Tag Archives: offer-the-world

Police Fear Naked Spanking Man and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Pisses in the Fountain Sex Swing Fail Toronto Stabbing… Flies Fucking Nanny VS Baby – WAHT Woman VS PTSD Dog Russian Car of the Day Man Steals Lobster from Store The post Police Fear Naked Spanking Man and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Police Fear Naked Spanking Man and Other Videos of the Day

Alexis Ren’s Cultural Journey to Japan of the Day

I guess some rich people, or some Japanese brand, or some sugar daddy has booked Alexis Ren a first class ticket to Tokyo to do some very important marketing campaigns, because Japan like white American in their ads, especially when they are so popular even before their bolt on tits… I don’t really follow what Alexis Ren’s journey is, I just think the content that she produces is so basic, shameless, like all these instagrammers, them half naked in some nice or expensive place, like I fucking care to see them anywhere…. All these uneducated fucks with nothing to offer the world but promo modeling / glamour modeling…no skills, no substance, no thoughtfulness, or provocative or edgy things that make us think, or that improve or inspire.. It’s just gross, gluttony, excess, just mooching off the system and not even doing anything of purpose in life….she’s a titty entity who lives and gets clicks…in her own bubble of consumption….vile fucking humans… She’s just tits half naked, mindless fucking clickbait bottom feeding shit people are into.. It’d be a good time for a North Korean Bomb to hit wherever the fuck this bitch is standing…rid the world of another vapid twat living the sex worker life pretending to not be a sex worker.. I don’t know why I am so offended by her doing a porny fetish pic in Toyok sucking a lollipop with her blowjob eyes, doing some Japanese porno fucking moves…I really don’t know why I hate this shit so much…you know her posing shamelessly doing this in the middle of the street unaware of what’s around her – for an IG pic… It’s fucking awful to me on all levels, except the porn level, which a decent level, if the girl is getting paid porn rates, not relevant mainstream models who tricked the system rates…. YOU KNOW…know your worth or get paid your actual worth…why inflate this shit to be more than just porn shit…makes no sense to me…what makes less sense is that I know who the fuck this bitch is… But at least she’s skinny behind all that face injection… Videos…sure… The post Alexis Ren’s Cultural Journey to Japan of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Alexis Ren’s Cultural Journey to Japan of the Day

Hanne is a Nude Model of the Day

Her name is Hanne. I appreciate her. Not because I know anything about her, but because she’s naked for photos for no real reason…and that alone is a valuable asset to have as a woman trying to make it in the world…at least a valuable asset for me to appreciate a girl at her core of who she is, her talents and skills and what she has to offer the world…right… The post Hanne is a Nude Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hanne is a Nude Model of the Day

Rita Ora’s Bra Performance of the Day

I spend my days calling famous, sometimes rich, most of the time overrated girls hookers and/or whores and/or sluts who offer the world nothing but bad jerk off material.. You know, puppets used to sell product, songs, content…who are so keen on being famous that it has absorbed anything attractive about them….and forced me to see all their groupie flaws…because as I said yesterday…famous people are really just fucking groupies who want this so bad. Very rarely are they natural talent who it just comes to…it takes work and sex with the right people…to stand out from the group…because all they want is that fame they’ve seen in magazines…and there’s some serious issues with this insane need for people to like her… There is no way that this Rita Ora character didn’t watch Rihanna and say “I can do that”…and did everything she could to do that…and really miss the mark in most ways..but still hit the mark in some ways…because people know who she is…in part from flashing her tit…but also because some of the dudes she’s fucked put her in popular songs…making her think she matters…all so really wanted I imagine.. So she keeps up her antics, wearing see through shirt, but not good enough see through shirts, to really get people exciting…but I guess not good enough can be applied to everything this cunt does… TO SEE MORE PICS OF RITA ORA’S BRA PERFORMANCE (why?) CLICK HERE The post Rita Ora’s Bra Performance of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora’s Bra Performance of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne Christmas Video of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne are attention seekers. They position themselves to be as relevant as possible by associating themselves with the right people, or working with the right people or even by doing any and all stunts they can for the media to talk about them….which is probably why they are together in this Christamas video for THE LOVE MAGAZINE ADVENT CALENDAR ….that is actually Christmas themed…but that lacks sex appeal…unless of course having your headlights on these idiots is porn to you..knowing you could run them over and end them….something that probably should have happened in this video…but that didnt’…fascinating…

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Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne Christmas Video of the Day

Some More Rihanna Christmas Bikini Pics of the Day

Rihanna is back in her home country, visiting her garbage man father, reliving her shanty youth, where she managed to break free thanks to some creepy pervert British song writing who felt she had something to offer the world…and that would in turn make her money…because historically…girls on islands, even when they are hookers or sex workers, never make 100,000,000 dollars a year…there’s a scam or story behind this girl…that we’ll never know…and here she is in a bikini…

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Some More Rihanna Christmas Bikini Pics of the Day

Cameron Russell for Vogue Mexico of the Day

The highlight of Cameron Russell’s career was being born to the founder of Buzzcar, founder of ZipCar and being very fucking rich…and connected… She was raised by intelligent people…only to use her access to become a model…even though she could offer the world more than just modelling because modelling is some vapid brainless bullshit…but I guess this modelling shit is just a means to an end…take the money that you can…because it is an easy way to make money… Here’s her rant about being superficial…doing Ted….cuz she’s so smart…when she might as just stick to modelling….because she looks good and I prefer looking at her….that listening to her…. And here is some random….shoot she did for Vogue Mexico…

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Cameron Russell for Vogue Mexico of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Bikini Selfie of the Day

The bad thing about being in Miami is knowing that Lindsay Lohan is here, in her bikini, because I love Lindsay Lohan and all she has to offer the world… But the other thing about Lindsay Lohan, in her bikini, barely showing off that bod as she’s suffocating her tits, with some dude I guess she’s fucking, let’s call him number 1478, because when it comes to Lohan’s vagina, shit is like a factory turnstile, just counting to see how many people have rolled through….I want to be 1479. The last and most important bad thing about Lohan in her bikini, is not the smell, but rather seeing her on her phone, intentionally ignoring me, hiding from me, acting too cool for me and hurting my feelings…because all it would take is two minutes of her time to set up a little cuddle session for old times… Lohan, we are in the same city, I feel your presence…the connected at the soul force is too much and it’s glorious…no wait..that’s just my hangover dripping down my leg… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Lindsay Lohan Bikini Selfie of the Day

Ashley Benson’s Slutty Photoshoot Continues of the Day

Ashley Benson is still milking this bad girl, Spring Breakers bullshit, because it is the only thing that put her on the fucking map….only this time she’s doing it for fashion magazine Nylon, that at one point in time was edgy, kinda like Harmony Korine…but I am sure this bitch doesn’t know that…She’s just milking the candy-coated, corporate and commercial version of those things, now that they have one thing in mind and that’s monetization…it’s the key to ruining anything that had anything good to offer the world…but at least they have her simulating sucking dick, even if this kind of behavior, as Miley always reminds us, is the new Disney behavior…thanks to people like Lohan who have made DUI’s and drug addictions the norm….and I’m not complaining, because the more sluts the merrier…I mean get them in when they are young, make crotchless panties the new top 40 and sign me the fuck up…

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Ashley Benson’s Slutty Photoshoot Continues of the Day

Olivia Garson for Passionata Lingerie of the Day

Olivia Garson is some UK model, in bikinis for Passionata Swimwear, a bikini line that has used people like Bar Rafaeli before her..and like bikini models before her, she’s tall, busty and looks good in a bikini…shocking, I know…it’s kinda the whole fucking point of her…you know her life work, all she reallyh has to offer the world, I mean it doesn’t matter if she’s got personality or not…it all starts and ends with them tits…

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Olivia Garson for Passionata Lingerie of the Day