Tag Archives: melbourne

Exhausted soap star checks into clinic

NEIGHBOURS favourite Kym Valentine has checked herself into a private Melbourne hospital.

Hugh Jackman Smacks Himself in Crotch

First, he injured his eye during a stunt on Oprah. Now, Hugh Jackman has done damaged to a much more sensitive area. While playing cricket in Melbourne and taping a segment for Channel 9’s Australian broadcast of The Ashes Test cricket series, the actor swung at a pitch from professional Shane Warne and, well, see for yourself what transpired. Ouch! Hugh Jackman Groin Shot

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Hugh Jackman Smacks Himself in Crotch

Hugh Jackman Smacks Himself in Crotch

First, he injured his eye during a stunt on Oprah. Now, Hugh Jackman has done damaged to a much more sensitive area. While playing cricket in Melbourne and taping a segment for Channel 9’s Australian broadcast of The Ashes Test cricket series, the actor swung at a pitch from professional Shane Warne and, well, see for yourself what transpired. Ouch! Hugh Jackman Groin Shot

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Hugh Jackman Smacks Himself in Crotch

Hugh Jackman Smacks Himself in Crotch

First, he injured his eye during a stunt on Oprah. Now, Hugh Jackman has done damaged to a much more sensitive area. While playing cricket in Melbourne and taping a segment for Channel 9’s Australian broadcast of The Ashes Test cricket series, the actor swung at a pitch from professional Shane Warne and, well, see for yourself what transpired. Ouch! Hugh Jackman Groin Shot

See the article here:
Hugh Jackman Smacks Himself in Crotch

Hugh Jackman hit in park incident

ACCIDENT-prone or just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

See the rest here:
Hugh Jackman hit in park incident

The confusing new face of Marc Jacobs

THE rise of Andrej Pejic continues with the androgynous Melbourne model bagging prestigious international designer gigs.

Go here to read the rest:
The confusing new face of Marc Jacobs

The woman who cost Warnie Liz Hurley

HUSBAND of Melbourne mum accuses star on Twitter of being interested in only one thing.

Excerpt from:
The woman who cost Warnie Liz Hurley

Sumatran Tiger Population May Be Larger Than Believed – Second Only to India

Sumatran tiger in the Melbourne zoo, photo: Wikipedia A rare bright spot in the world of tiger conservation: New research by the Wildlife Conservation Society ‘s Indonesia Program and Forum HariumauKita has produced a new map of Sumatran tiger distribution which shows that the Indonesia island may actually have the second-highest population of tigers

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Sumatran Tiger Population May Be Larger Than Believed – Second Only to India

Michelle McGee: Alive, Pole Dancing With Elves

Notorious mistress Michelle “Bombshell” McGee , a.k.a. the tattooed girl who broke up Sandra Bullock’s marriage to Jesse James, is still doing her thing. Whatever that is. Here’s the gross McGee at the Melbourne Sexpo in Australia last weekend, where she posed with elves, pole danced and made friends with terrifying phallic creatures. Some pictures really are worth a thousand words … GOING DOWN (UNDER) : Don’t hurry back, Bombshell .

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Michelle McGee: Alive, Pole Dancing With Elves

iPads Help FareShare Rescue Good Food from Landfill

Photos: FareShare “Approximately 28,000 supermarkets worth of food goes to landfill every year in Victoria,” suggests FareShare CEO Marcus Godinho. FareShare is a food rescue service in Melbourne, Australia, who were a joint winners of the 2010 Premier’s Sustainability Awards. So far this year they’ve saved 468 tonnes of food that would’ve otherwise been sent to landfill. Then 3,000 volunteers have cooked 1,114,461 meals for the needy, and doing so FareShare has supported 130 charities. As those impressive figures suggest, this is no ordinary do-gooder group, but a well-oiled, switched-on, dynamic organisation…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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iPads Help FareShare Rescue Good Food from Landfill