Tag Archives: pleasant-grove

Cali Teens Under Investigation After “Black People Are Trash” Snapchat Vids Go Viral

(Photo Illustration by Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images) Elk Grove, CA Community Responds To Student’s Racist Snapchat Rants With so much going on over the holidays, we missed this crazy story of a California teen who spread her hateful thoughts on Snapchat , only to have the videos go on viral, forcing her to change her number and go into hiding. Racist Snapchat Video From CA High School Student: ‘Black people are trash; they need to die’ https://t.co/Rw3yhgp1q7 — robertmckinney (@robertm47487300) December 31, 2017 The Elk Grove School District released a statement last week in regards to the video, which features two girls who were identified as Pleasant Grove High School Students: During winter break, school and district officials investigated and met with the parents of the students who created the widely publicized, disturbing and racially intolerant video ultimately posted on social media. Below is the letter from Superintendent Christopher R. Hoffman sent to Elk Grove Unified School District families and staff to provide them with an update. The letter reads, in part: A concerned Elk Grove community member, followed by numerous concerned community members, reported to school officials that a racially intolerant video allegedly involving two Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) students had surfaced on social media. Due to the disturbing content of the video and subsequent public comment that identified the students as Pleasant Grove High School students, the report was immediately investigated and the families of the students in the video were located and contacted. All reports of bullying, discriminatory, intolerant and/or hateful speech are taken very seriously and school and district officials have been made aware of the situation. The comments made in the video are not supported by EGUSD in any way. This type of expression is hurtful and risks negative impacts to EGUSD’s educational environment and school community. School officials are currently working with the families and the students who made the video to help them understand the gravity of this situation and the consequences of discriminatory and racially insensitive expression. School officials will continue their investigation into this matter and will also prepare to ensure that social and emotional support will be provided for students when all students and staff return to school from winter break. Furthermore, plans to mitigate any fallout or disruption on campus will be put in place so as to maintain a safe, supportive and productive learning environment. Some of the comments made in the video include: “Black people are trash – they need to die…” and “when the police were killing all those Black people, I was so happy.” Only one girl is seen on video making remarks while her friend watches and laughs at the racist comments. Apparently this isn’t an isolated incident for the community: Do you believe the school district has taken adequate action? What college will accept this ignorant child as a student? Hit the flip to watch the offensive clips

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Cali Teens Under Investigation After “Black People Are Trash” Snapchat Vids Go Viral

Texas Family Beats Pregnant 14-Year-Old Rape Victim Into Delivering Stillborn, But You Won’t Believe What They Did With The Remains

Family Beats Teen Into Delivering Stillborn, Burns Remains A family assaulted a 14-year-old relative upon finding out that she had been raped by another one of their family members and had become pregnant. Via MailOnline : A 14-year-old sexual assault victim impregnated by a family member was beaten by other family members to deliver a still-born baby who then took the remains and burned them on a charcoal grill, prosecutors claim. The un-named victim was repeatedly assaulted between January and March 2013 when she eventually gave birth to a still born baby at the house in Pleasant Grove in Dallas, Texas. Prosecutors allege that Cedric Jones, 27, Sharon Jones, 45, Cecilia McDonald, 25 and Lonnell McDonald, 27, were all involved in charges of ‘engaging in organised criminal activity’ following the alleged assault, who according to court documents, are being held on a bond of $150,000 each. According to court documents, the young girl told Dallas police that she was sexually assaulted by a member of her family in August 2102, but did not report the abuse because she was ’embarrassed’. The suspects discovered the girl was pregnant in January 2013 and began attempts of forcing the victim to abort her baby. The family allegedly sought to conceal the pregnancy and dispose of the baby, in fear that Dallas Child Protective services would come and remove other children from the home upon hearing about the teen’s initial assault. Determined to end her pregnancy, one of the women force-fed the girl multiple birth-control hormones and home remedies, before resulting to even more extreme measures: According to an affidavit Sharon Jones is alleged to have given the girl ‘multiple doses’ of birth control pills as well as emergency contraception pills and cinnamon tablets. When the pills failed to abort the baby, Cecilia McDonald is accused of pinning the girl down while Lonnell McDonald ‘repeatedly bounced up and down’ on the girl as well as kicking her. The final assault, according to one witness who accompanied the girl to police, lasted six hours. It is alleged that the suspects wanted to dispose of the body in case Dallas Child Protective Services came and took away other children from the house because of the initial sexual assault on the victim. The attack continued until the girl started bleeding heavily and delivered a stillborn baby about two hours later. The affidavit claims the infant’s body was then burned on a charcoal grill. It is claimed that Sharon Jones paid Cedric Jones $25 to ‘take care of the rest of it’, dumping the remains in an unknown location. Disgusting. Hopefully they are all placed under the jail. Dallas County Jail

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Texas Family Beats Pregnant 14-Year-Old Rape Victim Into Delivering Stillborn, But You Won’t Believe What They Did With The Remains