Tag Archives: looked-forward

Ron Paul Farewell Speech: Gone, But Not Forgotten

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul bid farewell to the U.S. House Wednesday. Watch the Texas Congressman’s final speech on the floor of the U.S. house here: Ron Paul Farewell Speech Not surprisingly to those familiar with Dr. Paul’s career and philosophy, he spoke for a LONG time (48 minutes) and touched upon his usual themes: Liberty, freedom, peace, and tolerance. Yes, there are the obligatory gold standard and raw milk references. This is Ron Paul, people. But wherever you are on the political spectrum, this is worth listening to. Paul’s influence on the Republican Party in recent years has been substantial, and his son, Sen. Rand Paul, will likely carry the torch going forward. The elder Paul’s unabashed calls for the rejection of both social and economic interventionists have galvanized many Americans in the past few years. Will the movement continue after the 77-year-old’s retirement? That remains to be seen, but this is one political figure who has left an indelible mark.

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Ron Paul Farewell Speech: Gone, But Not Forgotten

Ron Paul Farewell Speech: Gone, But Not Forgotten

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul bid farewell to the U.S. House Wednesday. Watch the Texas Congressman’s final speech on the floor of the U.S. house here: Ron Paul Farewell Speech Not surprisingly to those familiar with Dr. Paul’s career and philosophy, he spoke for a LONG time (48 minutes) and touched upon his usual themes: Liberty, freedom, peace, and tolerance. Yes, there are the obligatory gold standard and raw milk references. This is Ron Paul, people. But wherever you are on the political spectrum, this is worth listening to. Paul’s influence on the Republican Party in recent years has been substantial, and his son, Sen. Rand Paul, will likely carry the torch going forward. The elder Paul’s unabashed calls for the rejection of both social and economic interventionists have galvanized many Americans in the past few years. Will the movement continue after the 77-year-old’s retirement? That remains to be seen, but this is one political figure who has left an indelible mark.

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Ron Paul Farewell Speech: Gone, But Not Forgotten

Jennel Garcia Reacts to X Factor Ousting, Is Ready to Rock

Fresh off her X Factor elimination , Jennel Garcia faced the press last night and looked forward to what she hopes will be a very bright future. “It’s time for me to show the world who I am,” Garcia told reporters backstage. “Coming into this competition I lost myself. But I was looking for a place to grow and someone to guide me. And I feel like [ Demi Lovato ] guided me.” Garcia, of course, was stuck in the bottom two last night along with Paige Thomas . She fought back tears after the bad news was announced. But Garcia isn’t focusing on the negative. She’s dreaming big and hoping to combine rock with pop. “I’m so sick of hearing the same music on the radio,” she said of this goal. “Everything you hear on the radio sounds the same. And I know a lot of people can agree with that, people who don’t even like the music I like can agree with that. We’re sick of hearing the same thing.” What do you think, readers? Did you Garcia deserve to be given the boot?   Yes, it was Jennel’s time! No way, should have been Paige! View Poll »

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Jennel Garcia Reacts to X Factor Ousting, Is Ready to Rock

Jennel Garcia Reacts to X Factor Ousting, Is Ready to Rock

Fresh off her X Factor elimination , Jennel Garcia faced the press last night and looked forward to what she hopes will be a very bright future. “It’s time for me to show the world who I am,” Garcia told reporters backstage. “Coming into this competition I lost myself. But I was looking for a place to grow and someone to guide me. And I feel like [ Demi Lovato ] guided me.” Garcia, of course, was stuck in the bottom two last night along with Paige Thomas . She fought back tears after the bad news was announced. But Garcia isn’t focusing on the negative. She’s dreaming big and hoping to combine rock with pop. “I’m so sick of hearing the same music on the radio,” she said of this goal. “Everything you hear on the radio sounds the same. And I know a lot of people can agree with that, people who don’t even like the music I like can agree with that. We’re sick of hearing the same thing.” What do you think, readers? Did you Garcia deserve to be given the boot?   Yes, it was Jennel’s time! No way, should have been Paige! View Poll »

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Jennel Garcia Reacts to X Factor Ousting, Is Ready to Rock

See Sarah Silverman and Michelle Williams Full Frontal in Take This Waltz [PICS]

Oh, how we’ve looked forward to this day! We’ve been eagerly awaiting pictorial evidence of Sarah Silverman ‘s full-frontal nude debut in Take This Waltz (along with more frontal flesh from skin veterans Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski , we mustn’t forget them) ever since our Skin Skout reported the nudes from Toronto last fall. Now, at last that day is here, and it is glorious. Three hot actresses having a long, leisurely chat while soaping up their fully nude forms in the shower, unhurried, unashamed and baring all. This is how you kick off a long weekend. See more pics of Sarah Silverman , Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski full frontal after the jump!

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See Sarah Silverman and Michelle Williams Full Frontal in Take This Waltz [PICS]

The Original Green By Steve Mouzon: A Must-Read If You Care About Sustainable Design

Steve Mouzon has been a fixture on TreeHugger since I first read his thoughts on the original green, on how people designed before the the Thermostat age, and how buildings kept people warm in an era before oil, or cool before air conditioning was invented. I have come to base much of my thoughts on the sustainability of heritage buildings (I am a volunteer at a heritage preservation org ) on what I have learned from Steve, much of which is summarized in the points made above in the illustration; that good buildings (old or new) are lovable, durable, flexible and frugal. I looked forward to his new book, the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Original Green By Steve Mouzon: A Must-Read If You Care About Sustainable Design