Tag Archives: nazis

Matt Lauer on Today Show: Does Mosque Have To Move Just Because of 9/11?

NBC’s Matt Lauer, invited on former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and Freedom Works’ Matt Kibbe to discuss the Ground Zero mosque controversy and claimed that since the group behind the mosque existed in Manhattan before the World Trade Center attack, questioned: “So because of 9/11, do they have to move further away? Do they have to go elsewhere?” Armey, who was on with Kibbe to promote their new book Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto, responded to the Today show co-anchor “that because you have the right to do something doesn’t make it the right thing to do” and pointed out to Lauer that those behind the mosque should be more “responsive to the concerns that are being raised.” The following is the full interview with Armey and Kibbe as it was aired on the August 17 Today show: MATT LAUER: Dick Armey is a former Republican congressman from Texas, who served as House Majority Leader. Matt Kibbe is CEO and president of Freedom Works, a conservative non-profit grassroots organization. Together they’ve written a new book called Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto. Guys, good morning. Nice to see you again. [On screen headline: “Tea Party Manifesto, How Can The GOP Win The Midterm Elections?”] MATT KIBBE: Good morning. DICK ARMEY: Good morning. LAUER: Congressman, good to see you. ARMEY: Nice to see you. LAUER: Before I get to the book, I gotta ask you your take on this whole mosque controversy. The President seems to have turned it into a national debate with his comments over the weekend and it seems it’s getting more and more emotional. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich compared building a mosque on that site to the Nazis putting up a sign at the Holocaust Museum. Do you agree with that analogy? ARMEY: Well that’s a pretty harsh analogy, but this is an extremely important issue and it’s heart felt, as you can see, across the nation. I personally would prefer they build it someplace else, I think it would be a more respectful position for them to take. I was fascinated by the President, though. He’s obviously trying to change the subject away from his failed economic policies, but I think he really picked the wrong choice. LAUER: When you say it’s a tough analogy that Newt Gingrich came up with, I mean, you know, he’s comparing it the Nazis. We were at war against the Nazis. We are not at war against Islam. Never have been, are not now. Al Qaeda, yes, but not Islam. So do comments like that inform or inflame? ARMEY: Well it’s always, they are always difficult in both cases. I, that’s an analogy that I think is drawn a bit further than it needed to have been. Still, on the other hand, the stated purpose they give for the mosque – and in politics, you understand, I always say politics is like a dysfunctional marriage, every fight’s really about something else. The stated purpose for the mosque would be better served if out of respect for the strong feelings there, they said we want to continue with our program to enhance intercultural understanding, cross religious understandings and we’ll build it someplace else out of respect for these, these strong feelings. LAUER: So, so they have every right to build it at that site, but you think it’s, it’s in better taste to build it somewhere else? I’m, I’ll look at the title of your book, Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto. Liberty, by definition, is the condition of being free from restriction or control. That applies to religious freedom as well, doesn’t it? KIBBE: It sure does, but you know this community that we talk about, you find that there are people from, from all walks of life, all religions and what binds the community together is economic freedom. And we would argue about other things when we got into those issues, but it’s, it’s really, that’s what makes America great. It’s this, it’s this combination of all these different cultures and opinions. LAUER: When, when you talk about this particular group, though, this, this group has been in lower Manhattan for years and years. They were there before 9/11. So because of 9/11, do they have to move further away? Do they have to go elsewhere? ARMEY: No, there’s an old saying, that because you have the right to do something doesn’t make it the right thing to do. And I would again take this group back to their own stated purposes for the mosque. What do they hope to achieve with it? Which is greater cross cultural understandings. If that is the case, then let them be responsive to the concerns that are being raised and these concerns are legitimate heartfelt concerns. And the gracious thing to do becomes the right thing to do. And the right thing to do is to say, “I’m going to be deferential to your strong feelings because my greater cause, which I stated at the outset of this debate, will be better served by my being that generously responsive to you. And it now becomes a question of sort of a stubborn, refusal to be responsive to people’s legitimate concerns. And then you get what I call the hardening of the attitudes and now you got a national issue. LAUER: Let me move on, we’ll leave it at that. In the book you talk about the roots to of the new Republican revolution. This is a guy who led the last Republican revolution back in 1994. A revolution that in the book you read, or you write that “It did not live up to its potential because it devolved into an embarrassing gap between rhetoric and fiscal policy.” Why will the new revolution be different? KIBBE: Because this is a revolution from the bottom-up. This is real people saying politics is too important to leave it to the politicians. 1994 was an inside job of a, of a few true believers that sort of took over the Republican caucus. These folks are saying, “We don’t trust the Republicans or the Democrats to fix the economic problems we have in this country. We’re gonna do it for ourselves.” LAUER: In just a couple of seconds I have left a recent poll that I saw, NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, for the first time more people have a negative view of the Tea Party than a positive view. What is the main misconception that you think people have about the Tea Party movement? ARMEY: Well, obviously the misconception is being fostered by everybody who’s afraid of this massive big movement. Misconception that it is some place to the right extreme. This is right smack down the middle, standing on those issues that are most greatly of concern to the American people. There’s nothing violent about this. These, these are mostly grandparents. And the fact is the, the issue, the, this group of sincere, concerned Americans that are devoted to this preservation of this country as it is, are being mischaracterized every day. But I can guarantee you, if you read our book and if you walk among these folks, the first thing you’re gonna say is, “These folks are just like me and, and I got the same worries they got. And I don’t blame ’em for being here upset and trying to inform this government. You ought to listen to us for a change.” LAUER: Former Congressman Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe. Guys, thanks very much. We appreciate you being here. KIBBE: Thanks Matt. ARMEY: Thank you.

See the original post:
Matt Lauer on Today Show: Does Mosque Have To Move Just Because of 9/11?

Jenny McCarthy is Too Old for this Shit of the Day

Shouldn’t Jenny McCarthy be saving autism out of guilt for the drug use and party lifestyle that tainted her uterus enough to have a retard baby….and not spending her time showing off her old boxed up body and her old big horse head face, things that should be covered the fuck up, but luckily her 15 year old titties save the day and give me something worthwhile to look at…because we get it, she did Playboy 20 years ago…and has been riding it ever since. Useless. To See The Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link GO

See the original post:
Jenny McCarthy is Too Old for this Shit of the Day

Maryna Linchuk in Vogue Germany of the Day

Here is my fashion post of the day to remind you that as long as there are tits in fashion photography, magazine spreads and campaigns…cuz models are nothing more than very high paid strippers and whores lookin’ for the good life and willing to do anything for it…cuz they realize that it’s better than actually holding down a real job….I am a fashion site…So if you work for Mercedes Benz, Rolex, Cartier and any other high end companies, you should let them know that DrunkenStepfather is taking over the fashion world and that they need to advertise her…cuz I want the good life too…. So here are some pictures from Vogue Germany, a country that has come a long way since the Nazis but hasn’t quite embraced it’s innovation to Scat porn…..and I actually have a funny story about Vogue Germany…cuz 20 years ago I used to know a dude who was living here with his Aunt because his mother was this self involved Vouge editor who loved herself and cocaine and his entire childhood she would make him fuck her….cuz she thought it was better to have something she created inside her than another faceless man….and let me tell you…dude was pretty fucked up because of it….unfortunately a true fucking story….but it just proves how tapped into the fashion world I am….

Read the rest here:
Maryna Linchuk in Vogue Germany of the Day

A Neo-Nazi Vigilante Shares His Thoughts on the Arizona Immigration Ruling [Arizona]

Recently we told you about the neo-Nazi who is leading an armed vigilante border patrol in Arizona. He says America’s immigration laws are a joke. So what did he think of yesterday’s SB 1070 ruling in Arizona? We asked him. More

BP, geoengineering and genetic manipulation

BP won't stop at dangerous deep water drilling: the company is bent on still more dangerous projects, including genetic modification and hacking the planet's atmosphere… Sometimes you have to notice the silences. Where has Dr. Steve Koonin, Under Secretary for Science at the US Department of Energy, been since the Gulf disaster happened? Koonin was intimately acquainted with the very technologies that have failed so spectacularly on the Deepwater Horizon rig in his former job as BP’s chief scientist. While his current employer, Barack Obama is trying to figure out 'whose ass to kick’ over the spill, he might find it instructive to zip back to a presentation by Koonin at MIT in 2005, in which we see Koonin-as-oilman boasting of his company’s technological prowess in taking oil exploration and production into the ultra deep waters of the gulf. In particular, he says that $50 million to bore a hole in the gulf’s seabed will yield a million barrels a day, describing the technical challenges of depth and pressure. A small note on the bottom of his slide reads 'marine environment creates integrity challenges’ – engineering-speak for 'accidents likely’. Known unknowns Did senior management at BP such as Koonin know that they were pushing the bounds of environmental safety in deploying these ultra-deep water-drilling technologies? Of course they did. But as Koonin's MIT presentation makes clear, stretching technological boundaries into risky areas is how BP navigates in an era of peak oil. Koonin's much lauded role at BP was precisely to apply cutting-edge science to the problem of declining oil reserves and growing climate crisis. Koonin led a team of researchers that would allow for the more economical extraction of hard-to-get oil (e.g. tar sands, deep water drilling). More significantly, Koonin took a central role in sinking millions of dollars of investment by BP into the new field of extreme genetic engineering known as synthetic biology, where entrepreneurs are building the DNA of entirely novel microbes from scratch in order convert sugar plantations, corn fields and forests into biofuels to keep the car economy gassed up. It was under Koonin’s tenure at BP that the oil giant invested an undisclosed sum into Craig Venter’s Synthetic Genomics Inc to develop microbes that could be injected into coal seams and tar sands to release methane. Such methanogenic bacteria exists naturally in parts of the Earth’s crust but the ecological implications of artificially injecting super powerful methane-creating bugs and the potential for an accidental release of powerful greenhouse gas into the atmosphere has yet to be studied. Of course BP would counter that their experimental technology would not escape, just like hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil was not expected to gush out of the seabed. Synthetic organisms Just over a month ago, Venter announced the ‘birth’ of Synthia, the first artificial self-reproducing organism, thereby stimulating further investment in the controversial field and attracting many calls for more regulation and oversight of these new technologies. If we have learnt one thing out of the BP-Halliburton-Transocean disaster it is this: do not trust those who are profiting from the use of a technology with its safety. And then there is geo-engineering –the biggest technological gamble of all –which Koonin and BP see as a viable backup plan. Geoengineering refers to seemingly outlandish large-scale schemes to re-engineer atmospheric and ocean systems in order to counteract global warming. Like the massive, improbable-sounding concrete caps, nuclear options and ‘top kill’ plans now being played out on the deepwater horizon well head, such schemes have a boyish sci-fi feel to them – dumping iron in the ocean to prompt plankton blooms that would gobble up C02 or whitening clouds to reflect sunlight back to space. A Plan B for the world In 2008 David Eyton, BP VP for science and technology announced that a new area of investigation for BP was indeed geo-engineering. ‘We cannot ignore the scale of the challenge,’ he wrote ,‘and we all need to have a plan B if the world is unable to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations and the worst of climate change predictions are realized.’ cont. added by: JanforGore

Glenn Beck Tribute

Song For Glenn Becky and the Fox Nazis added by: Autisticmatt

Gaza Blockade Protest

Protesters gathered in Los Angeles over the recent events with the Blockade surrounding Gaza. One one side of the street were the Palestinian supporters. One the other side were Jewish supports. This small protest half a world a way shows that they are still very divided. added by: Metolius

Student Who Outed ” Beat the Jew ” Threatened

Those zany kids at La Quinta High School near Palm Springs invented a merry little game called “Beat the Jew”: Seven La Quinta students recently played the game — which involves players called ‘Nazis’ chasing and trying to capture a runner designated as a ‘Jew’ — off campus and after school, authorities said. However, The Desert Sun goes on to report that approximately 40 students were members of the Facebook group dedicated to the game. The burgeoning anti-Semites were outed by a classmate who has been unable to return to school due to fears of retribution. Sherry Johnstone, assistant superintendent of personnel for Desert Sands Unified: ‘We don’t want anyone afraid to come to school. We want school to be safe.’ In California, holding a cross is a hate crime; but playing a game in which the good guys are the Nazis is just a frolicsome diversion: Investigators determined no hate crime was committed by the game-players. The district has nearly completed its investigation and may consider disciplining some of the students. ‘We are going to do what is right. We’re gathering all the facts and then we will move ahead,’ Johnstone said. ‘If discipline needs to happen — suspension, expulsion, denial of graduation — whatever is called for, we will do. The safety of our students is important to us.’ In other words, the district couldn’t get involved when the kids were playing Beat the Jew. They will, however, speak out against threats against a student. No public school wants to lose a student—that costs the district money. To clarify the nature of this “game”: the Jew runs down Highway 111 to a checkpoint and the Nazis catch up to him, tackle and capture him. The district initially tried to hide behind the 1st Amendment, making another excellent argument in favor of home schooling. No doubt ensuring the freedom to practice mindless anti-Semitism in taxpayer funded schools is exactly what Thomas Jefferson had in mind. When asked about the game, Indio police spokesman Ben Guitron made an entirely astounding statement : ‘If they’re driving, are they obeying the speed laws? Are they driving erratically? Are they blowing lights? Are they speeding to get to them? Then there are going to be complications.’ Here’s a quick and easy test to determine whether the kids committed a hate crime: substitute “Muslim” or “Illegal Alien” for “Jew” and see what happens. added by: crystalman

AZ Gov Brewer: "my father died fighting Nazis in Germany" Liar Liar pants on fire

This is starting to look like a pattern. First Mark Kirk, now Jan Brewer. Governor Brewer's effort to stir sympathy for her cause seems to have backfired on her. Gov. Jan Brewer said in a recent interview that her father died fighting Nazis in Germany. In fact, the death of Wilford Drinkwine came 10 years after World War II had ended. During the war, Drinkwine worked as a civilian supervisor for a naval munitions depot in Hawthorne, Nev. He died of lung disease in 1955 in California. Brewer made the comment to The Arizona Republic while talking about the criticism she has taken since signing SB 1070, the new immigration law that makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally. “Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that… and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced,” Brewer said in the story, published Tuesday. How exactly does one stretch work for a munitions depot stateside into “fighting the Nazis”? Evidently by making the claim that the lung disease that killed her father was caused by toxic fumes at the munitions factory. Her claim that she didn't mean to embellish the story rings hollow to me. The phrase “my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany…” clearly intends to convey the impression that he fell in combat in Germany fighting Nazis. If she had intended to convey otherwise, she would have framed it as the result of the country's war with Nazi Germany. She did not. Of course, she is now trying to spin as a simple misinterpretation on the part of the reader, which points directly to my overall problem with the faux patriotism candidates put on under the guise of military service. We live in a country where service is voluntary (despite our unenforced draft laws). Serving or not serving is not a benchmark measure of anyone's patriotism. As far as I'm concerned, military service should not be a marker of a candidate's qualification to run for or hold office. When it starts being pimped as some kind of extra qualifier, or when candidates use their family's service as a qualifier (as Brewer did), it's an insult to every member who is or has served in the military today. Brewer just keeps proving her ambition and lack of qualification for office. Arizona, you can do better than this. http://crooksandliars.com/karoli/az-gov-jan-brewer-stretches-truth-political added by: Stoneyroad

High Society: The Nazis of New York [Recaps]

America’s second worst television program had its fourth little episode last night and a variety of things happened. There were stylist disasters, broken wall sconces, ruined friendships, and, of course, Nazi hunters. More