Tag Archives: loudspeakers

Gay Choir Accuses San Diego Padres of Homophobia

The San Diego Padres are currently 19-26, sitting in last place in National League West.  We know they are bad at baseball. But might the team also be homophobic?!? Allow us to explain… On Saturday afternoon at Petco Park, The San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus was brought in to sing “The Star Spangled Banner” prior to the team’s game against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Simple enough, right? Something that has been done a million times, no? A recording of the choir was supposed to play over the loudspeakers, presumably so the actual choir could lip-sync on the field… but something went wrong. Instead, the recording was of a woman singing the anthem blared for all to hear. Was this a simple mistake? Or the sign of a much larger issue within the organization? “I really want to believe that it was an error,” Bob Lehman, the choir’s executive director, told the Union-Tribune of what happened. “But the first thought was, did they do this on purpose?” Oddly, the mistaken recording was never stopped; it played throughout the duration of the national anthem. The accusation would be that the team, or someone within the team, purposely tried to embarrass the all-male choir by making it seem like gay me sounded like women. The choir said the incident raised “serious questions about homophobia within the San Diego Padres organization and its relationship with the LGBT community.” It alleged that the mix-up followed “several days of troubling comments and behavior” from within the team, as it supposedly tried to prevent the singers from performing unless they each bought a ticket to the game. That decision was later overturned. In response to the incident, San Diego issued a lengthy statement. “The Padres organization is proud of our longstanding commitment to inclusion – within both our sport and our community,” the read in part. “We deeply regret that a mistake on our part has called this into question, but accept full responsibility.” It also said an investigation yielded “no evidence of malicious intent on the part of any individuals involved.” Watch the strange performance below to see what transpired on the field:

Read more here:
Gay Choir Accuses San Diego Padres of Homophobia

Jasmine Tridevil: Florida Woman Gets Third Breast to Make Herself "Unattractive to Men" (And Land a Reality Show)

If you think the world of reality TV is filled with desperate fame junkies now , just wait until you hear the strange story of Jasmine Tridevil. Ms. Tridevil (No, it’s not her real name) is a 21-year-old massage therapist living in Florida who’s combined her quest for fame with her distaste for dating by having a third breast surgically implanted in order to make herself “unattractive to men” and help her land her own MTV series. Jasmine Tridevil: The 3-Breasted Woman Jasmine says her third breast cost over $20,000 and she nearly gave up on the idea after she had difficulty finding a doctor to perform the procedure. “It was really hard finding someone who would do it because they’re breaking the code of ethics,” said Jasmine in a recent interview. “I called like 50 or 60 doctors, no one wanted to do it.” Eventually, however, Jasmine found a surgeon who’s need for cash outweighed his moral code, and he was able to fashion a third breast using skin from Jasmine’s abdomen. Jasmine claims that the breast feels natural and that “the only difference is the nipple,” which she has had tattooed on. So why go to such extreme measures just to force yourself to rely on custom bras for the rest of your life? Is Jasmine hoping to land a role in the sequel to that Total Recall remake that bombed?  No, that would actually make more sense than her real reasoning: “My whole dream is to get this show on MTV,” says Jasmine, adding that she’s paid a camera crew to document her day-to-day life. “I’m dumping every penny I have into this. If this doesn’t work, I’m through.” Realizing, perhaps, that execs might be put off by the idea of encouraging young people to dramatically alter their bodies for the sole purpose of scoring a reality show, Jasmine later clarified: “I got [the third breast] because I want to make myself unattractive to men. I don’t want to date anymore.” Good thing no one has ever changed anything about their personality or belief system after the age of 21! But regardless of how you feel about Jasmine’s life choices, you’ve gotta give her credit for somehow making Courtney Stodden’s breasts appear natural. And, of course, Jasmine’s unique ideas about feminine beauty have earned her a spot in our esteemed ” Florida Woman ” Hall of Fame. Check out the gallery below for a laugh and an extreme boost to your self-esteem: Florida Woman: Strange But True Stories 1. Woman Actually Named Crystal Metheney Gets Arrested in Florida Crystal Metheney has been arrested in Florida. Yes, her name really is Crystal Metheney.

Originally posted here:
Jasmine Tridevil: Florida Woman Gets Third Breast to Make Herself "Unattractive to Men" (And Land a Reality Show)

DeShawn Shead Gets Engaged to Girlfriend After Seahawks Win: See His 50-Yard Line Proposal!

DeShawn Shead enjoyed a memorable day yesterday. His NFL team won … and he won at life by getting engaged to his longtime girlfriend Jessica Martinez! DeShawn Shead Proposal After the Seattle Seahawks beat the visiting Denver Broncos, 26-20, the 25-year-old defensive back provided the day’s real fireworks in the Emerald City. Cue Bruno Mars‘ aptly titled, “Marry You,” which began playing over the loudspeakers, and a message that read “Will You Marry Me Jessica,” on the scoreboard. Shead’s family and friends crowded around DeShawn, who had showered and gotten dressed, as he shocked Jessica by getting down on one knee on the field. Needless to say, she accepted the proposal. “Football brought me to Washington, for me to meet her, so I think this is a big part of our relationship,” Shead told local KIRO after the big moment. Pretty magical stuff all around for the pair. Martinez called it the best day of her life, which the betrothed couple said they would be further celerating with their favorite meal: chicken and waffles. Congratulations, DeShawn and Jessica! 31 AWWW-Inspiring Marriage Proposals 1. Man Falls Off Building, Proposes This man is willing to die for love. Sort of. Watch his unparalleled proposal now.

See the original post here:
DeShawn Shead Gets Engaged to Girlfriend After Seahawks Win: See His 50-Yard Line Proposal!