I posted the Ashley Tisdale Allure nudes earlier…. Here is Kaley Cuoco, who I guess is in this issue also. I can see Allure took out the big guns, budget was no object, hire the real A-Listers, put Angelina Jolie and fucking Miley Cyrus on hold, we’ve got two bitches who need all the press they can get….hilarious…. This is photoshopped to shit. I don’t know if I’m looking at a picture of an actual girl, or if this is one of those vending machines you see at the train station that allows you to print up your face as if it was painted by a famous artist using, it’s like a fucking 2 dollar computer generated Picasso, where all human elements of the bitch have been airbrushed away…. Not that it matters, cuz I don’t even know who this Kaley bitch is. I don’t watch sitcoms, and I didn’t think I was watching when she helped John Ritter die on her last sitcom… But here are her nudes that are so staged, she might as well be clothed…
See original here:
Kaley Cuoco Shitty Nudes for Allure of the Day