Tag Archives: little-shocked

Selena Gomez Does The Piano In A Bikini

I know it’s been at least a week or two since I’ve done any new posts on Selena Gomez , so here’s a few new updates from the pop star hottie: here she is playing the piano in a bikini and doing deep knee bends in a bathrobe with her friends assistants. I guess she must be getting ready to go on tour soon. I know that probably means selling out giant arenas or whatever, but if Selena’s interested in doing any smaller, more intimate shows, my bedroom (AKA my mom’s basement) has great acoustics. Call me!

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Selena Gomez Does The Piano In A Bikini

Bella Thorne Is Now A Wannabe Popstar

I’m not gonna lie, I was a little shocked when I first heard Bella Thorne was appearing in some new music video. I never realized she wanted to be a pop star. I always thought her career goals were to become the world’s first professional Snapchatter. Anyway, I still haven’t actually listened to the song, but the video’s not bad! It’s basically just Bella on her phone in her underwear. So in other words, just a regular weekday for her. Enjoy. » view all 11 photos

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Bella Thorne Is Now A Wannabe Popstar

Justin Bieber Surprize Tickets! 2012

Our three little girls get Bieber tickets for the sold out show in Toronto at the Rogers Centre on December 1st 2012….they are a little shocked…LOL http://www.youtube.com/v/V4oMnoATMDo?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: Justin Bieber Surprize Tickets! 2012

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Justin Bieber Surprize Tickets! 2012

Justin Bieber Surprize Tickets! 2012

Our three little girls get Bieber tickets for the sold out show in Toronto at the Rogers Centre on December 1st 2012….they are a little shocked…LOL http://www.youtube.com/v/V4oMnoATMDo?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: Justin Bieber Surprize Tickets! 2012

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Justin Bieber Surprize Tickets! 2012

Lindsay Lohan — Targeted in Parking Crackdown

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Celebrity Justice Lindsay Lohan ‘s already in trouble for breaking the law in Beverly Hills — cops decorated the actresses Mercedes with a big, fat parking ticket yesterday while LiLo visited a friend. Lindsay seemed a little shocked by the citation — which we’re told… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan — Targeted in Parking Crackdown

Egg Recall Brands, be on the safer side

The Egg recall brands include Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Farm Fresh, n many more. These are the egg brands which have been recalled by the company along with the Plant number 1026, 1413 and 1946 and the dates starting from May to August with the codes 136 to 225. http://www.buzztab.com/latest-news/egg-recall-brands-be-on-the-safer-side/ added by: andycr43

Raid on B.C. marijuana grow-op bears big surprises

A story that doesn't sound believable, no matter how many times you tell it: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/raid-on-bc-marijua… “Busting a marijuana grow-op is fairly routine for police in B.C.’s West Kootenay region. But when RCMP raided a grow-op near the tiny town of Christina Lake recently, they found what they say was an unusual security contingent – a troop of black bears. Officers were “a little shocked” to discover 10 bears prowling the property like live “traps” waiting to greet intruders, said RCMP spokesman Corporal Dan Moskaluk.” —————————————– The people were, of course, arrested for possession of marijuana, but no word yet on how the f**k they got 10 bears to protect their grow-op, or had a raccoon and pig living in their house. added by: CalPal

Lindsay Lohan Is Chanel Chic

Lindsay Lohan has been in Paris checking out all the latest styles and trends from the runway.

Lil Wayne Begins One Year Jail Sentence

Don’t look so surprised…. You knew this was coming. Lil Wayne looked a little shocked at his sentencing… Or maybe he was just nervous.