Tag Archives: normal

Meet Hottie Tina Louise

In case you’ve ever wondered if living with a hot model would be as awesome as you’ve always dreamed of, here you go. Because here’s Aussie model Tina Louise  for a shoot by Kazim Gunyar, and she’s doing all the normal things we all do every day: making coffee, lying around in bed, and hanging out in the living room. Only she’s doing them in lingerie and has a pretty much perfect body. So yeah, this is definitely what I’d call living the dream. Sign me up. » view all 11 photos

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Meet Hottie Tina Louise

Trying to Look Up Kendall Jenner’s Skirt of the Day

I figure what better way to celebrate the news that I hope you don’t care about, involving Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner Filing for Divorce , because Kris Jenner is a Harlot, and Bruce Jenner wishes he was one…that’s why he takes estrogen….than to post pics trying to look up Kendall Jenner’s skirt…because as you know children of divorce, no matter what age…are serious sluts…filling the void and guilt of their parents not loving each other with dick…pair that up with being raised on a vapid, raised by trash, reality with no morals or values, because the empire is based on porn for the money and fame….and we’ve got ourselves a future hooker…when everything turns to shit…and that excites me. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Trying to Look Up Kendall Jenner’s Skirt of the Day

Kate Bosworth Legs of the Day

After seeing the recent Kate Bosworth nudes – that I don’t know are legit or not…I was reminded just how great this Kate is…I mean…I think I finally felt real love. You know like I wanted to know what love is, and her long, lean, amazing body showed me… That said, I never cared about her in movies, not that she ever did anything good, but she’s just managed to pull it together well into her 30s, defying the normal aging process…and for that reason along…let’s stare at her long skinny legs…Because skinny legs…… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kate Bosworth Legs of the Day

The Normal Heart Reviews: Real Life Drama At Its Finest

The Normal Heart debuted on HBO last night and reviews for the AIDS drama directed by Glee creator Ryan Murphy have been overwhelmingly positive. The Normal Heart Trailer In real life, Matt Bomer is married to Simon Halls , but in the made-for-TV film based on Larry Kramer’s acclaimed stage play, he plays the lover of Mark Ruffalo’s Ned Weeks – a crusader for rights and research in the days when the disease wasn’t even publicly acknowledged by politicians. Check out some of the rapturous acclaim for the film and its lead performances below: The Normal Heart will drive any viewer with a heart at all to tears . – Gail Pennington Some 30 years later, this movie – strident, passionate, frenetic, and aching – is a reminder, as Memorial Day weekend begins the summer, of all those empty spots the plague left on the beach. – James Poniewozik A passionately written and heart-wrenching portrayal of real life events. – John Hanlon The Normal Heart grows in poignancy as characters we’ve come to know are affected or afflicted by AIDS. – Ed Bark It’s a movie packed with sublime performances and searlingly memorable moments . – Mark Dawidziak In shocking, unflinching detail it reminds us that silence most assuredly equals death. – Al Alexander 14 Best Romantic Movies Of All Time 1. The Notebook There’s not another love story like the one in The Notebook. There just isn’t.

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The Normal Heart Reviews: Real Life Drama At Its Finest

A Lot Of Black Men Are Good Fathers But They Aren’t Promoted!: Dave Hollister Throwback Jam “One Woman Man” [Video]

While perved out R Kelly is well into his 40′s singing about “Black Panties,” us black men in solid households holding down a career, our responsibilities, and not chasing any cat that crosses our path …”DO-NOT-GET THE LIMELIGHT WE DESERVE!!” Shout out to Dave Hollister… this is grown man music here! We were sort of being tongue and cheek with our title and blurb above. But, the normal black man… is not as exciting to watch as R Jelly and his antics. Good black men do not get the stage because they do not reinforce Hollywood’s stereotype of us. youtube

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A Lot Of Black Men Are Good Fathers But They Aren’t Promoted!: Dave Hollister Throwback Jam “One Woman Man” [Video]

stepGIRL Carmen is a Cam Girl of the Day

If you follow DrunkenStepfather at all…and I am going to assume you do…because you are reading this with one hand down your pants…which would otherwise be a gay as fuck experience, but for us it’s our everyday…. You will know that we have stepGIRLS who model our shirts, take pics for us, and who are our girls we support in everyway….when we are lucky, they let us give them back massages…or they have sideline business… Well one of our recent recruits….and in my opinion…one of our best girls….happens to be a cam girl on Cam Girl On CamWithHer …..because we like when our girls moonlight getting naked… CamWithHer isn’t your normal cam site. It only features high end models that are least 9/10 that you can communicate with….it’s how we got to know Carmen in ways we never knew her before… This is a look into her amazing…amazing…busty performance….show your support, she’s part of our stepfamily…and she’s amazing… Here are some of the busty and amazing pics…. To See More of stepGIRL Carmen…. FOLLOW THIS LINK

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stepGIRL Carmen is a Cam Girl of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Forgive Each Other of the Day

So the biggest story in celebrity gossip no one cares about…or that no one should care about…but that people care about…cuz their own lives suck…is that Lindsay Lohan referred to a CRAZY 1 and Dina Lohan referred to as Crazy 2 got into a blowout fight, Crazy 1 called Michael Lohan or Crazy 3 was called to call the cops cuz Crazy 2 was jacked on Coke and losing her shit on Crazy 1, Crazy 2 made her limo driver lock Crazy 1 in the car so Crazy 1 did the sane thing and seeked help from Crazy 3 who she’s not supposed tto be talking to cuz she hates him….but now they are hugging because life is so hard on their spoiled brat lives and they love each other and their fight was stupid….overreacting in crisis then everything goes back to their normal which isn’t normal cuz that is what rich spoiled bra life is all about…and it’s making me so fucking horny right now. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohan Forgive Each Other of the Day

Homophobic Utah TV Station Refuses To Air New NBC Sitcom About Gay Couple Using A Surrogate!

In Utah you can have multiple wives… but if your syndicated TV show has anything to do with being Gay, it will get banned! The Utah station, KSL-TV, said it won’t broadcast New Normal when it premieres this fall. New Normal is based on a single mother’s life as she becomes a surrogate for a gay couple and ya know…that’s bad. “After viewing the pilot episode of The New Normal, we have made the decision to keep it off our fall schedule,” Jeff Simpson, CEO of KSL parent company Bonneville International, told Deseret News. “For our brand, this program simply feels inappropriate on several dimensions, especially during family viewing time.” Crude dialogue, explicit content and offensive characterizations were the main reasons why KSL-TV would not bring New Normal to air when it launches Sept. 11. Ellen Barkin isn’t taking this isht lying down either and she went to Twitter to let us all know how pissed off she is: Conservative group One Million Moms also had their own opinion of the new show: NBC is using public airwaves to continue to subject families to the decay of morals and values, and the sanctity of marriage in attempting to redefine marriage,” the group said at the time. “These things are harmful to our society, and this program is damaging to our culture.” Source Images via WENN/Twitter Continue reading

Pray – Justin Bieber (Lyric Video)

First ever lyric video. I just really like this song(: I don’t own anything. Copyright infringement not intended. http://www.youtube.com/v/HYqvCLe3Hx0?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more here: Pray – Justin Bieber (Lyric Video)

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Pray – Justin Bieber (Lyric Video)

Justin Bieber: New Album "Under The Mistletoe" Cover sneak peak!

“This is not your normal Christmas album.” -Justin Bieber via Twitter This is the album cover, for his christmas album coming out I think November 1st, 2011 Everyone, PLEASE go subscribe to this channel!!! – www.youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/v/6IOMebCVKjs?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more from the original source: Justin Bieber: New Album “Under The Mistletoe” Cover sneak peak!

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Justin Bieber: New Album "Under The Mistletoe" Cover sneak peak!