Tag Archives: illustration

Netflix Creates A “Co-Watching” Contract That Both People In A Relationship Must Sign Before Binge-Watching

Source: Chesnot / Getty Netflix Has Created “Co-Watching” Contracts For Couples If you’ve ever felt betrayed by your significant other after learning they watched an episode of y’all’s favorite show without you, Netflix might just have the solution for you. The streaming platform  has decided to lay out some rules for binge-watching so that couples can reach an agreement before settling on something to watch. The new  “co-watching” contract is a document that both partners in a relationship must sign, with Netflix listed as a witness for the whole thing. The doc is to be used as an agreement to follow five rules before binge-watching a show together. Those rules of engagement are as follows: I won’t fall asleep I won’t get distracted by my phone causing the other person to rewind because I missed something; I won’t continue watching a show without the other person present; I won’t talk whilst the show is on; In the event that I come across a spoiler, I won’t share it with the other person. This whole thing could definitely be a good idea for a lot us out there who have been left behind by spouses who watched an extra episode after their partner fell asleep early–but some of the rules don’t seem so practical. In the event of some serious binge-watching, it seems unlikely that nobody is going to pick up their phones–and it seems even more unlikely that someone will keep a spoiler to themselves. But it’s a nice sentiment, nonetheless. Could you see your partner signing this co-watching contract?

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Netflix Creates A “Co-Watching” Contract That Both People In A Relationship Must Sign Before Binge-Watching

Sweet Sweet Sweet Bajan Nights: RihRih And She Bestie Went Tuh Town

Source: Kyle Babb / SplashNews / Splash News Rihanna And Melissa Forde Have A Night Out In Barbados RihRih and her bestie Melissa were photographed having a night on the town this weekend for a Bridgetown party thrown by her brother Rorrey. As the Bajans say… they were looking sweet, sweet, sweet! Source: Kyle Babb / SplashNews / Splash News Sources say Rihanna pulled up to the party at 2 am and the ladies got right to partying after greeting Rorrey. View this post on Instagram #BajanNights A post shared by @ mdollas11 on Apr 27, 2019 at 12:20pm PDT Melissa posted this illustration of their outing on Instagram. Super cute right? Hit the flip for more photos from their evening.

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Sweet Sweet Sweet Bajan Nights: RihRih And She Bestie Went Tuh Town

Fair Or Foul? Tameka Foster Gets Slammed For Allegedly Using Illustration Similar To Popular Child Model Without Consent

(Photo by Prince Williams/WireImage) Tameka Foster Swipes Child Model’s Face Without Permission? Tameka Foster is getting dragged in her instagram comments after she posted a since deleted photo illustration that looked a lot like popular child model Lyric Hurd. Tameka was excitedly announcing a new “secret” project. The issue however, is the child’s mother says she had no idea her daughter’s face was being used on the project. Tameka vehemently denied that the illustration was inspired by the popular child model. What do you think??? Tameka continued to act unapologetically after posting the child image up. Instead she says the photo was inspired by all her “cousins”. Ummm, ok. Thoughts?

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Fair Or Foul? Tameka Foster Gets Slammed For Allegedly Using Illustration Similar To Popular Child Model Without Consent

Cali Teens Under Investigation After “Black People Are Trash” Snapchat Vids Go Viral

(Photo Illustration by Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images) Elk Grove, CA Community Responds To Student’s Racist Snapchat Rants With so much going on over the holidays, we missed this crazy story of a California teen who spread her hateful thoughts on Snapchat , only to have the videos go on viral, forcing her to change her number and go into hiding. Racist Snapchat Video From CA High School Student: ‘Black people are trash; they need to die’ https://t.co/Rw3yhgp1q7 — robertmckinney (@robertm47487300) December 31, 2017 The Elk Grove School District released a statement last week in regards to the video, which features two girls who were identified as Pleasant Grove High School Students: During winter break, school and district officials investigated and met with the parents of the students who created the widely publicized, disturbing and racially intolerant video ultimately posted on social media. Below is the letter from Superintendent Christopher R. Hoffman sent to Elk Grove Unified School District families and staff to provide them with an update. The letter reads, in part: A concerned Elk Grove community member, followed by numerous concerned community members, reported to school officials that a racially intolerant video allegedly involving two Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) students had surfaced on social media. Due to the disturbing content of the video and subsequent public comment that identified the students as Pleasant Grove High School students, the report was immediately investigated and the families of the students in the video were located and contacted. All reports of bullying, discriminatory, intolerant and/or hateful speech are taken very seriously and school and district officials have been made aware of the situation. The comments made in the video are not supported by EGUSD in any way. This type of expression is hurtful and risks negative impacts to EGUSD’s educational environment and school community. School officials are currently working with the families and the students who made the video to help them understand the gravity of this situation and the consequences of discriminatory and racially insensitive expression. School officials will continue their investigation into this matter and will also prepare to ensure that social and emotional support will be provided for students when all students and staff return to school from winter break. Furthermore, plans to mitigate any fallout or disruption on campus will be put in place so as to maintain a safe, supportive and productive learning environment. Some of the comments made in the video include: “Black people are trash – they need to die…” and “when the police were killing all those Black people, I was so happy.” Only one girl is seen on video making remarks while her friend watches and laughs at the racist comments. Apparently this isn’t an isolated incident for the community: Do you believe the school district has taken adequate action? What college will accept this ignorant child as a student? Hit the flip to watch the offensive clips

Here is the original post:
Cali Teens Under Investigation After “Black People Are Trash” Snapchat Vids Go Viral

The Original Green By Steve Mouzon: A Must-Read If You Care About Sustainable Design

Steve Mouzon has been a fixture on TreeHugger since I first read his thoughts on the original green, on how people designed before the the Thermostat age, and how buildings kept people warm in an era before oil, or cool before air conditioning was invented. I have come to base much of my thoughts on the sustainability of heritage buildings (I am a volunteer at a heritage preservation org ) on what I have learned from Steve, much of which is summarized in the points made above in the illustration; that good buildings (old or new) are lovable, durable, flexible and frugal. I looked forward to his new book, the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Original Green By Steve Mouzon: A Must-Read If You Care About Sustainable Design

Fmy booger

Oh, okay, that’s just nasty. Stop putting your finger there, it is so not sexy, and so not healthy. Gosh that’s really green! No, don’t put it in your … okay, we’re not hungry anymore. Hello everybody else, if you’re not a pig, you’re welcome! Today we’re featuring a new artist, who dared to approach the mysterious Booger world. Yami. Ladies, gentlemen, nose monsters, please welcome Andrew Bargeron , also known as Gimetzco ! Andrew is 35. He lives in Nashville (TN) where he’s designing t-shirts, drawing funny pictures, album covers, lunch boxes and yes, he’s getting paid (and laid) for that. You want to be a comic designer yourself? So listen to Andrew ‘s story, it may give you some tips on getting the greatest job of all time. In 1995, after college, Andrew started illustrating for a ska band called My Man Friday. From then on his focus was largely on working for bands. Through the years he’d like to think that he has improved in his abilities, to the point where major label bands like Phantom Planet, Reel Big Fish and Weezer contacted him to illustrate for them. In 2005 he started focusing on T-shirt and screen print style design. Recently, he has shifted his focus to designing t-shirts (and other designs) with an aged poster motif. He has been printed by Threadless, Woot, Spring Leap and Ript Apparel, so yes, he’s a star and yes you can buy one of his t-shirts and walk proudly in the street, because the artist who designed it is so cool, and he illustrated one of your favourite FML stories. Or something like that.   His current projects are pretty various as our today’s hero loves to try several ways to create, to then feel several ways of stress. He’s working on the conception of a toy called Brain Thing and a bunch of characters called the Cryptid Crew that he imprints on t-shirts, posters and a bunch of other stuff. This is what Andrew loves, drawing a story (or elements of a story) but in a one single image, and in as many different ways as possible. And he’s doing it perfectly.   Andrew loves hanging out with his wife and their dog and cat. He really enjoys the fantastic but not the usual fantasy stuff (orcs, goblins, trolls. we hate trolls too), he quite enjoys genre cinema, particularly Grindhouse/Drive in movies, but more sci-fi horror than exploitation. He also likes making music (which can be found on his website as well). He is a real Leonardo da Vinci for the 21th century. ” -Why did you choose this FML, lovely Andrew ? -Booger is a very commonly used word in my daily vocabulary, and I like monsters plenty. -So the booger-monster was inevitable. And why did you decide to send an illustration to  FML? -I was asked, and upon investigating, noticed some of my well respected peers (notably Muckpuddy and Jublin) were contributing, so I figured I’d give it a go .”   We’re glad you did. Thanks for your participation Andrew !   If you want to be the next published artist, send an email to alice@fmylife.com which starts with a hello and ends with a goodbye, including your name, age, and a link to your website/blog. If you don’t have one, attach some of your drawings. But DON’T send your illustration right away! You need first to get in touch with Alice, who saw her computer dying at 2 A.M, who will tell you what you have to do!

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Fmy booger