Tag Archives: negligence

Justin Bieber Sued for Unsafe Decibel Levels in Concert

This is so not the week to be Justin Bieber. Days after the singer was cited for excessive speeding and chased by the paparazzi , he’s been hit with a lawsuit by a former concert goer named Stacey Wilson Betts – and you won’t believe the reason why. Betts is suing the adorable teen for $9.2 million because she attended a show in July 2010 and claims to have suffered severe tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hyperacusis (oversensitivity to sound) in both ears as a result. Based on court documents obtained by E! News, Betts says she was injured due to “an unforeseen aspect of the show,” specifically a sound blast that “exceeded safe decibel levels.” “[Bieber] climbed into a heart shaped, aluminum/steel gondola and was pulled out over the crowd,” creating a “wave like effect of screaming” that “enticed the crowd into a frenzy of screams by continuously waving his arms in a quick and upward motion,” the lawsuit reads. Betts concludes that her pain is a results of “the negligence of Justin Bieber.” She is also suing Island Def Jam Records, the arena in which the concert was held and the promoter.

Justin Bieber Sued for Unsafe Decibel Levels in Concert

R. I. P bp we will remember you or not.

Today bp stocks plummeted 15% and all the attempts to cover the oil spill and fix the damage have failed. The company is going down for sure. there are so many problems coming to bp including criminal charges and the fines from the clear water act will amount over 10billion dollars. Watch this video and see how Rachel Maddow extensively explain the damages of the oil spill including all the fines that bp is liable for. She also explain the negligence of bp and the role that the government is playing in the whole catastrophe. Thanks, Brava added by: BRAVATRAVELS

Wilson Brothers Sued Over Pap Attack

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Andrew and Owen Wilson are collaborating on a new project together — they’re co-defendants in an assault case. A paparazzo is suing the pair over an alleged fight that went down in Santa Monica on December 5, 2008. The photog, Clint Brewer, claims … Permalink

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Wilson Brothers Sued Over Pap Attack

Dr. Conrad Murray to Be Charged in Michael Jackson Death; Involuntary Manslaughter Likely

After an investigation of more than seven months, the Los Angeles County D.A. is ready to charge Dr.

Original post:
Dr. Conrad Murray to Be Charged in Michael Jackson Death; Involuntary Manslaughter Likely