Tag Archives: one-year-jail

Greenpeace’s Tokyo Two Convicted of Whale Meat Theft by Japanese Court

photo: Greenpeace The saga of the two Greenpeace activists arrested over two years ago for stealing whale meat from a shipping depot, in an effort to expose corruption within Japan’s whaling program , is over. Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki were given one-year jail terms, suspended, for theft and trespassing. Prosecutors had wante… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Greenpeace’s Tokyo Two Convicted of Whale Meat Theft by Japanese Court

Lindsay Lohan Is Chanel Chic

Lindsay Lohan has been in Paris checking out all the latest styles and trends from the runway.

Lil Wayne Begins One Year Jail Sentence

Don’t look so surprised…. You knew this was coming. Lil Wayne looked a little shocked at his sentencing… Or maybe he was just nervous.