Gee…what a shocker. Well no wonder he thinks he’s well within his right to shoot and kill unarmed Black kids…he’s been at this for a while. The entire police force he served on before Ferguson, MO was FIRED by the city for their racist practices and use of excessive force. Via NYDN : The white cop who killed unarmed black teen Michael Brown on Aug. 9 was once part of a Missouri police force that was disbanded over racial tensions in the community it served. Officer Darren Wilson was a member of the 45-employee Jennings, Mo., Police Department that was fired by its city council in 2011 and replaced by St. Louis County Police, the Washington Post reported. Wilson, 28, didn’t rack up any disciplinary issues during his tenure in Jennings, but the nearly all-white police force came under fire for its poor relations with the predominantly black community. “The straw that broke the camel’s back — an officer shot at a (black) female,” Rodney Epps, a Jennings city council member, told the newspaper. “She was stopped for a traffic violation. She had a child in the back (of the) car and was probably worried about getting locked up. And this officer chased her down Highway 70, past city limits, and took a shot at her. Just ridiculous,” Epps said. A black Jennings resident, Cassandra Fuller, said cops beat her in 2009 on her front porch after she joked about a car that crashed into her van in front of her house. “It’s like a horror story in my mind,” she said. “I never thought police would pull me off my porch and beat me to the ground, for just laughing,” said Fuller, who sued the department. Wilson, who was raised in Texas, was among the officers given the chance to reapply for their jobs, but he left Jennings for the nearby Ferguson Police Department. Of course he faced no disciplinary action while on that old force…he damn sure hasn’t faced any now after killing a child. There’s no telling what else he took part in in Jennings before taking his radical force and racist attitudes to Ferguson. SMH.
See the original post:
Surprise, Surprise: Darren Wilson Was Once An Officer On A Police Force Disbanded For Being Racist