Tag Archives: looking-at-best

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is a big girl who is making moves, which I know is against the whole philosophy of big girls, who you’d think are more into sitting and eating chips / cake all day, but this one, this one wants to be famous, known, seen, and thinks she’s hot enough to pull it off, and I guess she is…even though her thighs are terrifying… Her early career was attempting and failing to be an actual model, back when she was skinny, because she was average looking at best…something that she likes to talk about all the time “I wasn’t always this fat”….but now that she is fat, she’s finally happy….when really it was just a viral stunt to get her noticed, and noticed she was, and here she now is. tits out…. MIRACLES Happen, if you have the right timing…in your decision and angling of gaining weight, despite the impending DIABETES…that could easily come at her and will…it always does…but she’ll be rich enoug to deal with it at the time it does happen…with all her fame and glory..from being a chick who gained weight…weird. Here is her big girl booty in jeans The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties of the Day

Kardashians To Distract from the REAL News of Day

I am sure you’ve been hearing a few things on the news about the UK separation from the EU, because everyone is freaking the fuck out, even though nothing will really change and the UK has been an empire that ruled the world for fucking ever and UNIONS in and of themselves kill business and economy…it’s not like the EU is going to go to war with the UK, or not let UK people into EUROPE, or even trade or do banking in the UK…it’s not that big of a deal..plus why carry the burden of mismanged countries on your back, you got your own shit to deal with…. When people don’t realize what’s actually important…the VAPID hooker /stripper / sluts who make stupid money called the Kardashian Jenners who put up pictures of their mangled, jacked up faces / body / photoshopped everything…because they are disgusting pigs and America fucking loved disgusting pig… We should focus on who they fuck, what they fuck, if they have testicles, how much their weigh, why they are important, as they cash the fuck in.. It’s WAY more important that the EURO economy crashing.. We all know the only thing that really matters is which Kardashian genitals are exposed today…. Here’s KIM and her CLONE Kylie….one white, one Armenian, both Spray Tanned..freaks…and not in a good way… Here’s Kendall – the WHITE one – who is AVERAGE looking at best, doing a campaign for Estee Lauder….that looks more like a high school project, but that’s impossible – she dropped out of High School for this spokesmodel whore life… Seriously – this is who Estee Lauder felt was the face of the make-up brand…I remember when models were iconic not bootleg but good marketers on social media.. Here’s Bruce Jenner import car Marketing…. The post Kardashians To Distract from the REAL News of Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kardashians To Distract from the REAL News of Day

Beth Humphries Presents 2013′s Sexiest New Babes of the Day

Glamour Models represent all that is right in the world. They are average looking at best, you know the girl you’d never think would become a model growing up, who would have just assumed would have had kids at 20 with her uncle who molested her and made her the broken girl she is, but who instead aborted that mission, took off her shirt and never had to work a regular job again, because thanks to the need for topless models in the UK coupled with her great tits, shot by decent photographers, she can be a star in her own right…and like a stripper she’s probably a cunt, with an ego, who thinks she’s more important than she is, but that’s ok, cuz even though we know she’s a nobody, her talents are a joke, we can still stare at her tits, and they are lovely. Glamour Models remind me of the purpose of a woman and the reason they were sent to this earth….and that is to please men.

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Beth Humphries Presents 2013′s Sexiest New Babes of the Day

Ashley Tisdale is a Sexy Batman with an Ugly Robin of the Day

Ashley Tisdale has a pretty good strategy….she’s not hot but she works out…so she can use her fit body as a distraction from her face…that she has had a nose job on…but that hasn’t saved her from a life of averaging looking at best….so she’s got the extra step to make sure she hangs with girls substantially uglier than her…even making them her sidekick in Halloween costumes…to make her look better…the oldest trick in the average looking girl book….you know make sure you’re the hottest in the group so people talk to you….while all these ugly girls she’s with are just too excited to be with a girl from TV to notice what they are being used for…if anything they feel top of the fucking game…..cuz ugly fat girls are pathetic…and I guess Ashley Tisdale knows that.

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Ashley Tisdale is a Sexy Batman with an Ugly Robin of the Day

Emmy Rossum in a Sports Bra of the Day

Emmy Rossum is mean to me on social networking…and I don’t find that very nice…it is like these celebrities, who are pawns to people making more money than they are off of them, need to be sucked up to on the fucking regular, in order for them to ignore the fact that they are being exploited, and when an asshole like me calls a bitch out on being uninteresting, even average looking at best comes along, I get called a troll, kicked off the social network in question, left to fend for myself alone on the vast plains of the fucking internet…well fuck this cunt for being part of the evil that made me this way….LOLZ….or look at her pic of her in her sports bra instead… I’m more into seeing her protitute herself for a TV show cuz it was the only way she’d get on TV….you know GET NAKED OR SOMEONE ELSE WILL YOU WORTHLESS WHORE …..and being on TV is the only thing that validates her as a success….you know that makes people think she’s anything but average…so whoring out was worth it….clown faced bitch.

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Emmy Rossum in a Sports Bra of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence Big Cameltoe of the Day

I assume Jennifer Lawrence has a serious nerd following thanks to her recent nerd movie she signed up for that I can only assume some nerds have masturbated to robots they have made in their basements that are in her image….making these pics of some pant jacked up her cunt some serious exciting progress in her sell-out, twilight approach to making money and establishing a career, despite being Oscar nominated and average looking at best, cuz blockbuster shit, mean hits and hits mean she’s got work the next few years without having to release a sex tape….too bad….but at least she’s giving us some pussy definition in her pants… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jennifer Lawrence Big Cameltoe of the Day

Kate Upton Dancing for the Guy Who Hates Kate Upton of the Day

There is a dude who comes to the site named “Bull Monkey”….and along with being the only reader of the site who also hates the site…he seems to fucking hate Kate Upton…..and I understand why…she’s a sloppy body…sloppy titty internet sensation that makes a mockery of modeling because she only got the cover for being as popular as she is….she is designed to sell ads and Kate Upton gets traffic….all because she’s got a big set of floppy tits…on an untoned body…average looking at best…but marketed properly….because the world knows that if you have a set of big tits…the public will respond….and no dude gay or straight in his right mind would turn down her pussy…cuz she’s got sex appeal….and here she is dancing on a photoshoot ruining that sex appeal…making me wonder why she hasn’t got video footage of her having sex yet…cuz that’s kinda more where she belongs in the world of “modeling”…. Here are pics of her on Letterman the other day…cuz really who wants to hear what she has to say…. Oh shit…I tricked you…here she is on Letterman to put a retard brain to those tits… All hype…

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Kate Upton Dancing for the Guy Who Hates Kate Upton of the Day

Olivia Munn is Boring Even When Naked for Peta of the Day

I hate Olivia Munn. She’s just some bottom feeder wanna be celebrity piece of trash who milked the geek crowd and landed a geek show cuz geek’s and based on Star Trek and Star Wars are loyal fans to have…cuz they never let go…and for geeks to get won over is pretty simple, have a vagina….and proven by Oliva Munn, if you are average looking at best, wear bikinis, and relate to them on a geek level it will get you a more legit career….She’s always on her hustle, I don’t trust her and above all she’s not even hot, but geeks like her and since you’re a loser, which is very close to being a geek you’ll probably appreciate seeing her getting naked for PETA…. Here she is walking around…to remind you that she’s not hot…. Here’s the bullshit video… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Olivia Munn is Boring Even When Naked for Peta of the Day