Tag Archives: love-sucking

Faces of Now by Hedi Slimane for V Mag of the Day

Hedi Slimane is some fashion designer….this is some feature he did called the faces of now for V Magazine….but all I notice is titties…all I ever notice is titties…especially from V Magazine a magazine that always brings the fucking tits…cuz tits are very fashionable….except when they are on this site…that’s when people categorize them as porn…even if it is all high concept and artistic….and other people are making millions off them… I’m such a bottom feeder…literally…I love sucking a good asshole after I’ve washed it with vaginal juice… Shit, I’m Jesus Martinez , have you read that guys smut? Now you have.

Continued here:
Faces of Now by Hedi Slimane for V Mag of the Day

Diora Baird Posts Her Tits for Hits of the Day

Actors are so self-involved that they just love seeing themselves in pictures andhearing themselves talk. They love whoring out. They love sucking dick for parts. They are the insecure scum of the earth who really put themselves out there to get any attention possible…. So giving them twitter has led to a lot of ridiculousness, whether it’s pictures or statements made for attention and it has allowed people to see that side of actors that is usually hidden and controlled by their PR people and the machine that uses them and milks them to make lots of money… Bottom feeding actors who have been in Playboy and who only have 8,000 followers cuz they are pretty much that irrelevant but wish they weren’t are usually a hell of a lot more eager to get noticed since the last decade of trying has done very little for her, other than a Playboy spread and having her part cut from the latest Star Trek movie she thought was her big break… So here is Diora Baird (who?) showing off some tit on twitter….

See the rest here:
Diora Baird Posts Her Tits for Hits of the Day