as with every hack, trolls are going to come out of the woodwork to claim that it’s somehow her fault. “If you don’t want your nudes to leak, don’t take them,” is usually the general gist of what they say. That’s victim-blaming, usually with a heavy dose of slut-shaming. Having something doesn’t entitle others to steal it from you and share it with the world. We somehow doubt that those trolls would argue that it’s somehow the owner’s fault if their television or jewelry is stolen. Nudes, stolen from a phone or computer or private social media account or ripped form the cloud, are no different. Hell, even actresses who have gone nude for roles deserve privacy for their personal photos. How much you show of your body should always be your choice. If a porn star’s nudes are stolen, it’s still a crime. Sarah Hyland’s now had to deal with anorexia rumors, two hacks of her nudes, and a horrifyingly abusive relationship. That’s more than enough for anyone. Whatever drives people to punish celebrities for existing by obtaining and releasing their nudes to the public, it needs to stop. Sarah Hyland has reportedly vowed legal action against anyone who publishes these ill-gotten goods, so we hope that this will be enough of a deterrent before too many people see her nude. One of the only sources of consolation in these cases is that real nudes are often lost among the endless photos with poorly photoshopped images of celebrity faces on bodies that are clearly not their own. But that’s a small comfort.

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Sarah Hyland Nude Photos: Hacked AGAIN!

Game of Thrones: Officially More Popular Than Porn!

On Sunday night, Game of Thrones set a ratings record. With 10.1 million viewers tuning in for the original broadcast, “Dragonstone” became the most-watched season premiere in the history of HBO. Heck, it even shattered the mark for the highest number of concurrent viewers on HBO Go and HBO Now. This doesn’t really come as a shock, of course. We all know Game of Thrones is a big deal in pop culture. But the above records only tell a small part of how popular Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 turned out to be. For further, truly insightful analysis, we turn to the good folks at… Porn Hub?!? Apparently! The website has kept a running tally for years on the effect Game of Thrones episodes have on its traffic… and it just released a chart that depicts how viewership dropped 4.5% this past Sunday night when compared to typical Sunday nights on Porn Hub. As you can see below, this is usually a popular evening for men (or women!) to log online and ogle some bare butts, boobs, penises or vaginas. They may even masturbate to these body parts and/or to what these body parts are doing to each other. But Game of Thrones has been known to feature its own fair share of boobs and butts. Moreover, there are dragons! And White Walkers! And palace intrigue, murderous young members of the Stark family and even Ed Sheerhan ! This season’s opener provided a slightly more significant drop than last year’s premiere, when traffic was down only 4.1 percent. However, if last season is any indication, every Sunday night will see a dip going forward, as the following Porn Hub chart illustrates: Following a Game 6 finale in which hundreds of people died and Cersei took over the Iron Throne, the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere was pretty tame. But it did move various characters in various players, setting up clear battle lines and setting the stage for two major battles to come: Dany and company against Cersei and company. Everyone against The Night King. Both of these storylines are interesting enough that people around the Internet would prefer to see how they play out instead of seeing how porn stars online scream out in ecstasy. Winter is coming, indeed, but no one else is on Sunday nights. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Season 7 Premiere Photos: Winter Is Here!

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Game of Thrones: Officially More Popular Than Porn!

Lindsay Shookus: Did She Cheat on Ben Affleck With Jon Hamm?!

When the world first learned that Ben Affleck was dating Lindsay Shookus , many applauded the non-tabloidy nature of their relationship. After all, Affleck’s divorce from Jennifer Garner had been finalized ; the former couple had been separated for more than two years; and the timng seemed right for Ben to move on with someone new. Then the tabloid media started doing some digging and they found, well … a lot. For starters, several outlets claimed that Garner and Shookus had an affair for several years before coming out as a couple. This is a bit of a problem, as until relatively recently, both were married to other people. It later came out that Garner confronted Shookus after learning of the affair, which she found out about after noticing some expensive jewelry purchases on Ben’s credit card statement. As for Shookus’ ex-husband, Kevin Miller, he reportedly just fouhd out about the affair a few months ago, and now believes it was the cause of his divorce. (According to People and Us Weekly ‘s timelines, Shookus began her relationship with Affleck just a few months after welcoming the her and Miller’s first child.) Now, London’s Daily Mail has done even more digging into the Lindsay’s past and found that the SNL producer has a history of dating famous men. The tabloid reports that Lindsay engaged in a low-key affair with Sex and the City actor Chris Noth, though Noth’s reps deny the claim. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that Noth would’ve already been involved with his current wife at the time. Interestingly, the tabloid claims that Ben and Lindsay went on a break at at one point. (Yes, if the timelines are accurate, they’ve been together long enough to have gone on a break.) During that time, it seems Lindsay got involved with another respected actor with a famously messy personal life. The Mail claims Lindsay dated Jon Hamm during this time, and news of the relationship royally pissed Ben off. Affleck and Hamm are friends and they worked on the 2010 film The Town together. They both got out of very longterm relationships around the same time, and it seems Shookus knew just how to make Affleck jealous. It’s anyone’s guess as to how much of the Mail ‘s report is accurate, but one thing’s for sure: It doesn’t look like Ben will be able to leave his tabloid staple status in the past any time soon. View Slideshow: 25 Most Shocking Cheating Scandals of All-Time

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Lindsay Shookus: Did She Cheat on Ben Affleck With Jon Hamm?!

Lindsay Shookus: Did She Cheat on Ben Affleck With Jon Hamm?!

When the world first learned that Ben Affleck was dating Lindsay Shookus , many applauded the non-tabloidy nature of their relationship. After all, Affleck’s divorce from Jennifer Garner had been finalized ; the former couple had been separated for more than two years; and the timng seemed right for Ben to move on with someone new. Then the tabloid media started doing some digging and they found, well … a lot. For starters, several outlets claimed that Garner and Shookus had an affair for several years before coming out as a couple. This is a bit of a problem, as until relatively recently, both were married to other people. It later came out that Garner confronted Shookus after learning of the affair, which she found out about after noticing some expensive jewelry purchases on Ben’s credit card statement. As for Shookus’ ex-husband, Kevin Miller, he reportedly just fouhd out about the affair a few months ago, and now believes it was the cause of his divorce. (According to People and Us Weekly ‘s timelines, Shookus began her relationship with Affleck just a few months after welcoming the her and Miller’s first child.) Now, London’s Daily Mail has done even more digging into the Lindsay’s past and found that the SNL producer has a history of dating famous men. The tabloid reports that Lindsay engaged in a low-key affair with Sex and the City actor Chris Noth, though Noth’s reps deny the claim. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that Noth would’ve already been involved with his current wife at the time. Interestingly, the tabloid claims that Ben and Lindsay went on a break at at one point. (Yes, if the timelines are accurate, they’ve been together long enough to have gone on a break.) During that time, it seems Lindsay got involved with another respected actor with a famously messy personal life. The Mail claims Lindsay dated Jon Hamm during this time, and news of the relationship royally pissed Ben off. Affleck and Hamm are friends and they worked on the 2010 film The Town together. They both got out of very longterm relationships around the same time, and it seems Shookus knew just how to make Affleck jealous. It’s anyone’s guess as to how much of the Mail ‘s report is accurate, but one thing’s for sure: It doesn’t look like Ben will be able to leave his tabloid staple status in the past any time soon. View Slideshow: 25 Most Shocking Cheating Scandals of All-Time

More here:
Lindsay Shookus: Did She Cheat on Ben Affleck With Jon Hamm?!

Jennifer Garner Confronted Lindsay Shookus After Learning of Ben Affleck Affair, Sources Claim

Last week, we learned that Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus , a 37-year-old Saturday Night Live producer, whom he reportedly met while rehearsing an appearance on the show. Affleck just finalized his divorce from Jennifer Garner  in April, but the couple has been separated since 2015. So surely there’s no great scandal in Ben moving on and dating someone new at this point, right? Ha! This is the Batfleck we’re talking about, and whether it’s justified or not, there will always be countless pearl-clutching gasp-takes about everything he does. And in this case, the situation might have involved actual clutching of pearls. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves … As you may have heard, it’s been rumored that Ben cheated on Jennifer with Lindsay .  In fact, some have gone so far as to say that Affleck and Shookus carried on an affair behind Garner’s for years, and that the couple parted ways after Jen found out about it. Conflicting stories abound, but right now, the consensus seems to be that Garner is pissed about the relationship, which lends credence to the theory that it overlapped with her marriage. One insider tells Radar Online that Ben and Lindsay hit it off from the first time they met, and  “There was an immediate spark,” says a source close to the situation. “Ben and Lindsay flirted and stayed in touch through Ben’s appearances on SNL.” Apparently, Affleck and Shookus weren’t great at keeping things on the down-low, and Jen found out about the affair after realizing that Ben had made several extravagant jewelry purchases. “Jen met face-to-face with Lindsay and demanded she return the jewelry,” the source revealed. “Lindsay says she’d return it, but only if Ben asked for it back.” Yes, the insider claims there was an actual face-to-face confrontation between Garner and Shookus. Sounds like things came close to getting very ugly. Fortunately, Garner didn’t feel the need to fake her own death and frame Ben for the murder. Sorry, but it’s impossible to hear news of Ben Affleck marital troubles and not think of Gone Girl . View Slideshow: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Photos: A Romantic Rewind

Originally posted here:
Jennifer Garner Confronted Lindsay Shookus After Learning of Ben Affleck Affair, Sources Claim