Tag Archives: everything-goes

Hilaria Baldwin’s Titties Babyless Weirdness of the DAy

In case you don’t know who Hilaria Baldwin is, she’s the Yoga Instructer who got impregnated by Alec Baldwin, who I guess she offered flexibility that he just wanted to fuck, or maybe she offered him some spirituality, or refreshing outlook on life, to feed his psycho celebrity ego….you know the same reason Scientology exists, these lost motherfuckers looking for something different…. She’s Ireland Baldwin, lesbian with a black girl, who used to be with a guy she practically had sex with on social media, making me question her level of confused as being a celebirty kid… But it probably isn’t as confused as a celebrity wife and mom, walking around with her big pregnant tits….with an empty stroller…because weird..keeps everyone on their toes…especailly when it comes with bendy big tits…so this is a glimpse into her seduction tactics…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLIC HERE The post Hilaria Baldwin’s Titties Babyless Weirdness of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilaria Baldwin’s Titties Babyless Weirdness of the DAy

Charlie XCX Panty Flash of the Day

Charli XCX is some up and coming, not so cute, pop star, that reminds us that pop star is garbage, and unfortunately thanks to the internet, everything has become Pop… I just saw a Justin Bieber, EDM Music video by Diplo, who’s always been a pop producer, but who I remember being some underground RAVE DJ…. Because I guess, everything goes to shit, and the retard masses are clogging up everything that was once cool because they are so easy to reach now…get that lemming mind control down…win over the idiots who don’t know better…and win… I guess what I am trying to say is that nothing is cool, but panty flashes are timeless, and a good marketing tool, so bottom feed and keep bottom feeding Charli XCX….this is the right way to do it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlie XCX Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlie XCX Panty Flash of the Day

Are Baddie Bey And Hubby Hov Currently Cooking Up Baby #2 Via Surrogate?

Beyonce And Jay Z Rumored To Be Pregnant Via Surrogate Is Blue Ivy about to be a big sister ? Rumor has it (yet again) that Beyonce and Jay Z are expecting their second child…but this time the buzz is that she’s using a surrogate and planning to be very upfront about the process. As an inside source close to the Carters revealed to InTouch Weekly : “[Jay Z and Beyonce] are in the process of having a baby through a surrogate.” “They were trying for several months, but Beyoncé was having trouble. She was scared about another high-risk pregnancy, so surrogacy became the best decision for them.” “They didn’t want to take any more risks, so after all the ironclad legal documents were drawn up, it took them about two months to find the perfect woman to carry their child.” So why haven’t we heard anything from Beyonce’s own lips on the matter? “The surrogate is still in the early stages of the pregnancy, so they have yet to announce it to the public.” The source goes on to say the the Carter’s rumored marital issues really had Jay pushing for Bey to give Blue a sibling, so they could tighten their bond as a family and as a couple. “Jay’s been pushing Beyoncé into having another baby to bring them closer together, but he’s also been very protective of her and didn’t want her to take any chances. He wants to make sure everything goes smoothly.” Hmmm…the Carters seem slightly more careful than to have people in their circle that would blab their business this way, so we’re taking this news with a HEFTY grain of salt. Bey managed to drop an entire album and 16 videos without anyone being aware — we’d think that if this were true she’d be able to keep things under wraps until SHE made the announcement.

Are Baddie Bey And Hubby Hov Currently Cooking Up Baby #2 Via Surrogate?

Old Navy Presents: Cheermageddon (Sponsored Post)

Old Navy is launching Cheermageddon – the most epically friendly Black Friday ever. On November 23 at midnight, everything goes on sale. Don’t believe us? Then watch this video featuring George Takei singing his rendition of “I Don’t Want to Miss a Deal.” Visit http://www.cheermageddon.com for all the details.

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Old Navy Presents: Cheermageddon (Sponsored Post)

Some Topless Model Named Kristina Tsvetkova Shot by John Ciamillo of the Day

I have no idea when this photoshoot was shot….I just know it involves some 22 year old topless chick with a Russian sounding name…topless…and really who she is and what she does doesn’t matter…she’s interchangeable like all the communist escapees girls who have turned to the sex trade, only instead of paying them by the hour to let you fuck them in your penthouse apartment as her KGB pimp waits in a town car outside….she charges you by the day to take pics of her topless….and then she fucks you in your penthouse apartment for free…and the whole thing is quite fucking lovely…but not as lovely as her tits in this shoot…and who knows…maybe she did it for free

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Some Topless Model Named Kristina Tsvetkova Shot by John Ciamillo of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Forgive Each Other of the Day

So the biggest story in celebrity gossip no one cares about…or that no one should care about…but that people care about…cuz their own lives suck…is that Lindsay Lohan referred to a CRAZY 1 and Dina Lohan referred to as Crazy 2 got into a blowout fight, Crazy 1 called Michael Lohan or Crazy 3 was called to call the cops cuz Crazy 2 was jacked on Coke and losing her shit on Crazy 1, Crazy 2 made her limo driver lock Crazy 1 in the car so Crazy 1 did the sane thing and seeked help from Crazy 3 who she’s not supposed tto be talking to cuz she hates him….but now they are hugging because life is so hard on their spoiled brat lives and they love each other and their fight was stupid….overreacting in crisis then everything goes back to their normal which isn’t normal cuz that is what rich spoiled bra life is all about…and it’s making me so fucking horny right now. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lindsay Lohan Forgive Each Other of the Day

Madonna new boyfriend Brahim Zaibat picture

Brahim Zaibat, who has been dating the 52-year-old singer Madonna for several months, claims he is comfortable romancing one of the world#39;s most famous women and says being in the spotlight hasn#39;t changed him. Singer Madonna#39;s new boyfriend, dancer Brahim Zaibat, has opened up about his romance with the singer, saying he likes to be in control. “My life did not really change, I am still the same person, I am not the jealous kind. As long as I feel I am in control, everything goes smoo

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Madonna new boyfriend Brahim Zaibat picture