Tag Archives: lost-at-trial

Sharolyn Jackson Found Alive 13 Days After Funeral, Officials Perplexed

Sharolyn Jackson, a 50-year-old West Philadelphia woman, recently turned up alive 13 days after her funeral and 27 days following her “death.” As you can imagine, this came as a bit of a shock to her family. Woman Turns Up Alive 13 Days After Her Funeral According to CBSPhilly KYW-TV, the bizarre saga began earlier this summer after Jackson was reported missing from her West Philadelphia home. Police found a body that matched Sharolyn’s description, and two people, including her son, identified it as hers; Jackson thus “died” on July 20. A funeral service was held on August 3. Only 13 days later, Jackson was found alive at a mental health facility, a stunning twist made even more surprising by the fact that her son ID’d her. “The gold standard here [for identifying a body] is visual identification by a family member,” Philadelphia Health Department spokesman James Garrow said. Because of that, his dubious mistake was taken as fact. While the family’s trial-run grieving process is over, the question of how she will be “brought back” from the dead logistically remains to be seen. As does this separate, and over-arching new mystery: Who is actually buried under Jackson’s tombstone?

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Sharolyn Jackson Found Alive 13 Days After Funeral, Officials Perplexed

So You Think You Can Dance Results: Four on the Floor

Four remain on the So You Think You Can Dance floor. On an exciting episode that featured a terrific guest judge (Modern Family star Jesse Tyler Ferguson), the Fox competition bid farewell to a pair of contestant. Let’s just get right to their identities, shall we? We aren’t American Idol . We don’t do filler. Hayley Erbert and Paul Karmiryan have been eliminated. No, the latter’s charisma and work ethic weren’t enough to help him move on, while Hayley… well, she had a good run. But it was time, wasn’t it? This leaves us with a Final 4 of Aaron Turner, Fik-Shun, Jasmine Harper, and Amy Yakima and only one question to ask: Who should win?   Aaron Turner Fik-Shun Jasmine Harper Amy Yakima View Poll »

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So You Think You Can Dance Results: Four on the Floor

Selena Gomez to George Shelley: Take Me Out!

Sorry, Justin Bieber . You had your chance. According to The Daily Mail, the romance between Selena Gomez and George Shelley is set to officially begin, with the former reportedly leaving the latter a recent video message that said the following: “Hey, George, it’s Selena. I was in London for a bit and I’m bummed I missed you so next time give me call.” George Shelley and Selena Gomez to Date? The Union J singer tells the newspaper that he was “gob-smacked” by Gomez’s words and plans to take her on a beach date in Lisbon next month. “We could have a little bonfire,” Shelley says , clearing hoping sparks fly between the young artists. There has been rumors that Shelley was dating 22-year old singer Jesy Nelson, but he cleared those up for the publication and made it clear his sights are only set on Selena: “Jesy is one of my best mates. We’re really close. Jesy wouldn’t be at all annoyed if I met up with Selena – she’d probably want to come too.” SOUNDS HOT!

Here is the original post:
Selena Gomez to George Shelley: Take Me Out!

PETA Pushes For Pregnant Women Ban at Chicken-Eating Contest, Cites Potential For Small Penises

If you think PETA reached a new low when it placed a lettuce bikini on Courtney Stodden , well… The organization is pushing for the National Buffalo Wing Festival to ban pregnant women from competing in its chicken-wing eating contest… because consuming this item may cause their unborn sons to develop small penises. PETA Urges Banning of Pregnant Women from Chicken-Eating Contest “Pregnant women may want to think twice before chomping on those chicken wings, or their sons could come up short,” PETA Associate Director of Campaigns Lindsay Rajt said in a statement. See, there was this thing conducted called the Study for Future Family which determined that chemical compound in chicken might diminish genital size. Maybe. Possibly. It’s at least conceivable. And that was enough for PETA to take its stance, while also listing its usual reasons for why folks should not eat chicken, whether they are expecting or not. “Chickens suffer every day of their abbreviated lives, including when they’re hung upside down by their legs from conveyor belts before their throats are cut,” the release added. “They’re also often submerged in scalding-hot water to be defeathered while still conscious.” And then to really drive its point home, the company told folks to check outs its gallery of nude PETA ads . That’ll show those carnivores!

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PETA Pushes For Pregnant Women Ban at Chicken-Eating Contest, Cites Potential For Small Penises

Joe Francis: I’m NOT Going to Jail!

Ever defiant, Joe Francis claims he is not going to jail, despite just being sentenced to 270 days in jail for assault and false imprisonment of a woman. Francis claims the sentence is “ridiculous” and “absurd” and he won’t rest until it’s all thrown out. He also says the jury is mentally f–king retarded . Joe Francis Sentenced to Jail Francis was convicted of falsely imprisoning three women at his mansion in 2011, inviting them over to party and then refusing to let them leave. When one resisted, he allegedly choke-slammed the girl into the floor. Still, he insisted after posting bail, “I’m 100 percent innocent.” Francis says he has appealed the jail sentence, which means he won’t have to turn himself in to do time until a judge shoots down his request. You know how long that can take in the legal system. He was also sentenced to probation and psychological counseling, given his obvious temper, but won’t be doing a darn thing until his appeal is heard. Francis says it’s a non-issue, because he’s still sure he’ll win in the end, even though he already lost at trial and had his request for a new one thrown out. What a douche.

Joe Francis: I’m NOT Going to Jail!