Tag Archives: makes-everyone

Lady Gaga Already Owns 2016. This is Why.

Could THG’s Celebrity of the Year race already be over? By March?!? It may very well be possible, considering the incredible two-month start to 2016 that has been enjoyed by Lady Gaga. The unprecedented run has crossed all industries, too, kicking off in early January with Gaga earning her first-ever Golden Globe Award for her role in American Horror Story: Hotel. Lady Gaga Wins First-Ever Golden Globe! It was then on to the football field in Santa Clara, as Gaga didn’t just belt out the national anthem prior to Super Bowl 50 . She totally and completely owned it: Lady Gaga National Anthem at Super Bowl 50 We may have to go all the way back to 1991 and Whitney Houston to come up with the last Super Bowl rendition of the Star-Spangled banner that was this well received. We then moved on to the Grammy Awards, where Gaga took nine minutes to pay tribute to David Bowie, dressing up as the late singer and putting on a true show-stopper. Trust us. This is worth your time: Lady Gaga Pays Tribute to David Bowie at 2016 Grammy Awards And that brings up to the Academy Awards. Gaga sang her nominated track, “Til It Happens To You,” but she did so much more than that. She sat at the piano. She put true emotion into the single. And she was surrounded by many victims of sexual abuse. It was powerful stuff. It something we can only really imagine Lady Gaga pulling off. Lady Gaga Makes Everyone Cry at the Academy Awards It’s been a whole two months, remember. And this is what Lady Gaga has already pulled off. One major awards victory. Three truly epic performances. She could stop right now and still likely earn our top honor come end of the year. You better go make another sex tape fast, Kim Kardashian . We don’t know how anyone else will be able to compete.

See the article here:
Lady Gaga Already Owns 2016. This is Why.

Lamar Odom Confronts Khloe Kardashian: ‘You’re Not Going To Arrest Lamar Odom’

Love makes everyone do crazy things, even Lamar Odom. Lamar confronted his soon to be ex-wife, Khloe Kardashian outside of her Soul Cycle class, at…

Excerpt from:
Lamar Odom Confronts Khloe Kardashian: ‘You’re Not Going To Arrest Lamar Odom’

Klaudia Brahja for David Bellemere of the Day

Klaudia Brahja is some model who at 18 shot with one of the better nude model photographers, David Bellemere, and I guess that’s all there is to say about that..I mean historically, photographers are perverts and girls are narcissists who like being the den mother, or focal point of the room…and in that attach themselves to photographers who take pictures of them…it makes everyone feel good… From the models who feel amazing about themselves as they slowly strip down…to me, who looks at the picture and loves the nudity…which I guess is really the work of a Hero…you on par with the person who foundthe cure to cancer…but who the Pharma’s killed off because they make too much money “treating” cancer… If you know what I mean… The post Klaudia Brahja for David Bellemere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the original post here:
Klaudia Brahja for David Bellemere of the Day

Gracie Carvalho for Next Lingerie of the Day

Her name is Gracie Carvalho, which always makes me laugh, because I am 5 years old and her name ends in HO, while her job involves being a HO, whether you want to admit it or not, that’s essentially what models do, it’s just packaged a little classier, more high end, and marketable, but ultimately, this is just a lap dance in a strip club away from stripping, and I don’t care what anyone says….I think the proof is in the men they choose to social climb and gold dig with… She’s posing in Victoria’s Secret catalog shots we’ve all seen before, hell I’ve probably aleeady posted them before, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from this to that to the other… But the creepy thing about that, is that you know that somewhere out there, there is a dude who has every single VS catalog scanned and cataloged in his own weird creeper jerk off room, and he knows every bra style number these girls are wearing, in fact he buys his favorite to try on and model / masturbate on…and for some reason that makes me believe the world is a better, more entertaining place.

Gracie Carvalho for Next Lingerie of the Day

Preview of Britney’s New Hot Video of the Day

As fun as it is to see a mom in her 30s play dress up like a half naked slut a month before Halloween because she’s a vapid puppet who no longer has a mind of her own thanks to all the medication and brainwashing…because it makes everyone millions… I am more into this for the quality of the lyrics…you want a Lambo, a Mas, a Bugatti, you better work bitch… Thanks for the tip Britney…or you could always just find a shell of a human to exploit like her handlers did…it worked for them yo’…

Original post:
Preview of Britney’s New Hot Video of the Day

Emma Roberts Gives Us A Peek

It’s weird, I was kind of in the mood for some pictures of a celebrity in a slightly see through top and boom! These showed up. Here’s Emma Roberts giving us a decent little peek through her top yesterday. Unfortunately, I’m seeing far too much brassiere and not enough boobage. I’m not all that upset about it, she’s too wholesome to be flashing nipples around town. Wait, THIS is what she wore to Coachella ? Never mind… Let’s see those nips.

Ashley Tisdale Twitter Bikini Hotness

You’ve got to love Instagram , not because it’s some innovative mobile app worth billions of dollars, but because it makes everyone look pretty good and encourages people to take more pictures of themselves and that means even more celebrity self shots for me. Here’s Ashley Tisdale having a rough time lounging in her bikini in a waterfall. Yes! I know the chick is just a reality TV star or a singer, I still don’t really know what the hell it is that she does, but she looks really good in a bikini. Nice job.

SMH: This Is Your Body On Ramen Noodles [Video]

Most of the time, we hear about avoiding processed foods because they’ll turn us into chubby lumpkins . But a new video of what happens in your body when you eat Top Ramen and Gatorade vs. homemade noodles and drinks gives us a whole new reason to avoid it: We can’t even digest it properly. Just plain ole nasty! More On Bossip! All The Single Ladies, All The Single Ladies: A Gallery Of The Most Eligible Celebrity Bachelorette Bangers Basketball Wives Season 4 Extended Trailer: Evelyn Tries To Jump Jennifer Williams And More Scraps Than The Previous Seasons Put Together! [Video] Would You Wife This? Lindsay Blowhan Shows Off Body In Photo Shoot…And Doesn’t Look Horrible! We Know What You Like: These Celebrities Seem To Date A Certain “Type”…And We Think We’ve Figured Them Out!

Go here to see the original:
SMH: This Is Your Body On Ramen Noodles [Video]

Ratchet White Reality Stars Who Put “Hood” To Shame

Sometimes we complain about how bad reality television makes Black folk look but it’s important to remember that reality TV makes everyone look crazy.

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Ratchet White Reality Stars Who Put “Hood” To Shame